Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2126: Danqimen

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Chapter 2126 The Gate of Dan

After the Xingming Shield became larger, it turned into a giant tortoise.

Cheng Feng was protected under the turtle shell, giving a very safe feeling.

In fact, it does.

The defensive power of Xuming Shield can at least block the bombardment of a ninth strongest man.

With this defensive treasure, Cheng Feng can prepare for the ninth strongest man in the sky.

If you can't beat it, run away!

"Next, start practicing."

Slightly familiar with the Xingming Shield, Cheng Feng put away the shield.

Then calm down, ready to practice martial arts.

Before, Cheng Feng had a short-term cultivation plan.

The first is the cultivation of Rulai Jinshenjue, the second is the Emperor Cangshu, the seventh killing technique, and finally the divine power cultivation.

Nowadays, Rulai Jinshenjue and Emperor Cangshu have achieved expectations.

Therefore, it is time to practice the technique of seven kills.

"Cultivation of the Seven Killing Techniques is relatively difficult. It is almost impossible to practice the seven Killing Techniques in one breath."

Cheng Feng groaned: "I practice the first three kills first, and then practice the next four kills."

"The first kill of the Seven Kills has been practiced, and the second kill of the Soul Killer has been practiced in half."

"There are four levels of this soul killing, ten miles to capture the soul, hundreds of miles to capture the soul, thousands of miles to capture the soul, thousands of miles to capture the soul!"

Cheng Feng whispered: "When I was in the dome continent, I could use my soul to kill people, and I could take lives within a thousand miles."

"But the law of heaven and earth in the heavenly sacred prison is far more powerful than the earth dome continent. When I cast my soul to kill, the power will decrease."

"Now you can only do it!"

"So next, I need to practice one or two more, and try to kill the soul to the level of Dacheng first."

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng runs the spirit to kill, and the thought spreads to the four sides like water waves.

Moments later, Cheng Feng's thoughts were filled with seven or eight hundred miles.

He can see the rush of the river, the swimming of fish and shrimp in the water, the roar of the monsters under the water ... and the growth of flowers and trees on the river bank.

Moreover, Cheng Feng's 'seeing' is not looking with his eyes, but with the sword of God.

Silently, the sword of God's thought stuck to the soul of various flowers and fish.

As long as Cheng Feng is willing, just turning his thoughts can make him die instantly!

This is the spirit kill.

Everything can be killed where the divine mind is!

However, Cheng Feng's divine thoughts shrouded in a radius of seven or eight hundred miles, indicating that the spirit killing remained in the second layer of hundred miles to capture the soul.

Then Cheng Feng polished his thoughts and further expanded and expanded this envelope!

When this range reaches more than a thousand miles, the third level of soul-killing is reached—thousands of miles!

As time passed, Cheng Feng's divine thoughts continued to spread during the struggle.

When the boat floats thousands of miles and enters a large lake.

Cheng Feng's divine thoughts can finally cover the area of ​​Fangyuan Qianli, and the spirit killing has officially entered the third layer, the level of capturing souls.

"Hoo ~~~"

On the boat, Cheng Feng exhaled, "I finally practiced a thousand miles to win the soul."

"Then continue to cultivate, and strive to become a thousand miles as soon as possible!"

However, when Cheng Feng is preparing to practice.

A sound of fighting suddenly appeared in the area shrouded in his thoughts.

In this regard, Cheng Feng did not want to bother.

But a female voice caught Cheng Feng's attention, and Cheng Feng frowned.

"This woman, who escaped from Wan Jie Valley, has mastered a route to safely enter Wan Jie Valley!"

"And in Wanfengu, there seems to be a powerful fire of kings."

"I planned to surrender this strange fire before, so that **** melanoma can be absorbed and restored."

"Now Hell Black Flame and the extremely cold ice flames, although they have all recovered to their peak, it would be very good if they could overcome the strange fire."

"The most unfortunate, it can also advance the level of the small fire!"

The new emperor fire is now a half king. Although the power is stronger than Hell's Black Flame and the extremely cold ice flames, the growth space is still quite large.

Just give him enough strange fires, or devouring the fire of the best, and safety can increase the level crazy.

Once you reach the level of Wang Pin's different fires, even the ninth strongest person in the sky can burn to death!

By then, it will become a killer in the hands of Cheng Feng!

The Wang Pinyi Fire in Wanfengu is the biggest thrust of the new emperor fire to promote Wang Pinyi Fire.

So Cheng Feng was so concentrated, ‘looking at’ those who were fighting.

I saw a total of four combatants, two men and a woman are besieging a beautiful young woman.

The glamorous young woman was dressed in veil and was very good at least, reaching at least the eighth highest order in the sky.

Under the siege of the two men and one woman, although they were in a disadvantage, they were not critical.

A soft sword stabbed in his hand, even forcing the three to step back a little, and there was a strong posture to get out of trouble.

But soon the situation changed.

It turned out that the woman of two men and one woman suddenly took out a bottle of sheep fat.

As I opened the bottle, it was banging ~~~

A stream of water came out of the bottle and the temperature was very low.

In a blink of an eye, thousands of miles of lakes were frozen into ice.

It is a really high level of real water!

The glamorous young woman seemed to be uncomfortable with cold water.

Attacked by the breath of real water, his face immediately became bloodless.

Even the body became stiff, and the ability to react dropped sharply.

The two men and one woman seized the opportunity to attack aggressively, and suddenly showed various flaws.

A few moments later, he was hit with several knives, and his blood was stained with veil.

If this situation continues, the beautiful young woman must die!

But at this moment.


Suddenly, three invisible attacks emerged out of thin air.

The weapons that were in the hands of the two men and the woman were almost released from direct bombardment.

"Who? How dare you bother me about Dan Qimen!"

Two men and one woman paused to besiege the glamorous young woman and looked around alertly.

However, no matter how the three of them looked, they couldn't find half a figure.

Even if a pupil is performed, nothing is achieved.

Just when the three of them frowned, thinking that the man who secretly shot was scared away by the word 'Dan Qi Men'.

A leaf boat flew over the ice, and a young man in black stood proudly on board.

He said lightly, "Dan Qi Men? I haven't heard of it!"

This young man in black is naturally Cheng Feng.

He first came to Tiancang Holy Prison and was unfamiliar with the situation here.

On top of the Tianzong continent, he has never heard of other sects except Ming Yuanzong, one of the three sects.

However, his words fell into the ears of others, but was regarded as a satire of Chiguo.

"Who are you? How dare you look down on me?"

When the two men and one woman heard the words, they were so angry that they said, "Do you know that more than 90% of the warriors in the entire Tiancheng continent have been blessed by my door?"

"You look down on me like this, you're so tired!"

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