Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2079: Race against time

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"Three thousand books, how's the Super Matrix repaired?"

After Cheng Feng's state reached the peak, he looked at the busy book three thousand.

"Cheng Feng, give me another half an hour."

The book 3,000 said: "After half an hour, I can at least repair this super teleportation team to more than 90%."

"Nine percent? Too much."

However, Cheng Feng said, "As long as the array and the source of power are intact, the super-transportation array can repair the six achievements."

"How much have you repaired this super teleportation team?"

"Just 60%."

The book three thousand answers, and continues to repair.

"Has been repaired to 60%? That's enough!"

After learning that dozens of altered powers would act after a fragrant incense, Cheng Feng felt a fire in his heart.

He greeted the three thousand people and told them to set aside.

Next moment, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

Put four parcel flags into the super teleportation array.

The repair level of the super teleportation array has been further improved, reaching 70%.

At the same time, the formation method was integrated with the four parcels of burial flags.


The entire super teleportation team uprooted and flew towards Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng took out the Wan Jiantu and collected it into the Wan Jiantu.

After doing this, Cheng Feng looked at Xiangshu 3000 and others.

"You, time is short, we must act quickly."

"Within a row of incense, root the Super Teleportation into the sky and start teleporting."

"Otherwise, we would all die!"

"Cheng Feng, is it so serious?"

The book is three thousand puzzled, and feels that the threat of ancient demons is not so severe.

"I'm still talking light."

Cheng Feng didn't mention the power of good fortune outside the continent, fearing to scare people like Shu Sanqian.

It was just a serious look: "So, you all have entered the million sword map."

"Once the teleportation array opens, I will take you away immediately!"

"Cheng Feng, this may not work."

Ji Wushuang interjected in: "Our soul is integrated with Qianji Tower, and we can't leave Qianji Tower for half a step."

"Otherwise, the soul will be broken, and it will die!"

"Isn't it okay to use Wan Jian Tu as a carrying object?"

Wanjiantu is one of the core components of Qianji Tower. With its unique installation, there should be no problems.

"This is inaccurate."

Ji Wushuang shook his head and said, "Or else, you go to Cangqiang Island to start the super teleportation array."

"When it is successful, we will take back the Qianji Tower for transmission."

"In this way, not only will I be able to save my life, but you will also get a super treasure out of thin air!"

Qianji Tower is also at least a top holy artifact, even reaching the level of artifact.

These babies are very rare in the heavens and the world. If Cheng Feng can get them, one hundred will naturally be willing.

But the problem is that under the threat of ancient demons, Cheng Feng may not be able to get them.

Although the suggestion of Wushuang is good, the feasibility is very low.

"You, I can only do my best to charge the Qianji Tower."

Cheng Feng said frankly, "I ca n’t guarantee the success of the eventuality, nor can I guarantee it!"

"Well, we know."

The book nodded three thousand: "As long as you do your best."

"Although I haven't been with you for a long time, I already know that you are a responsible and faithful person!"

"That line."

Cheng Feng's eyes glanced at the books like three thousand.

Seeing that the other party had made a choice, he stopped talking and said, "You take good care of it. When I turn on the super teleportation array, I will work hard to take away the Qianji Tower."

After speaking, Cheng Feng held his fist.

The shadow killing at the successful level was performed, and it disappeared into an invisible shadow.

"Old book, do you say Cheng Feng will come to save us?"

Looking at the departing Cheng Feng, Ji Wushuang asked anxiously.

"Yes, I will!"

The book three thousand affirmed: "Cheng Feng, who looks indifferent in character, is actually a man with retribution."

"We helped him get a super teleporter, he will never leave us alone and run away!"

Just when Shu Sanqian and others talked, Cheng Feng had reached the first floor of Qianji Tower.

At this time, the first floor of the Qianji Tower was in a mess, and all sides were scratches left by the claws of ancient demons.

Cheng Feng glanced at will and came to the exit of Qianji Tower.

Divine thoughts emanated to observe the situation outside the tower.

I saw outside the Qianji Tower, the offensive of ancient demons became more and more violent.

The second ultimate defense of Qianji Tower seems to be somewhat irresistible.

Wan Yue Juyue, formed by absorbing the power of the dome continent, has been destroyed by a third.

Makes the scalp numb and frightens.

However, although Cheng Feng was not calm, he was not flustered.

Shen Nian stared at the ancient demon and waited for nearly ten minutes, finally letting him wait for a chance.

Immediately without delay, open the door of Qianji Tower a slit.

Next moment, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng then shot out along the fine seam.

At this time, the ancient demons just happened to split Wan Yue Juyue with a magic axe.

Cheng Feng flew along the crack, and blinked out of Wan Yue Juyue.

At this time, the ultimate defense of the Qianji Tower broke out, closing the crack.

Let the ancient demons burn in anger, attack the Man Yue giant Yue more fiercely by three points!

As for Cheng Feng, when the ancient demons were angry, they quietly circled behind the giant Yue Yue.

When the ancient demons cast their eyes elsewhere, 唰 ~~~

Flying away from the abyss of death.

After a few moments, thousands of miles away.

Cheng Feng looked at the dying abyss, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally slipped out of the Qianji Tower."

"Next, I just need to find a safe place to connect the super teleportation team with the sky island."

"Draining the power of the sky, you can start the super teleportation array and teleport me to the ectopic plane!"

Cheng Feng's original plan was to escape to the Wuhun Great World with the help of an ethereal order given by Gu Qingcheng.

But after recent experience, Cheng Feng knew clearly that mistyness made it unusable.

Once he went to the Wuhun Great World, he fell into disguise and fell into the hands of the Wuhun Great Master, the "soul ancestor".

By then, it can be said that every day should not be, and the earth is not working!

Secondly, Cheng Feng has two alternatives. One is the trial order of Tiancang.

As long as Cheng Feng writes his name on the Tiancang judgment, Tiancang holy prison will issue a capture force.

If Cheng Feng was arrested in the prison “Tiancang Holy Prison”, he could also escape the continent.

The second is the Tianfu Emperor's Stele.

The monument to the burial emperor that day contained a big secret, as if it could penetrate the heavens and earth.

Unfortunately, the secrets are too esoteric, and Cheng Feng's current ability cannot be opened.

Therefore, comprehensive consideration, the best choice is to escape from the dome continent with the help of the super teleport array.

At this time, Cheng Feng had already obtained the super teleportation array and owed only 'Dongfeng'!

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