Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1974: Break out

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Chapter 1974 Breaks Out

With Cheng Feng's actions, the four-parcel burial flag suddenly burst into full bloom.

Then, 嘭 ~~ 嘭 ~~ 嘭 ~~

Four thunder blasts spread in succession.

Immediately, the star guard formed by the Wanxing Royal Gods array was blown up by four huge burial flags by the four-parcel flag.

The bursts of eyes are destroyed, and the bursts are self-defeating!

Looking back at Cheng Feng, the sword on the Devil's Sword is extremely bright.

He turned his gaze, looking at the starlight that fell from the sky, without any hesitation, daringly greeted him.

At the same time, the divine thoughts erupted, and the armor of the war **** that was contained in the soul ring was taken out.

Click! Click!

Instantly spontaneously dressed on Cheng Feng's body.

I saw this armor of war, becoming very different from before, no longer golden and translucent.

But there was a heavy weight in the golden color, and there was a star pattern on the armor.

It seems to have been tempered in the stars for thousands of years, giving people an indestructible feeling!

This is truly a symptom of the integration of the Baijin domain **** iron, and the level advances to the holy level.

"Holy Warrior Armor, I hope it won't let me down!"

Just wore the armor of war god, bang bang bang bang ~~~

The attacks of the eleven dead bodies arrived one after the other.

Cheng Feng was suddenly drowned in heavy bombardment.

At that moment, the force of terror surged violently, shaking the whole Pantheon with a large-scale collapse.

Many mountain peaks created cracks thousands of meters wide along the mountain.

The scenes were fierce and scary!

"Cheng Feng, are you dead?"

Outside the Pantheon, the Xingyue Tianshen saw this scene, and his heart was ups and downs, guessing: "It should be dead!"

"Under the attack of eleven dead corpses, the eighth heavy martial art ascendant will die!"

"Cheng Feng is no exception!"

However, their words have just come to an end.

call out!

A golden figure suddenly shot from the sky and sand.

Flying through the clouds, you have to fly out of the Pantheon!

"Not good, Cheng Feng's kid didn't die, and he intends to escape from the Pantheon!"

After seeing this scene, Emperor Huangtian reacted first and shouted: "Hurry up, everyone will attack together, and drive Cheng Feng back to Pantheon!"

While shouting, Emperor Huangtian has already started.

I saw his divine power spur, raised his hand and punched Cheng Feng.

Immediately, a horrible boxing punched through the void, blasting towards Cheng Feng like a giant Yue.

Cheng Feng should be returned from the sky to the Pantheon.

At the same time, Xingyue Tianshen also shot.

I saw Xingyue Tianshen waving two hands with fiber, and even attracted thousands of stars from the sky.

These stars are intertwined with each other, quickly forming a large star network.

As the Xingyue Tianshen pulls, wow ~~~

The big net contracted, Cheng Fengnet should be brought into the big net and brought back to the Pantheon.

Not only that, the two old men who stood idly by also shot.

An old man held a stylus in his hand and pointed towards Cheng Feng's brows.

Another old man held a sword in his hand, stabbing Cheng Feng's heart!

"You guys, don't try to stop me!"

In the face of the siege of the four Emperor Huangtian, Cheng Feng was fearless.

I saw him beckoning during the flying shot, hey ~~~

The four parcels of burial flags came flying and hung across the dome, hunting against the wind.

The next moment, a dragon emerged out of thin air.

Head-on hitting the fist punch of Emperor Huangtian.

Bang ~~~

Emperor Huangtian's strength is so strong that he hit the dragon with one punch.

The four-pole burial flag was scattered and blasted towards the Quartet.

However, Cheng Feng avoided the interception of Emperor Tiantian by virtue of the defense of the sky burial flag.

Then the Devil Sword fluttered, drawing 600 stars from the sky.

Then cut it out with a knife and stab it ~~~

Directly hit the star-moon intertwined web of stars.

The martial arts performed by Xingyue Tianshen is also the power of the stars.

And the borrowed star power is even stronger than Cheng Feng.

But these star powers formed a web, and the power was dispersed immediately, far from the thickness and sharpness of the blade cut by Cheng Feng.

So, as the big net touched Daoguang.

Starlight big net was torn on the spot!

Cheng Feng seized the opportunity, 咻 ~~~

When she performed her moves, she flew out of Xinguang's large net.

At this time, the attack of the two old men arrived.

These two old men, holding the stylus in their hands, are the Emperor of the Heavenly Desolation King, who lived for thousands of years, but they are real old antiques and have very rich experience in fighting!

At this moment, the stylus points to Cheng Feng's eyebrows, and the strength in the body bursts out. It is necessary to blast Cheng Feng's head!

However, when Wang Taishi's stylus hit Cheng Feng, his face changed suddenly.

Because in the moment of the stylus, Cheng Feng seemed to be pierced on a steel plate.

Not only did the stylus fail to pierce it, but a force of rebound emerged from Cheng Feng's head.

It turned out that Wang Taishi was numb to his arm, and the stylus almost came out.

If he didn't change quickly, he would have to suffer.

As for the attack of another old man Li Taifu, he was also frustrated.

A sacred sword in his hand focused on Cheng Feng, but he could not hurt Cheng Feng.

It simply violates the real reason, and makes Taifu stare at the boss!

"What's going on with the armor on this boy?"

Li Taifu yelled, "It's stronger than the middle-level holy weapon!"

"Can it be said that the dome continent allows higher-order holy vessels to exist?"

Obviously, the reason why Taishi Wang and Taifu's offensive were blocked was the credit of the God of War.

This War God armor was given to several refining seniors of Qihe by Cheng Feng in half a month.

Ask them to smelt the armor of war **** with more than a hundred kilos of **** iron, so as to advance the armor to the sacred level.

Not long ago, Chuang Xiong, the young genius of Qihe, returned the armor of battle to Cheng Feng's hands.

At that time, Cheng Feng didn't take a closer look. Only when the situation was urgent, he took it out and put it on his body.

Suddenly, the power of the Warlord's armored sacred weapon was fully revealed.

Not only did they prevent the joint attack of eleven dead bodies, but the demigod Wang Taishi and Taifu Li joined forces to besiege, and they were easily stopped!

Compared to the sacred medium-level defensive battle armor, they are a lot stronger!

"God of War!"

When the two teachers were shocked, Emperor Huangtian's voice sounded: "The golden armor on Cheng Feng's body should be the battle armor that God of War used to carry."

"This set of armor was smelted into a lot of rare materials by the God of War, very strong."

"Now that he has been trained to the sacred level by Cheng Feng's sacrifice, his defense has almost reached a state of abnormality."

Emperor Huangtian was well-informed, and at a glance, he could see the depth of the armor of war god.

His face changed, and he burst out shouting, "Mr. Wang, Mrs. Li, don't keep your hands, just use your full strength."

"Anyway today, we must trap Cheng Feng here!"

When speaking, the Emperor Huangtian took the lead.

I saw that he stepped forward violently, a huge amount of divine power spurted in his body, and an invincible tyrannical atmosphere was suddenly born from the Emperor Huangtian and spread out all around.

At the next moment, two hands stretched out, forming a big seal.

Towards Cheng Feng, they blasted down.

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