Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1887: Reach an alliance

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Chapter 187 Reaching an Alliance

The whole world is turbulent.

The younger generation is struggling and the older generation is busy.

Plan the layout one by one, thinking about how to suppress or win over Cheng Feng, so that after the fruits of the world are ripe, they will get a cup!

However, Cheng Feng ignored these.

At this time he was in Zongzong, accompanied by Gu Qingcheng, visiting some of the most beautiful spots.

"Pictures of mountains and rivers, picturesque scenery, Xi Zongguo's true name!"

Standing in front of an inverted waterfall, Cheng Feng sighed.

Some depressed mood due to the huge crisis, then relaxed.

"Cheng Feng, in fact, this is not the most beautiful place of my Zongzong."

Gu Qingcheng smiled proudly, as if flowers were in full bloom, so beautiful that it was suffocating.

She said: "My most beautiful spot is August 15th every year."

"The clouds and mist were transpiring that day, and the autumn chrysanthemums were beautiful.

"Unfortunately, it's only March and April. It's too early to be on August 15th, and you can't see the beauty!"

"Is August 15th?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "That day, I will definitely come here to watch the beautiful scenery."

"As long as I ... don't die!"

"Cheng Feng, you must not die."

Gu Qingcheng said affirmatively: "Your life is very hard, and you will certainly be able to break free from the magic claws of many powerful creatures!"

"Haha, borrow your good words."

Cheng Feng smiled freely, and then asked, "Yes, did you say you want to help me observe fate again?"

"How do I need to cooperate to see more clearly?"

"This is simple."

Gu Qingcheng said: "Just open your guard in your heart and let me enter your long river of destiny and observe as an onlooker."

"It's not a rush. It's not too late when we have dinner."

"Guests do whatever they want." Cheng Feng did not object.

Next, Gu Qingcheng accompanied Cheng Feng for a while and then came to a beautiful mountain peak.

This peak is located in the center of Daizong, with several lofts built on the top.

When Cheng Feng arrived, two people were already seated in one of the attic. It was Wang Haoran and Ruan Zixuan.

"Cheng Feng, how does my Zongzong feel?"

In the attic, when he saw Cheng Feng flying, Wang Haoran got up and laughed.

"Predecessor Wang, Zong Zong's picturesque scenery is a rare and wonderful place."

Cheng Feng entered the attic and answered with a smile.

"Haha, in this case, you can come often later."

Wang Haoran smiled and issued an invitation to Cheng Feng.

"As long as the seniors are not annoying, the younger ones will often come to stay in the future."

"Hahaha ~~~"

Wang Haoran laughed and said, "Welcome, welcome!"

In jokes, the four took their place.

Then someone gave them a delicious meal and filled a large table.

Then led by Wang Haoran, the four began to enjoy dinner.

In fact, after reaching the level of Cheng Feng, Xiu did not need to eat at all.

With just one tug, you can fill up the energy absorbed through your meal.

However, everyone still likes to eat.

Because it is not only a treat, but also a great way for the two parties to get closer.

At this moment, for example, Cheng Feng and Wang Haoran ate for a few moments, and the atmosphere changed a lot.

Then, Wang Haoran started and said, "Cheng Feng, my ethereal attitude towards you has always been peaceful and friendly."

"Not long ago, my **** dispatched to the queen to go to the million mountains to help you out of trouble."

"Following the burial of Shenhai, the old man helped you drag the eight-armed dragon and let you unseal the right leg of God of War."

"Thus, resolve the cause and effect between you and the God of War!"

"Also, I talked with Master Ruan, and I will take a shot when you encounter a catastrophe in the near future."

"Drag you for at least two creatures and reduce the crisis on you!"

"Senior Wang, Senior Ruan, thank you."

After hearing this, Cheng Feng knew that the topic was here, and said directly: "If necessary, the younger generation will go all out!"

"Cheng Feng, in fact, we have worked hard to take root in this dome continent with only one purpose."

Ruan Zixuan went straight to the topic and said, "That is the fruit that has been conceived for tens of thousands of years."

"As long as Cheng Feng can help us pick the fruits of heaven and earth, then ..."

"Senior Ruan, I'm afraid this is a bit difficult."

Cheng Feng didn't wait for Ruan Zixuan to finish speaking, and then interrupted: "Everyone wants the fruits of heaven and earth. If I help you, I'm afraid the emperor of the feathered **** will jump out and kill me first!"

Ruan Zixuan was so ambitious that she wanted to pull Cheng Feng to her side and pick the fruits of heaven and earth for her.

Unfortunately, this was her wishful thinking.

If Cheng Feng were to help her, he would definitely offend the other great powers of creation, and the first Emperor of Feathering would not agree.

Cheng Feng and her are not relatives, why should they risk helping her?

As for Ruan Zixuan's help, this is optional for Cheng Feng.

If Cheng Feng really wants to find a backer, he can go to the Emperor of Heaven, and with his great strength, he can help Cheng Feng to stop the besieging of most of the great creatures.

Too much stronger than Ruan Zixuan.

"Cheng Feng, don't rush to reject it."

Ruan Zixuan did not want to give up, and continued to say, "The fruit of heaven and earth is a creation, and it can be divided into many parts."

"We won't make you embarrassed. You just need to put a little water for my disciples of the ethereal dynasty when the heaven and earth are competing for fruit.

"Oh? If so, it would be perfectly feasible."

Cheng Feng nodded: "After the sky is opened, I will definitely help."

The misty dynasty has given Cheng Feng a lot of help, and then he has to use Gu Qingcheng's power to detect his fate.

It's okay to put some water on the misty **** disciples.

"Cheng Feng, happy."

At this time, Wang Haoran spoke: "I heard that you have a lot of hatred with the Emperor Qiqi."

"If Apocalypse kills you, the old man will contact Her Majesty and stop the evil realm of Apocalypse and the apocalypse of the Apocalypse God!"

"Okay, thank you!"

Cheng Feng held a fist.

"By the way Feng Cheng, Emperor Qixie was hidden that day."

Ruan Zixuan interjected: "Although you cut off a clone he sent to the earth dome, the trouble has not been completely resolved."

"Because as far as I know, Apocalypse sent two avatars to the earth dome continent."

"What you slain is only the weaker clone, and the other one is very powerful, which is enough to stand up to the clone of Emperor Tiantian."

"When the fruits of heaven and earth are ripe, they will definitely jump out and do something."

"Apocalypse, another clone?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng raised a brow and said coldly: "Since this is the case, I will go to the Apocalypse and God in person later."

"Troubleshoot the hidden danger of Apocalypse completely."

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