Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1938: Bingziju

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Chapter 189th Bingziju

"Not good. In the tomb of the emperor, there is indeed an elite-level burial guard hiding."

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's face slightly changed: "The tomb of the Emperor Burial Emperor was engulfed by the Devil Sword and fell apart, and the elite Tian Burial Guard flew out of chaos to destroy the Devil Sword!"

Sensing this situation, Cheng Feng responded quickly.

I saw him raise his hands, waved away towards the elite sky funeral guard rising up to the sky.

In the sky, the Sword of Destroyer, who was swallowing up black light, slashed down from the sky.

Huh! Boom with a halberd in the hands of the Elite Sky Burial Guard.

At that moment, black light was shining.

The horrific power of horror exploded, tearing up the sky.

And in the broken void, 噌 ~~~

The devil's knife was rubbed over Fangtian Huaji.

Immediately, the Fangtian painting halberd was cut into two pieces.

As for the Devil Sword, he carried a sturdy slashing force and continued to slash to the elite Heavenly Burial Guard.

Let the funeral look change that day, and hurriedly dodging.

Stabbing ~~~

The funeral's response was quite rapid that day.

However, even so, he was rubbed into the left shoulder by the blade of the Devil Sword.

Suddenly, the entire left shoulder was cut off by half.

The imitation of the armor of war god, could not stop the devil from cutting!

Showed the demon sword, almost abnormal metamorphosis!

"This knife is very good."

Seeing this scene, a look of appreciation appeared on the face of God of War: "This elite burial guard, although sealed by the formation, has not yet recovered to its peak."

"But the combat strength is enough to be comparable to an eighth-level elementary warrior on the sky."

"But was easily injured by this knife, which shows that the power of this knife can completely stand up to a middle-level holy weapon!"

"Intermediate artifact?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and whispered, "I think, more than that!"

The words stopped, Cheng Feng's hands waved.

Then, the heavenly sword cuts to dance.

The blade cut through the sky and went straight to the neck of the injured Elite Sky Burial Guard.

Cut off the other person's head!

However, that elite burial guard was not simple.

At this point he had recovered from the pain of the left shoulder being cut off.

I saw him sprinkle a layer of powder on the wound, allowing the wound to quickly stop bleeding and scarring.

Then, he took Fang Tianhua's halberd with his right hand, and stabbed the slashing sword.

Stabbing ~~~

The two weapons collided, revealing the sharp edge of the Devil Sword!

Fang Tianhua, the elite burial guard of the elite, again cut off a bar.

This made the face of the Elite Sky Burial Guard somber and felt the breath of death!

"Cut it out!"

On the other hand, Cheng Feng, however, was unstoppable, waving his hands constantly.

Make the Devil Sword offensive like a tide, it is bound to win the wave of elite sky funerals!

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

With Cheng Feng's attack, Fang Tianhua's halberd in the hands of the elite Tian Funeral Guard was cut off again and again.

After a while, less than one meter was left.

This caused the elite Celestial Burial Guard to fall into a desperate situation, could not help but grit his teeth, and spit out a word of bing.

The word seems to have a magic power.

When the word exited, a heavy, thick armor was quickly growing at the wound of the Tian Burial Guard.

Quickly repair his broken armor.

Then, in his hands, a weapon appeared out of thin air.

This weapon is still a Fangtian painting halberd, but the whole body is purple, obviously made of special purple gold material, very strong.

The Devil Sword was cut on it, but he couldn't cut it off.

Just cut a knife mark, the degree of solidity is almost abnormal!

"Cheng Feng, this is a messy martial arts skill named Tian Bing Zi Jue."

The voice of the God of War suddenly sounded: "This martial arts weapon can transform human divine power into physical weapons."

"Once you practice to the extreme, people are weapons, and weapons are people!"

"It's indestructible and indestructible!"

"This elite-level burial guard should have cultivated his soldiers to a very high level."

"At this time, the body is weaponized, and the whole person is a holy weapon!"

"Bingzijue? Somehow!"

After hearing the words of God of War, Cheng Feng nodded suddenly: "However, even if the body is transformed into a holy weapon, it cannot stop the devil's slash!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng rose into the sky.

Wait for the Demon Sword to approach, and hold it in your hand.

Emperor Cang's sword technique was used arrogantly, so that the Devil Sword shot a near-horror sharp edge.

Huh! When this sword was cut, the elite heavenly burial guard was weaponized by Fang Tianhua.

The Fangtian Huaji was immediately cut off by a third.

铿铿 铿 ~~~

Cheng Feng cut it out with a knife, and the second knife immediately followed.

Then comes the third, fourth ...

When a dozen consecutive swords cut the Chinese sky painting halberd.

Even if the Fangtian painting halberd was comparable to a holy weapon, it was cut open by the demon sword, and it was broken into two parts from the middle.

Then the Devil Knife advanced forward, hitting the neck of the elite Heavenly Burial Guard.

Huh! Cut it directly and flew it out.

The incision on the neck reached an inch deep, penetrating the gold armor and exuding a trail of blood.

Then Cheng Feng shot out again and hit the same spot with a tricky angle.

Huh! After more than a dozen words, the head of the elite burial guard was cut off on the spot.

"Cheng Feng, it's hard to kill the elite burial guard."

The head of the Elite Sky Burial Guard was chopped off, but God of War did not relax, reminding: "You must completely crush the opponent's body to kill it completely."

In fact, there is no need to remind God of War.

Because the heavenly burial guard fit and swooped up at the moment his head was cut off.

I caught the head that was cut off and put it on my neck again.

Following this, a large piece of metal was born, and soon the head of the elite heavenly burial guard was regrown.

"Oh, that's interesting!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's expression calmed, Shen said: "However, you are destined to die today!"

After the words came to an end, Cheng Feng held up the Devil Sword and performed the fifth style of Emperor Cang Sword.

When I was able to borrow the power of five hundred stars, I slashed it.

"Do not!!"

The Elite Sky Burial Guard issued a desperate growl.

The next moment, the whole person was drowned by the horrific sword light, and chopped into powder on the spot!

"Blast off an elite Sky Burial Guard?"

"Cheng Feng's strength is a bit abnormal!"

Seeing the picture of Cheng Feng slashing the elite Heavenly Burial Guard, the God of War moved.

Moreover, not only the **** of war, but also the warriors outside the mountain that day were shocked.

Even Tiandao was shocked.

Thought that there was a peerless warrior beyond the rules, a huge eyeball condensed over the sky buried mountains, watching the situation closely.

When it was found that those who caused such huge fluctuations, Xiu Wei did not exceed the seventh limit of ascent.

Can only stare at Cheng Feng fiercely, and finally disappeared unwillingly.

On the other hand, Cheng Feng, after killing the elite Sky Burial Guard, threw the Devil Sword.

Om ~~~

On that slayer, black light reappeared.

Actually wrapped the blasted elite celestial burial guard, to draw the essence of the weapon in the opponent.

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