Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1984: Tianmai Grade Heaven and Earth Fruit

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Chapter 198 Heaven-Level Heaven and Earth Fruit

"Cheng Feng, I know the fruit of heaven and earth in Soul Ring. Where have I been?"

While Cheng Feng was puzzled, Nalan's voice came.

"Uncle Naland, you know?"

Hearing that Cheng Feng's spirit was shocked.

"Cheng Feng, do you remember one thing I told you before?"

Nalan Changsheng said: "The fruits of heaven and earth can swallow each other."

"Especially living fruit and earth, I prefer to grow myself by devouring."

"The other heaven and earth fruits in your soul ring are afraid that they have been swallowed up by that white butterfly."

"Wipe, can you still do that?"

Hearing here, Cheng Feng had a big head for a while.

Quickly take the white butterfly out of the soul ring.

After looking up, I saw that the white butterfly directly grew two or three circles.

The whiter body became more and more pure, and seven pairs of wings were longer on the back.

Obviously caused by swallowing a large amount of heaven and earth fruit, promotion and transformation.

"Grass, the fruits of heaven and earth I collected are really eaten up by this goods!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face turned black.

Looking at the white butterfly, I can't wait to pinch it to death.

"Cheng Feng, don't be anxious."

Nalan Changsheng said: "In fact, it is not a bad thing that other world fruits are swallowed up by white butterflies."

"Because the source of heaven and earth is the source of light, the fruits of heaven and earth devour each other, but the source of light in the body of heaven and earth is concentrated in the body of one heaven and earth."

"The total amount has not changed!"

"Oh? Let me see."

Hearing here, the anger in Cheng Feng's heart calmed down slightly.

Open the eyes of the God of Fortune and look closely at the source of light in the white butterfly.

Suddenly, in the body of the white butterfly, the bright lights were densely covered, covering almost the entire body.

The quantity is at least one hundred miles away.

"One hundred and thirty-eight sources of light are all inside the white butterfly."

Seeing this situation, the anger in Cheng Feng's heart calmed down.

Then he had a clever idea and asked, "Uncle Nalan, I remember you said before that when the source light in the heaven and earth fruit reaches one hundred, it is the heaven and earth heaven and earth fruit."

"Now the source of light in the fruit of this butterfly world has reached 138."

"Do you say that it is a heaven-and-world fruit?"

Tianmai level heaven and earth fruit is the real treasure, and there is something that dreams of in the realm of creation.

In fact, many creatures exist only in their hearts.

Only the existence of Emperor Huangtian can compete with the means.

If Cheng Feng can get a few Tianmai level heaven and earth fruits, use it as a bargaining chip.

Not only can you survive the calamity, but you can also get a lot of benefits from the existence of the good fortune.

However, Nalan Changsheng's answer disappointed Cheng Feng for a while.

"Cheng Feng, Tianmai-level heaven and earth fruit, but condensed the most essence of the earth dome continent."

Nalan Changsheng said: "It is not only that the amount of source light has reached more than one hundred, but also the quality is far beyond the ordinary fruits of the world."

"Although the amount of source light in the fruit of this butterfly heaven and earth has reached the level of sky veins."

"But the quality is more than a star point."

"At most, it can barely be regarded as a half-day vein-level world fruit."

"Half-day vein-level heaven and earth fruit?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "Uncle Nalan, can't ordinary fruits of heaven and earth swallow each other and eventually reach the level of heaven and earth?"

"This ... it's hard."

Nalan Changsheng shook his head: "Anyway in my memory, it has never appeared."

"Quantitative change causes qualitative change. This is an eternal truth."

Cheng Feng's eyes flickered: "Ordinary heaven and earth fruits swallow each other, and the reason why they can't transform into heaven and earth-grade heaven and earth fruits, I guess the amount of swallow is not enough."

"As long as there are enough, we will be able to transform in one fell swoop and reach the sky vein level!"

"Maybe, you can try."

Nalan Changsheng nodded: "Anyway, the fruits of heaven and earth devour each other, and the total amount of source light will not change."

"Even if all the source light is finally collected in one heaven and earth fruit, there is no slight effect."

"Well, then I will try."

Wen Yan, Cheng Feng had a decision in his heart.

The white butterfly in the hand is about to be thrown together with the fruits of the wild boar heaven and earth under the feet, and let them devour each other.

The wild boar heaven and earth fruit was quite fierce. Once released by Cheng Feng, he rushed towards the butterfly heaven and earth fruit.

The intention is to swallow the fruit of the butterfly world and evolve itself to a higher level.

But unfortunately, the butterfly heaven and earth fruit swallowed a lot of the heaven and earth fruit before, and the power soared too much.

The wild boar heaven and earth fruit rushed up, it was simply a delivery.

Stabbing ~~~

It was cut by seven pairs of wings on the back of the butterfly world, and it was instantly broken into eight segments.

Soon after, they were swallowed up by the fruits of Butterfly World.

Let the white of the butterfly world become brighter.

On the back, an eighth pair of wings is coming out!

"This white butterfly is really getting stronger."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow condensed: "The combat power can already stand up to the seventh heavy martial artist on the sky."

"Perhaps until the integration of all the source light in the body, the strength will be able to catch up with the eighth strongest in the sky!"

"I need to be on guard for one or two, lest anything unexpected happen!"

In deep contemplation, Cheng Feng was preparing to put away the fruits of Butterfly World, and then continued on his way.

But at this moment, the three youths came forward.

The body's divine power was surging and surging, and all reached the seventh ascendant.

"Three seventh masters?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow frowned.

Unexpectedly, I ran into three seventh-ranked masters.

You should know that among the more than 200 human geniuses who entered the sky of the sky, only eleven or two were trained to reach the seventh highest level in the sky.

Even if there are hidden masters, the number is less than fifteen.

At this moment, three appeared, which had to be surprising.

However, Cheng Feng was not scared.

Glanced at the three men, and said lightly: "Three are very eye-catching, shouldn't they be the warriors of Yuhua, Apocalypse, and Ximo?"

"I don't know why it is blocking my way?"

"Hehe, you Cheng Feng is a big man, of course, we don't know any of us!"

Among the three, a young man with a mole on the corner of his mouth took a step forward, in a ridiculous tone: "As long as I wait to stop you, the purpose is simple."

"One is to try your first genius in this rumored continent."

"Second, take away the fruit of that butterfly world!"

Obviously, the three are here to get in trouble.

And quite confident, once I came up, I picked out the intention.

"Do you want to try my means? And take away the fruits of the world that belonged to me?"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng sneered: "You guys, do you have this strength?"

"Don't end up, lose your wife and lose your troops!"

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