Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1812: Apocalyptic Evil Emperor

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Chapter 1812 Apocalypse Evil Emperor

The finger shot by Puyuan Monk is different from the previous fingering.

The fingers shot out, and the void seemed to melt like snow when it was burning.

When this finger hits the void in front of Cheng Feng, all the void channels in that area are ablated.

As a result, Cheng Feng's thousands of miles in the shape of a direct failure on the spot.

The whole person fell out of the void.

The monk Pu Yuan had already lost his time, at the moment Cheng Feng had just fallen out of the void.

Boom boom!

Several punches were made towards Cheng Feng.

Each punch of the monk Pu Yuan is very amazing, and he can easily hit a sixth strongest man.

At this time, Cheng Feng was distracted due to the surprise attack and could not care about defense at all.

Immediately being hit by these punches, he hit the back firmly.

He was beaten on the spot and slammed forward.

The dozen or so veins that had just been connected to his body immediately collapsed again, causing Cheng Feng's brow to wrinkle.

What's more troublesome is that Pu Yuan's punches are mixed with the power of death.

As the boxing energy penetrated the armor of the war god, it exploded on Cheng Feng's back.

Immediately on Cheng Feng's back, four or five fist-sized pits were corrupted.

All the flesh and blood in the pit died, and there was no activity at all. The skin stuck to the bone like dead skin, making people creepy!

"This Puyuan monk is indeed a monk who has formed a seven-pin extreme Luohan. He is very capable."

During the flight, Cheng Fengfei accelerated abruptly, and at the same time he secretly said: "Its attack power can penetrate the defense of the God of War armor and hurt me.

"Long-term accumulation will definitely cause serious injuries and even fatalities!"

"And the people pursuing me are not just the monks of Pu Yuan."

"There are at least five or six strong players in the back, and they are coming quickly, and their strength is not much worse than Puyuan."

"Once joined together, I am definitely not an opponent, maybe I will be left here forever!"

Cheng Feng had already guessed that this trip would be very dangerous when he came to the country of Ximo Buddha to unseal the head of the war god.

But I didn't expect it would be so dangerous.

Consecutively besieged by several seventh ascendants of the ultimate strength, the vitality is slim.

Peakless is a master of unbelief, surrounded by crisis, but maintains absolute calmness.

Promote the step to the extreme, with the power of being bombarded by the monk Pu Yuan, fly forward hundreds of miles.

However, at this distance, it is impossible to escape the attack of the monk Pu Yuan.

After a wave of boxing attacks, he changed his attack methods again.

A pair of feet were lifted, and the rolling fodder rolled on the feet.

Boom boom ~~~

The next moment, a note of strength like Dayue, towards the direction of Cheng Feng, bombed the past in madness.

There is a taste of Cheng Feng kicking in the void.

"Di Cang sword, cut!"

After being attacked one after another, Cheng Feng's anger came up.

In the midst of a swift flight, the Devil Sword arrogantly held up, attracting the power of 268 stars in the sky.

Stabbing ~~~

Severely cut out.

The blade of light was terrifying, and it directly cut down the sky, cutting all the kicks to the kick.

It's like dying, smashing all the feet, leaving the void clear.

However, at the same time, Cheng Feng's arms holding the knife also caused severe pain.

The condition of bone fractures is a little more serious, like acupuncture.

"This Cheng Feng is a bit scary!"

The power of attracting two hundred and sixty-eight stars is really amazing: "If this son really is like the Lord Buddha said, it is still the highest level of fragmentation."

"Their achievements in the future are simply limitless."

"If you don't die, a brave and enterprising might become the second emperor of burial!"

"Pu Yuan, you look at Cheng Feng too much."

At this moment, a fierce voice came: "This boy, it is impossible to bury the emperor on shoulders."

"Because he is going to die in the hands of this emperor!"

With this sound, a dark mist suddenly radiated from a distance.

When he arrived, a young man in a red suit walked out of it.

"It turned out to be His Majesty Apocalypse."

Seeing the young man in red, Pu Yuan folded his hands together and said, "Cheng Feng is very difficult to entangle this son. The little monk has been dealing with him for a long time.

"Perhaps the Majesty the Emperor will be able to suppress this child!"

"Benedict shot and never left alive."

The youth in red is very murderous: "Cheng Feng meets the emperor, that is his hit!"

The words stopped, and the young man in red wore the red clothes on his body.

The whole person suddenly turned into a cloud of black mist, and flew towards Cheng Feng.

The monk Pu Yuan met, his eyes flashed slightly.

Buddhism in the body spewed a lot, and after the Emperor Tianqi, he chased after Cheng Feng.

Not only that, after the arrival of the Emperor Apocalypse, four arrogant martial spirits arrived.

Soon it turned into three men and one woman.

The three men and one woman each had seven haloes flickering behind them. It was the four peerless powerhouses who had arrived with the first emperor's possessions and reached the first ring of the Ximo Buddhist kingdom.

After Cheng Feng was beaten by the first blow of the war monk, the four men chased along with the Emperor Tianqi.

To Cheng Feng, completely kill the Ximo Buddha country!

"Cheng Feng's kid is really scary."

Of the four, the only female spoke: "Not only did he carry the pinnacle of the first monk of the war monk, but he was still pursued by the monk Pu Yuan."

"It's unbelievable like evil!"

"Cheng Feng is indeed unusual, and we must kill it this time."

The other three said: "Otherwise, it will become a confidant!"

While talking, the killing intentions of the four people rose.

The next moment, they rushed towards the direction where Cheng Feng fled.


At the same time, hundreds of miles away.

After Feng Feng pushed Puyuan monk back in one stroke, he flew out not long.


A black mist gushes.

Like a **** python, when he reached the side of Cheng Feng, he swept wildly.

Cheng Feng should be drawn into the black mist and twisted into powder!

"Get away from me!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng sighed and slashed directly.

The black mist that swept through it was cut in half on the spot.

However, the adhesion of that black mist is extremely strong.

It was just chopped off by Cheng Feng, tossed a little, and the break was reconnected.

No difference from before.

With a bang, Cheng Feng was drawn into the black mist.

"What is this dark mist? It has the power to corrupt the body and disturb the mind!"

After being drawn into the black mist, Cheng Feng seemed to have come to a black ocean.

The things that caught my eyes were all dark.

Just like falling into the void sea, the sense of direction disappeared instantly, and I didn't know where I was.

I don't even know where I should go.

Even if you open the eyes of the God of Fortune, you can only see objects 100 meters away from the front, and you cannot determine the orientation.

As a last resort, Cheng Feng could only stop.

Holding the Devil Sword to stand up, a pair of eyes glanced in all directions to guard against possible crisis!

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