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Chapter 2026 Breaking the Formation

as expected.

A few minutes after Bai Zi's painting disappeared, a sharp edge suddenly appeared on the side of Surin.

Like a torrential rain, it stabbed Surin's heart.

At this time, Su Lin was defending the last charge of the heavy armored iron rider, and his spirit was somewhat scattered.

The other side seized the opportunity to cause Su Lin to die!

However, just before this edge hit Su Lin.

Su Lin, who was originally scattered, suddenly turned his head.

With a long sword in his hand, he flew the stabbing edge.

"Haha, Surin, you have been fooled!"

However, just then, a laugh sounded suddenly.

Immediately, the sharp edge stabbed by Surin was a knife.

Suddenly, Su Lin's brow raised.

Gaze was inductive, and he immediately noticed a strong crisis approaching himself.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw Bai Zihua's knife slashing quickly!

"Defined!" Su Lin was not panic as the crisis approached.

I saw a word "definite" in his mouth.

Immediately, an invisible force emerged out of thin air, entangled in Bai Zi's painting.

The sword that cut Bai Zi's paintings towards Su Lin was fixed in the air.

However, at this time, a weird scene appeared.

The original Bai Zi painting was fixed in the air by Su Lin with mysterious power.

But the next moment, on the other side of Surin, a second Baizi painting appeared.

Holding a murderous knife in his hand, he cut it to Surin's neck.

Not only that, there is also a third Baizi painting, a fourth Baizi painting, a fifth Baizi painting ... one after another.

Waving the knife in his hand, Qi Qi killed Su Lin.

Let Su Lin's brow frown, and the crisis feels like Mount Tai, unprecedented!

"Look, there are suddenly a dozen Baizi paintings in the sky."

"Every Baizi painting is exquisite, no difference from the real Baizi painting."

"Siege Su Lin together at this time, how can Su Lin resist?"

Bai Zihua's means of display at this moment are almost against the sky.

Because of a Baizi painting, Su Lin had a headache.

Now there are more than a dozen in one breath. I am afraid that the eighth highest level of the ascent, and even the emergence of top powerhouses, are far from being opponents.

"No, these suddenly appearing Baizi paintings are definitely not the body."

Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune and frowned, "I remember that Bai Zihua possessed a first-class Wupin Wuhun. After nearly two years of cultivation, his painting Wuhun has reached at least a high-level transformation period."

"Nine out of ten Baizi paintings that suddenly appeared at this moment were Baizi paintings drawn from the Wuhun painting."

"His real body is hidden in the painting Wu soul.

Cheng Feng's analysis is very accurate.

The dozen or so Baizi paintings that appeared at this time were indeed "painted" by Bai Zi's paintings of Wuhun.

Although the combat power is much worse than the body, but it is superb and very bluffing.

Even if Su Lin had practiced a deep pupil technique, he could not recognize it for a moment.

Since he couldn't see it, Su Lin closed his eyes.

Don't look with your eyes, but watch with your heart and catch it.

This behavior is no different from death to ordinary people.

But for people at this level of Surin, they can eliminate all negative factors.

Draw the real Baizi out of hiding!

laugh! A fine knife drawn by Bai Zi stabbed Surin.

I don't know if this Baizi painting is fake and not strong enough, or if the other party is deliberately confusing the audiovisual.

The stabbing of Surin was not fatal, only a cut was made on Surin's back.

Su Lin was expressionless.

It was as if the body stabbed by a fine knife was not his own, without any reaction.

In fact, Su Lin was focusing on searching for the real body of Bai Zi's painting.

Because if you do n’t find the true body, even the most painful expression is meaningless.

嗤 ~~~

Bai Zi drew a knife just after falling, and the second one followed.

A cut was made in Surin's body, and blood splashed out like spring water.

But Surin remained unmoved.

With her eyes closed, she was silently searching for the real body of Bai Zi's painting.

So, 嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

Blade after blade appeared on Surin's body.

About ten minutes later, Su Lin's body was already covered with stab wounds, and his blood flowed into a **** person.

Continue this way, Surin can only persist for half an hour.

Then it will be consumed alive because the blood dries up!

But at this moment.

The eyes of Su Lin, who closed her eyes, suddenly opened.

"Bai Zihua, I found you."

Su Lin whispered, the next moment, he looked at a Baizi painting in front of him.

This Baizi painting is bland and unpretentious, and behaves fairly well.

And because it is closest to Surin, it is easy to be ignored.

But as Su Lin's eyes passed, the eyes of that Bai Zi painting shrank, and he felt a strong danger.

He was about to give up attacking Surin, but Surin had already carried a sword and killed him.

call out! Surin's sword is like a dragon, and the light of the sword covers the white painting in front of him.

Forced the other side to fight against him.

And when that Baizi painting was fighting with him, he immediately exposed it.

Because this Baizi painting is very powerful, it is comparable to Surin.

If it was Bai Zi's painting drawn by Wu Hun, he couldn't hold on to a few tricks and would be killed on the spot by Su Lin.


Fight with Bai Zi's real body for a moment.

Suddenly, Su Lin spit out a word.

The next moment, Su Lin pierced the sword in his hand, and directly penetrated the head of a fake Baizi painting.

Let his expression dull and disappear.

After that, Surin continued to spit out the sword and spit out a Chinese character.

Immediately the second false Baizi painting was killed by a sword penetrating his heart.

Then comes the third, the fourth ...

In an instant, Su Lin shot eighteen swords in a row.

A total of eighteen false Baizi paintings died under Su Lin's sword.

To make the whole void empty, only the real body painted by Bai Zi stood in the air, and his face was very unsightly.

However, this is not over.

After Su Lin cracked the martial arts attack of Bai Zi's painting, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

The sword fluttered in his hand, piercing hundreds of sword lights.

Wait until Jianguang is submerged into the dense fog of the vast array of methods, click ~~

It seemed like something was broken.

Let the dense fog of the formation be blown away by the strong wind, and disappear in an instant.

"Wow, the formation is broken!"

"The formation that besieged Surin, but it was a large array of kings, was it broken by Surin?"

In the distance, those martial arts onlookers who watched this scene were stunned.

In fact, not only these martial artists, but even Su Shengtian, Di Li, and Cheng Feng were stunned.

"What a keen insight!"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "Since Brother Su actually fought fiercely with Bai Zihua, he has seen through the veins of Wang Pin's formations and found out where the formation eyes are."

"Just a sword pierced, Wang Pin's array collapsed immediately."

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