Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1810: Run away

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Chapter 1801 Escape

"My God, the first punch hit the man in gold armor!"

"That man can be so powerful. He once fought against Pu Guang and Uncle Pu Yuan."

"But in the first hand, there is no way to stop it!"

"The strength of the first seat is really scary!"

Seeing the first shot of the war monk punching Fei Chengfeng, all the monks in the first ring of the Ximo Buddhist Kingdom were all dead.

The monstrous strength of the war monk was shocked to the extreme.

Not only ordinary monks, but eighteen old monks such as Puguang, as well as emperor possessors such as Feathered Emperor, were also shocked.

"That Cheng Feng will not be killed by the first blow of the monk?"

"Well, it should be dead!"

"The first punch of the war monk has already exceeded the limit of the earth dome continent. The peerless powerhouse will also be killed on the spot."

The emperors and kings had a lot of discussions, and they all felt that Cheng Feng was definitely dead under the fist of the war monk.

However, Emperor Huangtian has different opinions.

"You guys, you may underestimate Cheng Feng."

Emperor Huangtian said: "Cheng Feng wears the armor of God of War. That armor is very defensive, although it does not reach the level of the sacred weapon."

"But only in terms of defense, it has reached the level of the holy weapon."

"With the protection of this armor, Cheng Feng may not die, maybe a bit angry."

"Oh? Then I'll let round fight, and give that kid another punch."

Hearing the words, the Lord of the West Mo said ruthlessly: "Let that kid, completely die out!"

However, when the Lord of the West Desert ordered it, the God of War exploded.

I saw him rushing down the broken hole in the sky ~~~

Absorbed a large amount of heaven and earth vitality into his mouth.

Raised his strength quickly.

The next moment, on top of his hands that he had been able to form, a shot of Fangtian Huaji with a length of four or five meters was suddenly condensed.

Hum! The fierce threw up and swept past the first seat of the war monk.

Forced the war monk to concentrate on blocking.

Thus missed the best moment for Cheng Feng!

Let Ximo Buddha's face gloomy.

"Lord, let me go."

At this moment, the monk Pu Yuan stepped forward: "That Cheng Feng took his first punch, and he would be seriously injured if he didn't die."

"With my strength, enough to kill him!"

The monk Puyuan layered the seven-ranked extreme Luohan body layer by layer, which can be called the strongest under the emperor.

With his shot, Cheng Feng was very dangerous.

"Well, go."

The Lord of Ximo Buddha nodded: "Must be Cheng Feng's kid and return to the West!"

The monk Pu Yuan held his eleven hands together, then stepped forward.

Just like having a means to shrink into inches, it disappeared quickly.

Moreover, not only Puyuan monk, but also several emperors and peerless powerhouses who had previously gone to the Temple of War Sages, and now they are catching up.

Cheng Feng, the biggest competitor of the fruits of the world, is going to be completely killed in the cradle.

As for the peerless spirit boy of the Ximo Buddha Kingdom, at this moment it has reached its end, and it is too late to stop it.

What's more, who has the first war monk, who dares to do it?

The possessor of the Emperor of the Heavenly Kingdom did not dare to act arrogantly, unless the real avatar of the Heavenly Emperor God arrived.


At the same time, the West Desert Buddha Country was empty.

嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

Cheng Feng flew in the next push without a punch.

During the crash, I did not know how many mountains and rivers, and even broke the three Buddha rings.

It flew for more than nine thousand miles, and eventually crashed into a continuous mountain range before stopping.

The warriors who scared the second, third, and fourth rings of the West Moss Buddha Kingdom were throbbing with the monks, and they were sweating!

"My God, what just happened?"

"A fist blasted a man in gold armor and knocked down several Buddha rings?"

"It is important to know that every ring of Buddha can withstand the full blow of the peerless powerhouse."

"But the boxing force was pushed all the way, destroying it ... what kind of strength is that?"

Countless people are as dumb as chickens, asking all kinds of questions.

But no one can give them the answer.

Some people originally wanted to follow up and watch, but didn't wait for them to follow up.

In the sky, a middle-aged monk stepped forward.

The body was mighty, and the seven haloes in his head flickered, and the seventh halo was extremely bright.

Obviously a strong man who has become the body of Qipin Extreme Luohan.

They scared those people to a standstill and didn't dare to approach half a step.

However, this is just the beginning.

Then, seven other peerless powerhouses flew out in succession, all of them were aggressive, chasing away along the direction of fist push.

Eighty-nine out of ten is to completely end the man in the golden armor who was bombarded by boxing.

Let everyone's thoughts float and speculate one after another who is sacred in that golden armor?

How did it startle so many peerless hunters? It's so scary!

As everyone knows, they want to see the person in the golden armor of Zhenrong, and at this moment the whole person crashed into a rolling mountain.

Hundreds of miles were directly trapped, the rolling rocks fell down, and they were completely buried in the mountain.

"Good! The first attack of the Monk is really strong!"

Deep in the mountains, Cheng Feng stabilized his body and was shocked and whispered: "If I am not wearing the War God armor, if the War God armor has not been promoted to the semi-holy artifact limit, I will definitely be killed by his punch!

"The extreme existence of the eight-pin Luohan body is indeed well-deserved!"

The first punch of the war monk was indeed a bit scary.

Although there was the defense of the War God armor, and the boxing energy was poured into the body, he made the fifth turn of the Tianlong Golden Body in time.

Cheng Feng was also severely injured. The major meridians and tendons in his body broke at least 100.

The internal organs were severely broken, and the coughed blood carried black fragments.

The whole body's bones are a bit misplaced, the hand bone holding the knife is severely fractured, and it hurts when you move.

However, Cheng Feng did not rest in the mountains.

I saw him cast a shadow-shaped method of barry, 唰 ~~~

In an instant, he appeared outside the collapsed mountain.

Afterwards, I covered my bones and beeped ~~~

The misaligned bones were all corrected.

Then the spirits rushed, took out a lot of the best healing elixir on the body, and did not go to look closely, all poured into his mouth.

Slightly chewed and swallowed.

Let the medicine flow to the injured internal organs, limbs, and major meridians.

Hemostatic and repair the injured area.

"My identity has been revealed."

As Cheng Feng healed, he thought: "In this case, the Emperor of the Nine Great Gods, except for the Emperor Feather, is afraid that they all want me to die!"

"So I must leave immediately and not give them the opportunity to make up for the knife."

"Especially in the first seat of the Monk of War, if you give me a few more punches, it will definitely die!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng identified the position slightly, and directly exhibited the shadow-shaped method.

Huh! The whole person suddenly disappeared.

And Cheng Feng didn't leave long, and an old monk stepped in, and it was Puyuan monk.

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