Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1839: Qualitative change

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Chapter 183: Qualitative Change of Divine Power

"Cheng Feng, that's not the case."

While Cheng Feng was puzzled, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "You know, attacking others and pulling them into the water and being bombarded by the sky robbery is a means of speculation.

"Although Tiandao is slow and rigid, it can still discern such speculation."

"At this moment, it is countering your speculation."

"Once you're speculating frequently, I'm afraid it will fail next time."

"Tiandao counters me?"

After listening to Nalan's words, Cheng Feng suddenly realized, "It's very possible."

"Otherwise, the warriors in the sky will be invincible."

"This kind of thing, Tiandao will never allow it!"

Tiandao is the consciousness of the earth dome and continent, and it is also a rule that is more rigid and procedural.

But stereotypes do not represent heavenly idiots.

For many speculations, it can all be sensed and then countered accordingly.

Cheng Feng was countered by Tiandao at this moment, and he was not allowed to continue to use the rules to drill holes.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't speculate!"

After knowing the inside story, Cheng Feng secretly said, "As long as I can successfully survive the six heavy disasters, I will really set foot on the sixth."

"Only by your own cultivation is enough to defeat the sword emperor and others!"

"By then, even if the first monk and the sword emperor came close, I would have no fear!"

"However, before that, I will kill the magnificent and the possessor of the Apocalypse!"

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng's eyes swept away from those who escaped the peerless powerhouse.

Finally, he stayed on Mo Xiong, a big man, and the possessor of the Apocalypse.

I saw the two at this time, being on the alert of God to resist the bombardment of the calamity, and dare not be distracted at all.

"Is Mo Xiong? I'll take you first!"

Cheng Feng's eyes locked on Mo Xiong.

After staring at Mo Xiong, Cheng Feng's sword in his hand was lifted, and the fifth style of Emperor Cangdao was used to cut the thunder, howling wind, poisonous fire, and robbery from the blast!

The quarantine of the Four Heavens was actually stubbornly chopped to a halt in the void.

Then connect a few more knives, 嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

The second wave of bombardment by the four-day scourge was easily resolved by Cheng Feng.

As for the "Heaven Robbery" of the Fifth Heavenly Robbery, Cheng Feng was unguarded.

After exhibiting the town soul seal, condensing his own soul into a big seal, he rushed directly to Na Moxiong.

Even if the heart robbery bombarded his mind, it was only when his head sank that he was awake.

Deng Tianjing's talk about the color change of the thief, on Cheng Feng's body is the weakest, with almost no effect.

However, beware of robbery and bombardment on the big man Mo Xiong, the effect is quite different.

Suddenly Mo Xiong's eyes were dull and he was almost half a second on the spot.

For half a second, this is nothing to ordinary people.

But for Cheng Feng, it is enough to do a lot of things.

Almost at the moment of Mo Xiong's deities, 愣 ~~~

Cheng Feng suddenly appeared in front of him.

Immediately, there was nothing to say, the sword in his hand was thrown up and rubbed across Mo Xiong's neck.

The next moment, Mo Xiong's head flew up into the air.

Until his head flew to a height of 100 meters, Mo Xiong woke up from the bombardment of heart robbery.

When he found his head, it had been cut off by Cheng Feng.

A sting and fear suddenly rose, and a roar was made, trying to stop the head from flying horizontally and returning to the neck fracture.

Reattach the head using the method of regeneration of the broken limb.

Unfortunately, it's late!

Because Cheng Feng's second knife has already come out.

"Do not!!"

In the face of Cheng Feng's knife, Mo Xiong had no time to make a final roar.

Then, the entire head and divine thoughts were smashed by Cheng Feng on the spot!

"Grass! Mo Xiong died, died under Cheng Feng's sword!"

In the distance, when the fleeing peerless powerhouse saw Mo Xiong headshot by Cheng Feng, his face turned pale.

Escaped faster by three points, anxious to leave the million mountains in an instant.

The sword emperor was cold all over.

Because if it wasn't for him to run fast, then the person being attacked by Cheng Feng would not be Mo Xiong, but him!

However, although the sword emperor was scared, he did not panic.

After about a thousand miles away from Cheng Feng, he stopped.

He was well-informed, knowing that killing the enemy with the power of heaven is a means of speculation and cannot last long.

Cheng Feng can only be used half times at most, and then it will fail, so don't be too afraid.

Compared to the indifference of the sword emperor, the Apocalypse of the Apocalypse was a little bit flustered.

After seeing the scene of Mo Xiong's fall, he clearly knew that Cheng Feng had a very good set of bombardment to defend against heart robbery.

At the moment when the heart robbery is down, you can completely stop your heart from being shaken and not be shaken.

But he wouldn't do it, and he would definitely have a turbulent mood during the heart-robbing bombardment.

If Cheng Feng seizes the opportunity to kill, the consequences will be disastrous!

However, Cheng Feng ignored the apocalyptic evil emperor who had fallen into panic.

After smashing Mo Xiong's head with a stab, he took a deep breath, and the horizontal sword faced the sixth-strength sky-robbing sword from the sky to kill the domain.

This wave of sword killing territory is much stronger than the previous wave.

Power increased by more than a third, making Cheng Feng startled.

Feeling careless, you risk your life.

However, despite this, Cheng Feng did not intend to take out the armor of war, and use the strength of the armor to overcome the calamity.

Because of the calamity, this is a test and baptism for those who cross the calamity.

Only by carrying flesh and blood can we get the purest torture and temper.

Let his body, dragon power, spirits ... produce qualitative changes.

Promoted to one star, two stars ... and even six stars, and became a true sixth ascendant.

You know, when the **** of war created the armor of war god, he originally wanted to use the power of the armor to overcome the calamity.

But in the end, he did not use the armor of war, but carried it hard with his body, thus achieving his powerful strength.

Cheng Feng also has to follow the same path as the God of War, washing his body with robbers.

Either die under the sky, or become the strongest ascension warrior!

Boom boom ~~~

In the floating of thoughts, the sword killing land landed.

The terrible sword lightsaber was so violent that all the peerless powers could easily be broken.

Cheng Feng held the Devil Sword and used his strongest means to fight against that sword.

Massive demigod power in the body is consumed, and a continuous scar is added to the body.

Some scars even showed bone, and even a large opening was opened in Cheng Feng's face, blood stained the whole face.

However, Cheng Feng did not flinch.

Grab the Devil Sword in hand and continue to fight against the sword to kill the domain.

Let the power of the demigod in his body continue to be consumed and produced.

In the process of consumption and rebirth, the power of the demigod changes rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, a layer of fluorescence appeared on the power of the demigod, which was a sign of a star power.

This foreshadows that Cheng Feng officially entered Dengtian Realm and became one of the first heavy martial arts!

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