Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1994: Shocked the audience

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Chapter 1949 Shocks the audience

With the eagle crying, the giant eagle that was hit down by Cheng Feng actually flew up again.

The half of the wing was chopped off, and flesh and blood spawned rapidly under the action of a strong vitality.

By the time the giant eagle flew up from the mountain, the broken wings had recovered.

Then the giant eagle's wings spurred, and the huge body turned into a large high-speed rotating arrow, which burst into Cheng Feng.

Not only the giant eagle, but the black scale python whose mouth was cut off by Cheng Feng, was also extremely angry at the moment.

The whole body was full of anger and drowned.

Within a few seconds, the demons rushed into the clouds, exposing the black-scaled python wrapped in demons.

Suddenly, the mouth of the black scale python grew quickly.

Then the black scales of the python squirmed.

Turned into a **** river, it is necessary to hang Cheng Feng on the spot!

"The eight-level giant monster at the prefecture level did not kill him so well."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brows frowned, but he was not too surprised.

Because the giant eagle and the black scale anaconda are all giant monsters at the prefecture level, their vitality can be called terror.

It's impossible to kill him three or two times!

"Since you can't kill them quickly, save them first!"

Cheng Feng whispered: "My current primary purpose is to get the heaven and earth fruit of heaven and earth."

After the words came to an end, Cheng Feng actually put away the devil sword under the attack of two demon.

On the first floor of Shi Zhanrui Jinshenjue, a Jinshen Luohan condensed behind him to protect himself.

The next moment, he stepped forward and walked towards the top of Tianzhu Mountain.

"Grass, what is the situation? Cheng Feng wants to find death?"

"Under the attack of two super monsters, there is no defense at all!"

"It's tired and crooked, it must be tired and crooked!"

Seeing the scene where Cheng Feng gave up the attack, everyone present was stunned and stunned.

Feeling that Cheng Feng doesn't want to live, he will be killed by the two super monsters next.

"Cheng Feng! Quickly defend!"

In the third stage of Tianzhu Mountain, Mangqinghua is always paying attention to Cheng Feng.

Seeing this, I could not help reminding loudly.

Even Su Lin frowned, and repelled the super monster who intercepted himself, and did not rush to the top of Tianzhu Mountain.

Instead, stand in place and watch what Cheng Feng is doing.

Under the gaze of everyone's complex eyes, Cheng Feng smiled slightly, continued to maintain a relaxed state, and walked towards the top of Tianzhu Mountain.

But at the same time, 咻 ~~~

The giant eagle, which turned into a big arrow, arrived.

The two giant claws extended forward, exactly the tip of the big arrow.

Nailed fiercely on the golden body Luohan who protected Cheng Feng, the force of terror surged.

It turned out that the body of the golden body Luohan was deformed sharply and sunken in.

However, the defense power of this golden body Luohan has reached an almost abnormal state.

In the case of the giant eagle bursting, the body deformed to the extreme, but it was not broken.

The golden light flowed on the golden body, and there were also various Buddhist texts flashing on it.

The sound of Zen singing came out for a while, giving people a feeling of being in a deep mountain temple.

Actually, the power of violently hitting the giant eagle on Jin Shen Luo Han was gradually resolved.

"Fuck, what's the situation? What's the situation?"

"What the **** is that golden body Luohan behind Cheng Feng? Why is the defense so abnormal?"

"Even the powerful hit of the prefecture-level eight-pin monster can be easily stopped?"

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Looking at Cheng Feng one by one, as if dreaming.

It was a while before a slightly tender voice sounded.

"I know Cheng Feng's defense methods, that is the highest martial arts practice of my Buddha, such as the golden body tactics!"

The voice came from the ten-year-old monk at the foot of the mountain, and said with surprise: "It is said that this martial art is very difficult to cultivate, and very few people have practiced the door.

"I never thought that Cheng Feng, a secular man, was trained, and he was amazing!"

This ten-year-old monk, regardless of his age, is actually more intelligent and knowledgeable than most people present.

Because he is a peerless spirit boy in the Ximo Buddhist country, a Buddhist monk reincarnated.

With all the wisdom and practice experience of that Buddhist monk, you can see at a glance what kind of means the Luo Han Golden Body has.

"It's Rulai Jinshenju?"

"It is rumored that Cheng Feng extorted a profound martial arts from the hands of the Ximo Buddha Lord of the Ximo Buddha country.

"At that time, I thought that Cheng Feng had some troubles, but now it seems that the other party is really far-sighted!"

After knowing Cheng Feng's real means, everyone was shocked.

At the same time, many people are very jealous and jealous.

For example, the handsome young man riding a giant elephant, such as the sea master with three heads on his neck ... and so on, all hate itching.

As for Mang Qinghua and Su Lin, who are better than Cheng Feng, they are happy for Cheng Feng.

Let go of your worry and continue to pay attention to Cheng Feng's next performance.

Because at this moment the giant demon attacking Cheng Feng, there can be more than one giant eagle.

Wow ~~~

The fierce eagle's fierce blow just fell, and the golden body Luohan was sunken inward.

The next moment, the black scale python came out.

The huge body flung up, as if a big Yue was being swept by the giant, and stopped at the peak to hit Feng Feng.

"The Dharma is boundless, Luo Han's body!"

As he moved forward, Cheng Feng's body trembled.

It felt really scary to be attacked by two super monsters.

But Cheng Feng was not afraid. He whispered in his mouth, and his hands made a semicircle in front of him.

Wait for your hands to converge on your chest.

Behind him, the golden body Rohan turned around arrogantly, and also made his hands together.

But the whole person turned into a golden bell in an instant.

Huh! !!

The fierce blow of the Blackscale Boa constricted on the golden bell.

The golden light bell swayed, and the deafening bell came out, causing the entire Tianzhu Mountain to shake violently and almost collapse.

The next moment, under the impact of the terrorist force, the round bell bodies almost overlapped together.

Then the sky flew up and took Cheng Feng to the top of Tianzhu Mountain.

From a distance, it looks like the giant eagle and the black scale boa congratulate Cheng Feng on the mountain!

"Invincible, Cheng Feng is invincible."

"Not only the means of attack are superior, but also the means of defense."

"With both offense and defense, who else can be his opponent?"

"This time, I am afraid that I will be able to rush to the top of Tianzhu Mountain for the first time and win the fruits of heaven and earth!"

Seeing the scene between the electric light and flint, everyone present was a little speechless.

I have a deep understanding of Cheng Feng's strength.

In particular, the peerless spirit child of the West Desert Buddha Kingdom, the dipa of the iconic **** dynasty, the barren son of the Tianhuang **** dynasty, and the three young people of the Hai tribe all moved.

At the next moment, I finally couldn't bear it and started to charge towards Tianzhu Mountain.

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