Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1806: Unprecedented crisis

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Chapter 1806 Unprecedented Crisis

The Xi Mo Buddha subject is amazing.

In a few words, all the attention points of the entire first ring of the Buddhist nation attracted the past.

Even the head of the battle **** and the old monk Puguang also looked up at the Lord of the West Desert.

Want to know the sacred genius in his mouth!

Seeing this, Ximo Buddha smiled with satisfaction.

Then a fierce glance swept away from the Emperor Yuhua, raised his finger to Cheng Feng standing on the west side of Qianfo Temple.

"You, the peerless genius who emerged from the feathered **** is this man!"

Wow ~~~

The voice of the Lord of the West Desert has just fallen.

The huge Temple of the Thousand Buddhas directly fry the pot.

Countless people's eyes turned to Cheng Feng, full of shock.

Because the news is so amazing, if true, it will rewrite history.

Because there has never been a warrior at the pinnacle of broken territory since ancient times, and the combat power can reach such a level.

Even the Heavenly Burial Emperor of the Xeon, 170,000 years ago, did not reach such a height!

"Ximu Buddha Lord, you are talking nonsense!"

Seeing the spearhead of the Lord of the West Desert pointing at Cheng Feng, this caused the emperor of the feathered **** to jump wildly.

Almost out of an instinct, he immediately retorted: "How can this golden armored man be a little warrior at the peak of the broken state?"

"You can't be blind if you are us?"

"God Emperor, what are you doing so fast?"

The Lord Buddha of the West Desert was confident and said lightly: "This Buddha will speak with facts and convince you to take it orally."

"Huh, I see how you reverse black and white."

The Emperor Yuhua took a deep breath and calmed down some of the disorder.

As for the Lord of the West Desert, his eyes swept between Cheng Feng and the head of the God of War.

Aloud: "As we all know, War Warrior has a body armor made of red and yellow fire gold."

"This armor is not high-level, but it was worn by war devil until it was defeated by the burial emperor, and it was not taken off."

"Ten thousands of years ago, the body of the war devil who was suppressed in the six terrible lands of the earth dome appeared loose."

"There is a sign of breaking the seal and coming out of difficulty."

"Fortunately, this Buddha arrived, built the West Desert Buddha Country, and re-seal the main war demon head."

"The killing intention of the war devil was strangled in the cradle."

"But in fact, the war demon planned the layout at that time, sending the six major parts of the war demon armor that he was wearing close to him, and sent them out of the suppression.

"Using the War Demon Armor as a guide, search for and cultivate the talented warriors on the earth dome to help him escape."

"For tens of thousands of years, there have been countless talented disciples cultivated by war demons, but no one has reached the point where he can help him out of difficulties."

"Until recent years, in Qianlong County, the emergence of a young man named Cheng Feng, gave him hope of getting out of trouble."

"And the mysterious strong man wearing gold armor in front of us is the genius Cheng Feng, the peerless genius!"

Lord Ximo Buddha threw a giant bomb.

All the words came to an end, and everyone's head was stunned and stunned.

"What? Cheng Feng?"

Someone was shocked and whispered: "This mysterious strong man wearing a gold armor is actually the first day of Cheng Feng's emergence?"

"This is ... too incredible !?"

Really surprised!

For Cheng Feng's name, everyone still heard a little.

Knowing the opponent's natural talents, the combat power is outstanding.

But no matter how strong and perverted, it will not be able to block eighteen old monks such as Pu Guang, plus the joint attack of Pu Yuan monk!

You know, eighteen old monks such as Pu Guang joined forces, and their combat power is comparable to that of the seventh-highest-ranked powerhouse in the sky.

As for the monk Pu Yuan, it is even more amazing!

However, a statue of Qi Luo extreme Luohan body has existed.

A young junior in Cheng Feng, how can He De fight against such a strong person without falling into the wind?

Obviously violates the normal truth, few people believe!

However, some people who knew a little inside believed it.

For example, the old monks of Puguang and the monks of Puyuan, such as the Great Emperor of the Elephant, the Emperor of the Apocalypse, and the Emperor of the Deserted Heaven.

As for the Emperor God of Emperor, Emperor of All Demon Gods, and Empress Dowager, it has been known for a long time that the person with gold armor is Cheng Feng.

At this moment, hearing the final confirmation of the Lord of the West Desert, his eyelids jumped wildly.

Knowing that Cheng Feng is in trouble, if it is not handled well, there may even be life threatening!

Therefore, the Emperor Yuhua immediately retorted: "Ximu Buddha Lord, are you kidding me?"

"At this moment, Cheng Feng is working hard at the retreat of my imperial palace, making final preparations for the upcoming battle for the fruits of the world."

"You're so nonsense, don't you blush?"

"Well, Emperor Yuhua makes sense."

Wan Mo Shen Huang interjected: "If Cheng Feng really has such strength, the Emperor Yuhua will surely hide it in the snow and block all kinds of news from leaking."

"Under this way, can the fruit suddenly burst after the heaven and earth fruit matures, and the fruit will be contained in it."

"So the emperor thought that the Lord of the West Desert was simply talking nonsense."

"The only purpose is to confuse audiovisual and push our attention to Cheng Feng."

"This will allow him to go smoothly and successfully, and he will succeed the peerless spirit boy."

"By then, the fruits of heaven and earth will be in his pocket!"

The words of Emperor Yuhua and Emperor Wan Mo Shen pulled everyone's thoughts back.

Let everyone no longer believe so, the person with the gold armor is Cheng Feng.

However, the Lord of the West Moss had already prepared.

Lightly: "The two people cover up so deliberately, it doesn't make any sense."

"Because as long as you inquire, you can know that the War Demon Armor was obtained by Cheng Feng."

"And the set of armor worn by those with gold armor is exactly the Warmonger."

At this point, the Lord of the West Desert continued: "In addition, Cheng Feng is from the Blade Tower of Qianlong College, the pilgrimage site of the Feathered God."

"The main sword of that sword tower peak is the only one, which was passed down by the ancient knife master Di Cang and passed on to Cheng Feng."

"And the sword technique that the person with the golden armor just cast is the strongest sword technique of Emperor Cang sword."

"In this case, who is not Cheng Feng who is the gold armor?"

As soon as the Ximo Lord said this, the Emperor Yuhua and the Emperor of the Demon God were silent.

Because this is an iron fact, they cannot refute it.

This made everyone on the scene begin to believe that the person with the gold armor was Cheng Feng.

Let Cheng Feng stand up with sweat and fur, a sense of crisis that cannot be turned away, and swallow him up!

"This time, I'm in trouble!"

Cheng Feng slashed the magic sword and whispered, "The West Moss Lord Buddha's tricks are so superb, he directly directs all concerns to me."

"If you don't respond well, you will leave your life here!"

Cheng Feng did not exaggerate at all.

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