Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2005: Take the chestnut from the fire

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Chapter two thousand five and a half from the fire

The valley surrounded by all beasts is large.

Heads of monsters piled up, blocking all routes into the valley.

Outsiders want to enter the valley, they can only forcibly kill them.

Bai Zihua and others did just that. The body's divine power evoked, like a dozen sharp blades, stabbing into the monster group.

However, one person is an exception.

I saw that it was a young man in black. When he was about to rush into the monsters, he suddenly disappeared.

It turned into a shadow of a monster and walked towards the valley.

The beasts stared at them with wide eyes, but could not see any traces, and let the young man in black drive straight in.

Amazingly Cheng Feng!

Obviously, Cheng Feng is the first to kill the shadow kill by performing the technique of seven kills.

Incorporate yourself into the shadows, unless you cultivate the existence of the pupil.

Otherwise, you will never find the slightest.

As for python blue and white, there is no such means.

You can only use real swords and real guns to kill them from the besieging of monsters.

I am afraid that when they arrived in the valley, the Tianmai level heaven and earth fruit in the valley had been taken away by Cheng Feng!

A complete level of shadow killing is a bit scary.

Quietly, Cheng Feng reached the valley from the encirclement of the monster.

In the valley, there is still a group of monsters.

But the monsters here are unusual, all of them have reached the sixth grade of the prefecture, and even the seventh grade.

Even Cheng Feng was in the core of the valley and saw several familiar giant monsters.

It turned out that those super giant monsters that were driven away by Cheng Feng from the top of Tianzhu Mountain before.

Where the super monster is guarding, it is a flourishing giant flower.

This flower is very large, and a wave of colorful luck emanates from the top of the flower.

It looks as if an old monster is spitting his energy, and the scene is very scary!

"Is that flower the fruit of the heavenly and heavenly world born this time?"

Seeing that giant flower far away, Cheng Feng raised a brow.

Because humans usually have lower ranks of the fruits of the world.

This heavenly and heavenly fruit is actually a plant, which is a bit unexpected.

"Forget it, whether it is an animal or a plant, as long as it is a heaven-and-sky fruit of heaven and earth.

Cheng Feng said lightly: "Anyway, these fruits of the world may eventually contribute!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng will run the Shadow Kill to the extreme.

Next moment, 唰 ~~~

Sneaking towards the heart of the valley.

The heart of the valley is much harder to walk than elsewhere.

Although the number of monsters has been reduced a lot, the level is many times stronger.

Especially the eight super monsters, plus two strange super monsters, are just ten behemoths.

Huge eyeballs roamed around the valley. Any wind and grass moving would be noticed instantly.

Although Cheng Feng is running a perfect level of shadow killing, he cannot guarantee that he will not be found.

So when sneaking, be very careful and try to avoid unexpected situations.

During stealth, Cheng Feng was very careful.

Even so, when Cheng Feng was about to reach the core of the valley, he was discovered by the demons.

In fact, it was not the monster that discovered Cheng Feng.

It is the giant flower world fruit that grows in the center of the valley.

The giant flower seemed to have almost perverted induction. As soon as Cheng Feng stepped within ten miles of its area, he was sensed.

As the giant flower made a sound, the ten super monsters guarding around it looked at Cheng Feng together.

Although Cheng Feng could not be seen, the fierce and overbearing breath was overwhelmed by Cheng Feng.

Forcing Cheng Feng to defend, the stealth effect of Shadow Kill was immediately broken!

Roar! !!

At the moment Cheng Feng showed his figure, among the ten super monsters.

A giant eagle, a black scale anaconda, a gray giant tiger, and a super giant tortoise eyes glared, and Qi Qi roared angrily.

The next moment, the giant eagle soared into the air, his claws cut through the sky, and grabbed Cheng Feng's head.

The black-skinned snake with a huge mouth opened a horrible suction, and it was necessary to swallow Cheng Fengsheng.

The gray giant tiger fiercely slayed, to tear Cheng Feng on the spot.

"Does this world fruit have such a means?"

The track suddenly exposed, which made Cheng Feng frown slightly: "However, you can't escape my palm after all!"

During his speech, Cheng Feng displayed the technique of seven killings, and the gods bombarded the eagles that were killed.

The long sword was thrown in his hand, and the grey giant was slammed.

At the same time, he threw the Chiyan Robe, and the Hell's black inflammation gushed out, preventing the black scale snake from devouring.

Between the walks in the empty court, he just blocked the joint siege of the three super monsters, and approached the fruit of Juhuatiandi quickly.

"You all, do it together."

Seeing this, the super monster Beast Xuan Yaokui spoke: "This human stink boy is very powerful. He can't stop it with only black scales and gray tigers!"

For Cheng Feng's strength, Xi Xuan Yaokui has the most say.

Because at the time of Tianzhu Mountain, it was precisely Cheng Feng that gave it down to Tianzhu Mountain.

In order to completely block the opportunity of Cheng Feng to dye the fruits of heaven and earth, he directly inspired ten super monsters and shot against Cheng Feng together.

The rest of the super monsters are also quite frightened of Cheng Feng.

With the proposal of Xuan Xuan Yaokui, the remaining seven super monsters shot fiercely in the eyes, and they were also ready to attack Cheng Feng.

At the same time, the periphery of the valley.

The peerless geniuses who are rushing into the valley are whirling in their hearts.

"Look, someone has rushed to the heart of the valley!"

"That's Cheng Feng, Cheng Feng who is facing the sword tower of Feather God!"

"Damn, we need to work harder."

"Otherwise, the heaven and earth fruit in the valley will fall into the hands of Cheng Feng!"

As they shouted, the crowd's assassination became more fierce.

Want to rush into the valley as soon as possible, grab the giant flower world fruit.

In particular, Bai Zihua, Su Shengtian, Su Lin, Di Pao, etc. are all firepowered.

A heavenly and heavenly world fruit has been lost before, and they are bound to get it!

At this time, Cheng Feng was experiencing the biggest crisis ever.

Was horribly besieged by ten super monsters.

"Ten super monsters are the ten unmatched men who reach the eighth level of ten heavens."

Cheng Feng's eyebrows were wrinkled, but in his eyes his dedication to capturing the fruits of the giant flower world did not waver at all: "But if I want to stop my way, it is still a bit out of order!"

In a whisper, Cheng Feng played the first floor of Rulai Jinshenjue to the extreme.

At that moment, there was a magnificent Luo Han behind him.

The body is bent, hands folded, and Cheng Feng is protected under Wei An's body.

In this case, Boom Boom Boom ~~~

When ten super monsters attacked him successively.

Although Cheng Feng was a little embarrassed, he did not hurt him much.

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