Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2014: Start round up

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Chapter 2004 Start Roundup

The giant tortoise's fruit is so striking.

Hengchen is in the sky, the source light in the body is as brilliant as the galaxy, it is difficult for others to pay attention!

The two silhouettes originally came after the fruit of the false heaven and earth.

But at the moment of seeing the fruits of the giant tortoise, a huge greed instantly occurred in my heart, and I wanted to take it as my own!

Both men were activists, and after greed developed in their hearts, they immediately started to act.

唰 唰 ~~~

Divine power urged and flew towards the giant tortoise fruit.

"Two human boys?"

In the sky, the giant tortoise world fruit knew the arrival of the two.

While devouring the fruits of heaven and earth, a giant foot protruded from the shell of the turtle, and waved at the two silhouettes at will.

Wow ~~

An outrageous force struck out of nowhere and struck the two men.

Even if the two people's cultivation reached the sixth top of the ascent, they were instantly taken off by tyrannical forces.

The qi and blood in the body were violently tossed, and the internal organs of the five internal organs were shocked.

"Actually, so strong?"

Even the giant tortoise's fruit did not come close, and was directly bombed out.

This made the waves in the hearts of those two people toss, and the fruits of the world were not vegetarian.

Especially the high-level world fruits are even more terrifying than the super giant monster.

With their little means, let alone rob the world of giant turtles.

It's not bad to not be killed by the giant turtle world.

As a result, after the two people were shaken by the giant tortoise fruit for hundreds of miles, they immediately realized the gap between themselves and the giant tortoise fruit.

Dare not to have any luck, and rushed away.

However, these two people are just babies.

The real master is on his way, the tyrannical martial arts spirit runs through the sky, and can be seen clearly from a distance.

"It seems that the giant tortoise fruit has finally attracted the attention of others!"

In the shadow of the leaves, Cheng Feng saw the scene and said lightly, "Maybe, it's time for me to close the net!"

The giant tortoise heaven and earth fruit displays its talents and devours the fruits of heaven and earth on the entire sky island.

As long as the others are not blind, they will be able to detect it.

Especially the existence of Bai Zihua, Su Lin, Ao Kui, etc., are very sensitive to the fruits of heaven and earth.

It is estimated that the fruits of the pseudo heavenly vein-level heaven and earth located in the core area of ​​Cangqiang Island will be here immediately.

Therefore, Cheng Feng's action is most appropriate now.

Before the Bai Zihua and other people arrive, it is the best choice to subdue the giant tortoise and the fruits.

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng gave a glance at the giant tortoise fruit.

Immediately without delay, cast out God's hand and **** at it.

Cheng Feng's repair is strong, and he used the hand of God to grasp and directly condense a giant hand in the surroundings of the giant tortoise fruit.

This divine power is very large, and he actually grabbed the whole fruit of the giant tortoise in the palm of his hand.

"Human, get out of me!"

The giant tortoise's fruit responded very quickly.

At the moment when God's hand grabbed the opponent, they immediately responded.

The body radiates a brilliant brilliance, actually holding up the grasping tendency of the hand of God, stiffly supporting the void.

Keep your palms closed and grab it.

Not only that, but the mouth of the giant tortoise opened its mouth and sucked.


Inhale a dozen heaven and earth fruits, as well as massive amounts of air.

The next moment, heaven and earth fruit was swallowed by it.

As for the massive amount of air, it turned into an air thunderstorm under the breath of the giant tortoise.

boom! Boom in the hands of God.

He actually made a huge hole in the hand of God.

Then the four giant toes of the giant tortoise came out.

嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

Stomp one foot on God's hand.

The magical hand that was enough to catch the seventh-highest master in the sky alive was trampled into powder when the naked eye was visible!

"Oh, it's kind of interesting."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyebrows were raised: "I did not expect that this giant tortoise world fruit has such strength."

"It is slightly better than the super monster of the prefecture-level Bapin!"

"If you want to overcome this kind of existence, it is obviously not enough to rely on the hands of Cang."

"So let's use the real tricks, let the other side down first!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng immediately put into action.

Pulling the Devil Sword from the scabbard of the Buddha's wood, the Emperor Cang Sword was used, and the knife was slashed out.

This knife cut by Cheng Feng is very powerful.

The attack power alone is nearly ten times stronger than the hand of God.

The giant tortoise fruit did not take it seriously at the beginning, and intended to use the big foot to resist the slash of Daoguang.

But as Daoguang approached, he wiped it lightly on the giant foot.

Stabbing ~~~

A giant foot of the giant turtle splattered on the spot.

Hurriedly retracted the giant foot into the turtle's shell, and his head retracted.

With a hard tortoise shell, resist the slash of Daoguang.

The shell of the giant tortoise world fruit is extraordinary, and its hardness is beyond imagination.

Cheng Feng cut it with a knife, but he couldn't cut it apart.

Only cut a long and narrow knife mark a few inches deep!

"What a tough turtle shell!"

Cheng Feng raised a brow, and was a little surprised.

I did not expect that the giant turtle's shell would be so hard.

However, Cheng Feng did not get intimidated.

I saw him raise the Devil Sword, Emperor Cang's fifth style Wanxing Tonghui cast out.

Hundreds of stars drew down, merged with the divine power, and then slashed the giant turtle world.

Huh! The shell of the giant tortoise's fruit suddenly appeared a deep knife edge.

Although the turtle's shell has not been cut open, the fruit of the giant tortoise trembled.

Because of Cheng Feng's knife, he caused a lot of damage.

It is estimated that up to seven or eight swords can break its strongest defense.

By that time, it will be hard to think of it!

So the giant tortoise fruit shrank its limbs and head into the shell.

At the same time urge their own power, let the huge turtle body spin at high speed.

Next moment, 咻 ~~~

With the help of rotation, he flew away.

Obviously afraid of Cheng Feng, want to escape from Cheng Feng's attack!

"Want to escape?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng yelled, "I think you better stay!"

During speaking, Cheng Feng's second record of Emperor Cangshu was cut out.

Bang ~~~

When the giant tortoise fruit is chopped, it is chopped to fall to the ground.

Smashed a mountain peak and sank thousands of meters into the ground.

Later Cheng Feng added another knife, boom!

The giant tortoise fruit was directly submerged into the soil.

Looks rather embarrassed and loses his ability to move!

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng smiled with satisfaction.

Then he was about to fly to the place where the giant tortoise fruit was located and take it away.

Wow ~~~

Suddenly, the giant tortoise fruit that had sunk into the ground disappeared inexplicably.

Cheng Feng's face changed, and he opened his eyes for a look, and his expression suddenly gloomed.

"Good guy, dare to **** prey under my eyelids!"

After observing the eyes of the God of Fortune, Cheng Feng instantly saw the cause of the disappearance of the giant turtle world.

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