Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2002: Tian Hao Jian

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Chapter 2002 Tianhao Sword

"Just put the fruits of heaven and earth here."

Beside the mountain wall, Mango Blue Flowers groaned: "After throwing away the chaser, take it out and give it to Cheng Feng!"

"The calamity on his body is strong. Only when he gets the fruits of the heavens and the earth can he be used as a bargaining chip and he can save himself from danger!"

It turned out that the python blue and white shot to grab the fruits of Bailian Tiandi, but it was not for themselves.

If this is to let others know, it is estimated that it will fall to the ground.

Because the fruits of the heavens and the heavens are hard to find, the brothers will also look at it.

But in the eyes of Mang Blue and White, it is far less than Cheng Feng.

Huh! After hiding the fruits of Bailian Tiandi, the python blue sky rose up.

He disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After a few minutes, hum ~~~

A white figure appeared out of thin air, handsome and handsome, it was Bai Zi's painting.

"The python blue flower stayed here for a while, and fled northward."

A pair of eyes painted by Bai Zi flashed: "However, the breath of the fruits of heaven and earth disappeared here."

"Is the fruit of heaven and earth collected by the python blue? Or is she hidden somewhere?"

In the groaning, Bai Zi's gaze flew around.

But because the box containing the heaven and earth fruit is very special, the atmosphere of the heaven and earth fruit is completely sealed, and nothing is leaked.

Under this condition, Bai Zihua wanted to find the fruits of heaven and earth in the vast mountains and rivers.

In fact, Bai Zi's paintings have not been determined, and the fruits of heaven and earth are nearby.

So after looking at it casually, he retracted his gaze and continued chasing towards the direction where the python blue and white fled.

Almost as soon as Bai Zihua left, Cheng Feng arrived.

"It didn't take long for Bai Zihua to leave!"

Cheng Feng looked up at the vacant waves in front of him, his face contemplative: "Keep chasing, try your best to entangle Baizi painting, and let the python blue flowers leave with the fruits of the world!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng disappeared.


After half an hour.

Cangqiang Island, in a certain mountain forest.

"Boa blue and white, stop, you can't escape!"

A green figure flew and a white figure chased wildly.

That white figure was so fast that it seemed quite proficient in space martial arts.

In a blink of an eye, he was blocked in front of the cyan figure, blocking the opponent's way.

"Baizi painting, you're useless to stop me."

The cyan figure stopped and said indifferently, "Because I have hidden the fruits of Bailian Heaven and Earth in one place."

"You want to get the fruit of heaven and earth from my hands, it is no longer possible!"

"Oh, do you think I would believe it?"

Bai Zihua said lightly: "I will give you a minute. If you don't hand over the fruits of Bailian Heaven and Earth, then blame me!"

Facing the threat of Bai Zi's painting, Boa Blue and White remained unmoved.

For one, the python blue and white is naturally indifferent.

Second, with the strength of python blue and white, even if you can't beat Baizi painting, self-protection should not be a problem.

"It seems you are confident in yourself."

Seeing this, the sound of Bai Zi's painting became cold: "Since that is the case, then I will try your ancient means of swallowing the sky python!"

After the words stopped, Bai Zihua shot flatly.

One black, one white, and two divine powers spurted out of the body, turning into a half-black and half-hundred sacred palm, striking the python blue and blue.

Bai Zi's paintings are very powerful, and the black and white giant palms he played are horrifying.

Even at the core of the sky, the laws of heaven and earth are ten times more powerful than those of the earth, and they are also rattled by the palm print.

It seems like the next moment, it will collapse!

Faced with such an attack, Boa Blue and White had long expected.

Lift a black sword in your hand and stab it ~~~

Speared a swordless light, daringly welcomed the black and white giant palm.

Huh! Jian Guang hit the black and white giant palm, and actually made a sound of iron stone attack.

It seems that the giant palm is forged from a hundred refined steels and is indestructible!

The sword light pricked by the python blue flower only pierced a narrow sword mark.

The next moment, the black and white giant palm continued to bombard, killing the python blue and white on the spot.

"Tianhao sword, broken!"

Seeing his attack, he failed to break the black and white giant palm.

Mangqinghuaxiu frowned, knowing that Bai Zi's painting name is well-deserved.

After that, there was no longer any hand-holding, all the divine power in the body was evoked, and the holy weapon Tianhao Sword was activated.


Man and sword are united, and a pierce is made on the palm of the black and white giant palm.

Then, one person and one sword appeared outside the attack range of the black and white giant palm.

However, Bai Zihua's attack means more than black and white.

As soon as the python blue flower got rid of the black and white palm attack, it was entangled by four divine powers.

These four divine powers, two blacks and two whites, acted on the python blue and white, and quickly turned into a left-to-right tear.

Shake the body of the python blue and white shock, and rotate in the direction of the four divine tears, and then hanged on the spot!

"Tianhao sword, Lei Ying!"

Feeling the threat of these four divine powers, Boa Blue and White shot decisively.

A high-sword sword art excavated from the ancient ruins by Longyuan Pavilion.

As the black sword stabbed, the python blue and white thunder flashed into a thunder sword.

Then Thunder Sword stabbed, cutting off the tears of four divine powers.

However, don't wait for the python blue and white to take a breath.

Buzzing ~~~

There were actually eight other magical powers appearing out of thin air, entangled with python blue and white.

The tearing force has doubled directly.

The python blue and white complexion finally changed, and felt a strong threat.

Do not dare to be indifferent, and once again use Tianhao swordsmanship, tearing the eight strands of divine power.

However, it is still the same as before.

Boa Qinghua just cut off the tears of eight divine powers, even if there are sixteen tears of divine powers appearing, entangled her.

The horrific force applied to her caused her to flutter and her eyes narrowed to the extreme.

Because she had felt the threat of death!

If you can't get rid of the tearing power painted by Bai Zi, let the tearing power continue to stack up.

Then within a few minutes, she will be directly hanged on the spot because she can't bear the tear of the tearing power!

As a result, the python blue and white eyes suddenly became cold and ruthless.

The next moment, wow ~~~

Her slender legs turned into a python tail.

With a fierce shake, a terrifying force was generated, tearing the divine power of Bai Zi's paintings and forcibly breaking all.

Then he flew quickly, leaving far away.

"Boa blue and white, I said, you can't escape!"

However, Bai Zi's painting sounded.

Then thirty-two divine powers suddenly appeared, shooting the hundreds of miles of python blue and white, just dragged in the void.

Even if she shakes the giant tail and evokes the blood of the ancient swallowing python, she can't break it!

"Boa blue and white, hand over the fruits of heaven and earth."

After trapping the python blue and white, Bai Zihua said indifferently: "Otherwise, I blame me for being ruthless!"

However, Boa Blue and White did not answer, just struggling, trying to break away from the tears of thirty-two divine powers.

"Boa blue and white, you better not challenge my endurance."

Seeing this, Bai Zi frowned heavily: "I shout three times, if you don't hand over the fruits of the world."

"Then, at your own risk!"

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