Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1923: Majestic

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Chapter 1929: Majesty and Majesty

Time passes quickly in the practice.

When Cheng Feng finished a round of cultivation, the sky was already full of stars.

The Soul of the Soul of the Soul was trained to the last step by him.

Shenwenzhen word can be formed with only the last stroke.

Therefore, Cheng Feng held back the exhaustion of his mind and prepared himself to practice the Shenwenzhen word thoroughly.

"Goddess, condense me all!"

Cheng Feng's thoughts erupted, shaking the spirit tree in his mind.

Nearly all the gods' thoughts all spurred a huge town word rushing to the top of the tree of the spirit soul.

That town is shining like a sword.

When the peerless strong man got caught, he would be hit hard immediately.

However, there is a small defect in this town character, which is not complete and lacks a stroke.

Om ~~~

At this time, as Cheng Feng poured all the divine thoughts into that town word.

Suddenly, the last stroke of that Shenwenzhen word began to grow.

The blink of an eye made the whole town slowly become solid and complete.

Especially after the half-pillar incense, the last stroke of Shenwenzhen was filled.

Hum! Suddenly the word of huge town began to rise.

Like a giant giant Yue Yue, want to burst out of Cheng Feng's mind and pierce the entire sky!

"Is the fourth floor of the Soul Seal made by me?"

Sensing the changes in the body, Cheng Feng was delighted.

Remove the power to suppress the divine thought, hum ~~~

An unmatched coercion rushed out of him.

Like a raging wave, it spreads in all directions along Dota Peak dormitory area.

"So terrifying coercion, I feel able to crush my soul!"

"Who did it come from? It was terrible, it was terrible!"

With the release of Cheng Feng's coercion, countless people across Qianlong College were hit by lightning.

Every soul was in pain, as if the whole person was to be crushed.

Even the top swordsman, Zhu Qingshan, Mr. Shu ... and other top powerhouses, and even Ji Cang Daru are horrified.

One after another flew from their respective directions, looking at the direction from which the pressure came.

"That's Dota Peak?"

Mr. Shu shouted, "Don't panic, everyone. This coercion should come from Cheng Feng, and it won't hurt us."

Mr. Shu's eyes were old and hot, and he quickly saw the clue.

A loud voice calmed the flustered people, lest there be great confusion.

"Cheng Feng? Is this Cheng Feng's strength?"

"Sure enough ... so scary!"

"I didn't believe it before. He has the power to kill the Emperor of the Gods."

"Now it seems that my previous thoughts were too stupid and ignorant!"

Hearing Mr. Shu's words, the panicked people calmed down.

But in his heart, the stormy sea was stirred up, and he had a deep understanding of Cheng Feng's strength.

In fact, it is not only Qianlong College.

Cheng Feng's intimidating sentiment from Cheng Feng also spread from Qianlong Academy, across Dragon City, half a small Qianlong County, and passed to the county adjacent to Qianlong County.

Let the half of the feathered gods feel the sharpness of the town's soul mark.

In particular, the blood gods, the killing temples, and the **** gates, the evil sect gates that have enemies against Cheng Feng, are panicked at this moment.

The future is full of doubts, and many people have the idea of ​​exiting the sect.

For fear of being approached by Cheng Feng, all killed on the spot!

Just when people in the world were alarmed.

Qianlong Academy, Dota Peak, Cheng Feng did not feel this.

At this moment, he is still familiar with the use of the Soul Seal, making countless people feel pain.

Fortunately, at this time, Mr. Shu made a voice, awakening Cheng Feng from the joy of practicing the soul seal.

It was immediately known that an inadvertent action almost killed a large number of martial arts masters.

So quickly put away the town soul seal, so that less than half of the feathered gods of the warrior Changsong sigh of relief.

"Cheng Feng, what happened to you just now?"

Just after Cheng Feng put away the seal of the soul of the town, Mr. Shu and others hurried to ask about the situation.

When I learned that Cheng Feng had just practiced a martial arts skill, he accidentally leaked some power.

Suddenly, everyone was as dead as a chicken.

After waiting for a while, he said, "Cheng Feng, you kid is a pervert."

"I feel like you can't stay in the academy. If you want to cultivate in the future, go to Qianlong Mountain."

"The landscape there is vast and should allow you to play."

"Lest I accidentally leak some power, I can't bear this old bone!"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng was sweating.

Unexpectedly, one of his actions scared Mr. Shu and did not let him stay in Qianlong Academy.

"Mr. Shu, I will pay attention to proportion when I practice next."

Cheng Feng touched his nose awkwardly and said, "This kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

"I believe you will pay attention, but you are not afraid of 10,000, just in case."

Mr. Shu said sternly: "So, you will go to Qianlong Academy or practice in the millions of mountains!"

What Mr. Shu said is also true. Cheng Feng's current strength is too horrible.

One can't stop, maybe it will destroy the entire Qianlong Academy.

Cultivation in Qianlong Mountains will undoubtedly be much safer.

"Cough ~~~"

Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Well, if I want to cultivate in the future, I will go to Qianlong Mountain."

At this point, Cheng Feng's eyes swept away from Mr. Shu and others.

Eventually stopped by, a group of old people with a strong taste of steel.

"These seniors should be one-ninth of our college, are they seniors in Qihe?"

The academy has nine peaks, each of which represents a heritage.

Qihe inherits the techniques of alchemy and alchemy. The top alchemists and alchemists of the feathered dynasty are all in Qihe.

The old men in front of them are the top refiners in Qihe.

"Well, these old guys are all Kihe's refiners."

Hearing Cheng Feng's inquiries, one of the elderly, a healthy old man yelled, "Why, does Cheng Feng have any weapons that we need to help you refine?"

"There really is a weapon. I need several seniors to help me make one or two."

Cheng Feng gave a fist to several refiners.

"Oh? What weapon, let us show it?"

Several refiners were very obsessed with refiners. Cheng Feng mentioned the refiners, and a few people put their attention on the refiners.

Urged Cheng Feng to take out the weapons that need to be refined and let them watch.

Of course, Cheng Feng will not refuse, and he urged him.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Pieces of gold armor flew out of the soul ring, suspended in an orderly manner in the eyes of several old people.

"This is ... the armor of war?"

These old men deserve to be top-notch refiners.

At first glance, he could see the origin of the God of War armor, and said excitedly: "It is rumored that this armor was forged more than 100,000 years ago by the God of War collecting many precious refining materials."

"It's been more than 100,000 years, and it's still so complete."

"Even its power has increased a lot over the years, it is a miracle!"

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