Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1919: Another visit to Dragon City

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Chapter 1919 Revisiting Dragon City

"Master, disciples are willing to share your concerns."

At the time of the blood cloak, a soft and **** voice suddenly sounded.

Then, a stingy woman stepped out.

This woman has a bulging look and a beautiful look, and has a natural charm.

When men see him, they will be attracted to it and fall into the land of tenderness.

At this time, all the people in the Blood God Hall were cultivated to a high depth and determined to be superior.

But with the appearance of this woman, there were also a pair of eyes cast in the past, constantly walking on her body, the light glowing.

"Oh? Can you help this seat?"

Hearing the sound, a pair of blood-red eyes appeared in the blood suit, looking towards the beautiful woman.

"Teacher, disciple has some friendship with Cheng Feng."

The beautiful woman Jiao Didi said, "I'll go and communicate with Cheng Feng one or two. Presumably, Cheng Feng said something."

"Oh? That's fine."

Xueyi thoughtfully and said, "If you can convince Cheng Feng this time, if you don't hate my blood **** religion, this place is rewarding.

"After picking the fruits of heaven and earth, we will definitely take you to the blood **** realm and increase cultivation!"

"Thank you for your appreciation, your subordinates must not shame their mission!"

The beautiful woman knelt down and bowed her head. The bright eyes flashed as if reflecting Feng Cheng's appearance.


Using a mile-shaped display, Cheng Feng was very fast.

In an instant, he rushed from Qianhuang County to Qianlong County.

Then, once again, the dragon-shaped city of Qianlong County came into view.

"Dragon City ... saw this familiar city again."

Looking at Longcheng, Cheng Feng's thoughts fluctuated in his heart: "I don't know what's happening with Qingli, and I'm not used to living in Tenjin."

A few months ago, Le Qingying was taken away by the elders of the Tenjin Temple and worshipped Wuyang as the teacher.

Now several months apart, Cheng Feng couldn't help thinking.

Especially when I came to Longcheng where Le Qingying used to live, I missed more.

"Before the sky opens, I must go to Tenjin Temple and see lightness once."

Cheng Feng whispered: "So, even if I never return it, I can still leave no regrets in my heart!"

In deep contemplation, Cheng Feng has flew to the center of Longcheng, the area where Yaowang Pavilion is located.

I saw a long line outside Yaowang Pavilion, all of them from Tiannanhaibei seeking medicine.

I should have known the prestige of Le Canghai, the master of Yaowang Pavilion, and wanted to get a good medicine from one party, heal the wounds, heal the disease, and promote his cultivation.

Of course, there are many impure people in it.

Want to pass Yaowang Pavilion and climb up the high branch of Cheng Feng.

You know, Cheng Feng is now hot, and his reputation is even stronger than the three-pointed Feather Emperor!

"Cheng Feng, this rotten boy, will really cause me trouble."

In the backyard of Yaowangge, Le Canghai was refining the alchemy, and his mouth screamed, "If the person isn't there, let the devotee almost crush me.

"If this kid is here, is it all right?"

However, what comes is what.

As soon as Le Canghai finished talking, a familiar voice sounded.

"Grandpa Le, what are you mumbling about?"

This sound comes from Cheng Feng.

Since he arrived in Longcheng, he naturally came to Yaowangge to see Lecanghai.

However, his voice scared Le Canghai.

As soon as he was emotional, the elixir blew up.

The face of Le Canghai was blasted with black and gray, and his beard was burnt.

"Cheng Feng? Why is your kid here?"

Le Canghai has now survived the calamity and has become a top martial artist.

Although the elixir fryer was terrifying, it did not cause him any harm.

The divine power shakes the body, and the black ash on the body is blown away.

"Grandpa Le, I'll see you."

His own voice ruined a hard-working refining elixir of Le Canghai.

Cheng Feng was a little embarrassed, and touched his nose. "How have you been? How are you?"

"Old man, I'm tough, and living for another 180 years is not a problem."

Le Canghai glanced at Cheng Feng: "It's your kid, it's been raining hard lately."

"It's also rumored that a **** emperor was killed, it's just nonsense!"

"I can warn you to keep a low profile in the future."

"The gun hits the bird. If you are so aggressive, you will definitely be hated by some people ..."

"Well, Grandpa Le taught."

Le Canghai's remarks seemed to be a lesson for Cheng Feng. In fact, he was concerned about Cheng Feng, and was afraid that Cheng Feng's youthfulness would offend people.

Cheng Feng heard a warm heart, and nodded with a smile.

"Your boy is a bit perfunctory."

Le Cang Hai looked at Cheng Feng and asked, "What's wrong? Do you really have the means to kill the Emperor of God?"

"Ahem ~~"

Cheng Feng coughed twice and replied: "Grandpa Le, I did kill a **** emperor!"

"Khekeke ~~~"

This time, it was Le Canghai's turn to cough.

A pair of eyes stared at Cheng Feng, eyes widened.

"What? What did you say?"

Le Canghai couldn't believe his ears and asked, "You said you really killed a **** emperor?"

"Well, that's the Apocalypse of the Apocalypse."

Cheng Feng replied lightly: "That guy did all the bad things and tried to kill me several times, so I killed him!"

"Wo ... damn!"

Hearing this explosive news, Le Canghai couldn't help bursting a swear word.

After repeatedly confirming the news, the voice trembled, "Cheng Feng, please tell me, how did you do that?"

It's too shocking and too unexpected!

A divine emperor can be slaughtered?

If he did not know that Cheng Feng would not deceive himself, Le Canghai would certainly not believe this to be true.

In fact, until Cheng Feng told the story and told him briefly, he was still unbelievable.

After a long while, he said, "Cheng Feng, you are such a ... pervert!"

"Before I gave Yingying to you, I was still scared."

"I'm afraid that you will be in a catastrophe that day, leaving Yingying alone."

"But now, I'm not worried anymore."

"I feel like your kid is going to be okay, and will eventually be able to give Yingying happiness!"

Listening to Le Canghai's words, Cheng Feng's thoughts floated.

With his right hand raised fiercely, he cried, "Grandpa Le, I'm sure Cheng Feng will not die!"

"Someday, I will ride the sky dragon and step on the colorful clouds to welcome lightness!"

"Let her be the happiest woman in the world!"

"Well, I hope you will do what you say!"

Le Canghai nodded and laughed.

After being emotionally stable, the two left the alchemy room and chatted in a pavilion.

"Cheng Feng, what are you now?"

In the pavilion, Le Canghai asked curiously as he sipped tea.

"Grandpa Le, I'm sixth in the sky now."

"Uh? Was it sixth?"

Lecang froze a bit.

In his opinion, Cheng Feng now should at least reach the seventh limit of reaching the sky.

Unexpectedly, it was only the sixth most important thing.

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