Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1894: Dao Guangyao

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Chapter 189: The Knife Shines

"Cheng Feng, what a Cheng Feng!"

Yang Qin wiped off the blood on the corner of his mouth, stared grimly at Cheng Feng, and said coldly, "You do have some strength. No wonder you can destroy a clone of the evil emperor."

"But do you think His Majesty the Evil Emperor has only this means?"

"Once Her Majesty the Evil Emperor has awakened the second clone, there is no place for you to die!"

"Hehe ~~~"

Outside of the capital, Cheng Feng sneered: "The evil Emperor Tianqi can be killed once by me and the second time."

"Even if he awakens ten avatars, I can kill him ten times until he is completely wiped out!"

"Zhang crazy!"

Yang Qin reprimanded: "The awakened avatar of Her Majesty the Emperor can be a forged body made from the body of the land demon."

"Reinforced steel, indestructible!"

"Even the Emperor of the Heavens, you must jeopardize three points!"

"It will definitely make you taste what death is like!"

"A clone made of a land monster?"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng's look was a little moved.

Di Mo He heard Naland's longevity mention it, but it is a demon of the demon world.

The top-level land demon is enough to contend with the created world.

Although the Apocalypse Emperor forged the avatar of the avatar, it is certain that the level did not reach that level.

However, the land demon is born tyrannical, and is less suppressed by the heaven.

Apocalyptic evil emperor awakens the land demon avatar, maybe it will be a little troublesome.

However, Cheng Feng only looked slightly dignified and was not scared.

Because of him at this moment, the divine mind is about to reach six stars.

At any time, you can promote cultivation to the sixth level.

Secondly, the nine-day stars were lit by him with a total of 480 stars.

Once the fifth style of Emperor Cangdao is cast, there is no fear of Emperor Huangtian coming.

The Apocalypse's land demon awakened, beheaded and killed.

Cheng Feng has this ability!

Therefore, Cheng Feng grabbed the handle of the Devil Sword and pulled it out.

The next moment, the blade pointed at Dazai Yang Qin, and said in a murderous way: "Yang Qin, come out and die!"

"Cheng Feng, are you really tired?"

Yang Qin originally thought that he had moved out of the land demons of the Apocalypse Evil Emperor, and Cheng Feng would definitely avoid three points.

Never thought that Cheng Feng had no fear, but was more lethal.

The named surname killed him, making his face somber and angry.

"Oh, I'm really tired of Cheng Feng."

Outside the capital, Cheng Feng sneered: "So, get out and kill me!"

Apocalyptic gods are shrouded in a large array of kings.

Although Cheng Feng can break it, it takes a lot of time.

So he shouted Yang Qin and wanted to provoke the other party to kill him.

Because Dazai Yang Qin controls the array of Wang Pin's formations, it can be much easier to destroy them and break them.

However, Yang Qin was frightened by Cheng Feng's attack just now.

At this moment, when I saw Cheng Feng's hand-killed magic sword, his intention to kill was several times stronger than just now. How could he dare to come out and die?

Righteous rejection on the spot: "Cheng Feng, my old man is a magnificent apocalypse, and he is facing the Dazai. How can there be a reason to fight with you?

"If you have a seed, you will fight into the gods and fight with your husband."

"If it's not seeded, get me out of Apocalypse!"

Yang Qin's remark was a bit shameless. He was obviously timid, and he did not dare to go out of Wang Pin's battle with Cheng Feng.

In his mouth, it turned out that Cheng Feng had no seeds, and was afraid to enter the battle with him.

Moreover, the evil fighters present were all with the same approval.

It's shameless to the extreme!

"Oh, since you want to fight me so much."

Outside of the gods, Cheng Feng sneered, "Well, I will complete you."

"I must have a good day with you today, never die!"

The words came to an end, Cheng Feng raised the sword of slayer, 唰 ~~~

A long knife slashes, and a slash comes out!

This knife is very powerful.

When the blade of light shone, the sky was cut into a mouth hundreds of miles long.

Massive nothingness poured in, making the world dark.

However, Daoguang cut the Apocalypse and God City, but was blocked by the light curtain formed by Wang Pin's defense array.

This made Yang Qin and others in the capital of God all breathe a sigh of relief.

Knowing that there is a large array of defenses from Wang Pin, he is extremely safe.

However, this idea has just emerged, and soon it has shaken.

Because Cheng Feng fell in one stroke, the second, the third, the fourth ... were cut out one after another.

The unbeatable swords were chopped down, layer by layer, and the huge light curtain formed by the Wang Pin array suddenly produced a violent fluctuation.

Like a bubble blown by a strong wind, it may burst at any time!

And this is just the beginning, when Cheng Feng exhibited the Emperor Cangshu, launched a bombardment of Wang Pin.

Let the light curtain covering the Apocalypse and Godhead directly deform and invade!

To the gods, countless evil martial warriors horrified and shuddered.

Even Dazai Yang Qin, and Apocalypse General Pei Yunfeng, all looked grim.

Dare not to neglect in the slightest, Yang Qin's divine power evoked into the battle of the kings of the defense of the capital.

Let the king of violent shaking shake up, and the shaking tendency is greatly reduced.

At the same time, the general Pei Yunfeng also shot, and finally calmed down the turmoil in Wang Pin's battle.

But just then.

Cheng Feng took out a purple flag.


This purple gold banner rose in the wind in Cheng Feng's hands.

When it reaches tens of thousands of meters, 咻 ~~~

Thrown by Cheng Feng, he inserted it obliquely in front of Ximen, the **** of revelation.

At that moment, the high-speed running Wang Pin was stuck directly, the defensive light curtain was dim, and the power was reduced by more than half!

"No, it's a holy magic weapon."

"This thing has a wonderful effect on cracking the matrix."

"Although the defense of our gods is a battle of kings, under the cracking of this object, I am afraid that it will not be able to resist for long!"

"This time, we are in big trouble!"

With the advent of the Zijin banner, the Apocalypse and the God of Apocalypse were upset.

The sounds of despair one after another seemed to have seen the picture of God being broken and flattened by Cheng Feng.

Even Dazai Yang Qin, general Pei Yunfeng, and deputy lord of Wuyou Zhuang all turned pale.

Immediately, he did not dare to neglect, Yang Qin took the lead in the sky and flew to Ximen, the **** of heaven.

Because Ximen was the location of the needle eye of the Wang Pin defense array, he had to protect it and prevent the power of the Zijin banner from penetrating.

In this way, Wang Pin array can keep running.

But he didn't wait for him to fly to Simon, the god.

Om ~~ Om ~~ Om ~~

Deep in the sky, one big star after another suddenly lights up.

When the number of big stars reached more than 400, all the stars fell from the sky.

Melt into the Devil Sword, stab it ~~~

Immediately, it turned into a horrible sword light, and Simon, who opened the city to the **** that day, slashed away!

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