Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2048: Yue Qianji

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Chapter 2048 Yue Qianji

"Uncle Nalan, if this is the case, then the research of Xingyuemeng is probably successful."

In the underground world, Cheng Feng's eyes narrowed: "It can instantly transfer people from the earth dome to a seat surface hundreds of millions of miles away."

"If I can find the research results of Xingyuemeng, then ..."

"Cheng Feng, don't think about it first."

Nalan Changsheng interrupted Cheng Feng's speculation and said, "You first dig this stone from the ground."

"Let me take a closer look at the specific information it records."

The stele is obliquely inserted in the soil, and the exposed part is less than one tenth of the body.

Cheng Feng evoked divine power, dug it out gently, and let Nalan Changsheng read it.

A few minutes later Nalan's voice sounded.

"Cheng Feng, you guessed right."

"The Xingyue League did work out a way to teleport people out of the dome continent."

"Unfortunately, this method was lost in the wars of ancient times."

"What? Lost?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "Uncle Nalan, do you know where that method was lost? Can you find it back?"

The research results of Xingyue League are the only way for Cheng Feng to get out of trouble.

If you can't find it, then Cheng Feng will probably be trapped in Cangqiang Island.

Or he was taken away by a certain altered power and eaten as alchemy of heaven and earth.

"I'm afraid it's hard to find the lost method."

Nalan Changsheng shook his head: "Because there is no specific record on this stone monument."

"Only mentioning a name, it seems to refer otherwise."

"A name? Whose name?" Cheng Feng asked quickly.

"This name is called Yue Qianji."

Nalan Changsheng said: "It should be a ghost talent in the Xingyue League who has reached the highest level of research in the game of confrontation."

"Perhaps this person has mastered the method of teleportation, so he was recorded on the stone tablet."

"I just don't know if this person is alive or dead, if there is any legacy left."

"In ancient times, it was a long time ago."

Cheng Feng said: "Even the existence of a good environment can not survive the years of corrosion."

"The ghost named Yue Qianji, although quite capable of playing against the law, but Xiu Wei is estimated to have not reached the realm of creation, and now certainly no longer exists."

"My only hope now is to find the legacy that this person has left."

"If Yue Qianji has mastered the means of plane transmission, then his status in the Xingyue League is definitely not low."

Nalan Changsheng analyzed: "So in this Xingyue League site, there must be something related to Yue Qianji."

"As long as you find it out, maybe you can follow it and find the inheritance of Yue Qianji."

"I see."

Cheng Feng nodded, thinking deeply.

Later, the God of Fortune was operated, and he continued to search in the underground world.

The underground world is huge, with thousands of miles to go.

Cheng Feng searched very carefully. It didn't take long for him to search for nearly a half area.

And his search was not wasted, and found a lot of clues for Guan Yue Qianji.

Cheng Feng combined these clues and learned that Yue Qianji was actually the chief elder of Xingyue League.

This person can be called a magical talent that will never be encountered for thousands of years. Under his leadership, Xingyuemeng, in just over ten years, has developed a formula that can break the blockade of the earth dome and transfer people to other places Super teleporter.

Unfortunately, along with the success of this research, it also brought the disaster to the Xingyue League.

In World War I, the masters of ancient times took the lead in destroying the Starmoon League.

It is rumored that Yue Qianji did not die, but received the news in advance, disappearing thousands of miles away, disappearing without a trace.

"Yue Qianji actually fled?"

After clearing the news, Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "Yue Qianji fled, and certainly took his research results."

"I want to get a way out of the dome continent in this ancient site. It is almost impossible."

Cheng Feng's guess is very reasonable.

Yue Qianji's idea is to develop a super teleportation array that breaks through the dome continental law.

At that time, he managed to study it out, naturally he would not let it be destroyed by the ancient masters.

When you run away, you will definitely take away all the research results.

"Cheng Feng, don't worry."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "According to the clues you got, Yue Qianji's residence is nearby."

"Let's try our luck there first, maybe there will be some unexpected gains."

"Hope." Cheng Feng didn't report much hope.

Because Yue Qianji escaped, his residence must be the focus of the search by the ancients.

Existence is a problem today, let alone ‘harvest’.

However, with a mentality of trying, Cheng Feng still went to the former residence of Yue Qianji.

Yue Qianji's residence is located in the innermost part of the underground world.

It was a deep sinking pit filled with water and forming a lake.

If you drain the water, you can see that lake, which is actually a huge punch.

It may be caused by a super-existence and a punch!

"Uncle Naland, it looks like our hopes have fallen through."

Seeing Fangyin Lake, Cheng Feng was a little disappointed: "Yue Qianji's residence was bombarded with such terrible fist. Even if there is something left, it is estimated that it has been beaten into powder.

"It's not always possible."

Nalan Changsheng shook his head: "If there is something important, would you just leave it in your own home or hide it?"

"For example, make a treasure room under your own house?"

"Treasure Chamber?"

Cheng Feng's eyes lightened: "Do you mean that Yue Qianji may be hiding some things that he can't take away?"

"It's just a guess of mine."

Nalan Changsheng said: "As for right, further verification is needed."

"Haha, this possibility is extremely great."

Cheng Feng showed a smile on his face, opened the eyes of God of Fortune to look inside the Fistprint Lake.

I saw that the boxing lake was a hundred miles away, and the inside collapsed to form a harbor.

A large python resembling a dragon, dormant in the harbor.

Sensing Cheng Feng's observation, a strong demon burst into the sky, punching the water in the fist-printed lake into the dome at once.

"This super ghost is strong."

Seeing the dragon-shaped python, Cheng Feng's brow froze: "It is estimated that it has reached the eighth level of ascending to the sky, which can be called the most powerful ghost in the entire underground world."

In the underground world, there are eighteen super ghosts in total.

The other seventeen ghosts have the same combat power as Dengtian's eighth stage.

Only this dragon-shaped python has reached the eighth level of the ascendant, and there are two big bales on the head, which should be gestating dragon horns.

Once the dragon horns take shape, the fighting power of that dragon-shaped python will definitely be further improved.

Eliminating the Ghost Beast is enough to dominate the entire death abyss!

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