Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2132: Wolf King

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Chapter 2132 The Wolf King

"The current level of Demon Slayer is about to reach the middle level holy weapon?"

Cheng Feng watched the Devil Sword and whispered: "Maybe swallowing this sacred artifact of the Xingming Shield will enter the middle-level sacred artifact level."

"By then, the power of Demon Slayers will definitely skyrocket."

"Even if you are the ninth strongest in the sky, you can be fearless!"

In the groan, the black mist from the Devil Sword slowly retracted.

Cheng Feng raised his eyebrows and raised his brows.

Because he actually saw that the inscription shield was intact and was not swallowed by the sword.

"Slayer, what's going on?"

Cheng Feng was puzzled and asked about the Devil Sword.

"Master, I see that this shield is useful to you, so I only swallowed a hidden force in the shield."

The magic sword of the Devil Sword: "That power should be the means by which the old man in the clothing will follow you."

"After I clear it, you can use this shield with confidence!"

It turned out that the Demon Sword did not devour the Xingming Shield, but cleaned up the hidden matter in the Xingming Shield.

After hearing this, Cheng Feng's face showed a touch of joy.

"Slayer, good job."

Cheng Feng said: "I will find a higher-level weapon in the future and I will give you a meal!"

When speaking, Cheng Feng took the Xuming Shield in his hand.

A light feeling hit him, letting him know instantly that there was no hidden danger in Xuming Shield.

It will only be used by him next and become a defense ace in his hand!

At the same time, tens of thousands of miles away.

A woman with a ponytail raised her brows.

"The teacher's power in the Xingming Shield disappeared."

"However, there is no Xuming Shield, and the thief who stole the Xuming Shield did not want to escape."

"On the little thief, the breath of the teacher's fishing rod was stained."

"Even if he fled to the ends of the earth, he couldn't escape my nose!"

After speaking, the ponytail woman shrugged her nose, and immediately found a position and caught up.

This orientation is the direction in which Cheng Feng left.


Over a mountain forest, Cheng Feng stood in the air.

"Although I have cleared the hidden dangers of the Xingming Shield, I can't carelessly."

"After all, this is the site under the control of the Mingyuan Sect. If it is found, it will be very troublesome."

Cheng Feng groaned: "I'd better leave this place first and go to the north of the mainland that day, a trip to Wanfengu."

"It belongs to the San Regime Zone. The mountains and rivers are evil, and monsters run rampant."

"The three main gates of the Emperor Yuanzong did not reach into their hands."

"When I go there, I can not only avoid the sharp edge, but also just solve the problem entrusted by Yuan Fengmei."

With the decision, Cheng Feng acted immediately.

I saw him put away the Shield and slightly identified his position.

Next moment, 唰 ~~~

The shadow casts its shadows for thousands of miles and disappears instantly.


A few days later, Tianchi was north of the mainland.

The weather was dry and hot, and the dust was flying all over the sky.

The figure of a young man in black suddenly appeared in the dust, and it was Cheng Feng.

"Is this the northern part of the Tianma mainland? The environment is too harsh!"

Standing in the dust, just a moment, Cheng Feng's body was covered with dust.

Fortunately, Cheng Fengxiu is powerful, and evokes the divine power into a divine shield, all sand and dust are difficult to approach.

If it is an ordinary person, even if it is not blown to death by the flying sand, it will die thirsty.

On the sand, a dead body can be seen everywhere.

Most of them were merchants crossing the desert, and the scene was a bit scary.

"According to the map, this desert is called Qianhan Desert, and in the center of the desert is a mountain of flames."

Cheng Feng looked at the desert and whispered, "Wan Fangu is in the middle of the flame mountain."

"I don't know if Yuan Fengmei's daughter has martial arts practices. If not, it would be a bit difficult under these harsh conditions."

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng hastened his pace.

In case of late, Yuan Fengmei's daughter had an accident, and he broke his promise.

When Cheng Feng hurried to the Flame Mountain, he was thousands of miles away.

The ponytail girl was flying in the desert, her face was depressed.

"This wicked little thief actually came to the Qianhan Desert."

"This is a murder on Miss Ben's skin. It's terrible."

"When Miss Ben catches you, I have to look at you!"

Muttering in her mouth, the girl with ponytails raised her slender legs and sank into the vast sea of ​​sand.


The vast desert of Qianhan is boundless.

Inside it lies dormants, sand robbers, desert beasts, earth dragons ... and so on.

The reason why the three major continents of the Tianchi continent did not pull them into their jurisdiction is because the Qianhan Desert is mixed with fish and dragons and it is difficult to start.

Hundred years ago, the blood-crushing hall, one of the three largest Gaozongmen gates, was killed with great fanfare, but eventually returned.

Since then, the Qianhan Desert has become a San Regal Zone.

If you don't have the strength, you will be looted and even turned into a corpse in minutes.

Cheng Feng was ransacked many times in the Qianhan Desert.

Unfortunately, all those who robbed Cheng Feng were not strong enough.

Not only was the robbery unsuccessful, but Cheng Feng was robbed. He searched out all the belongings and fled away.

Until not long ago, Cheng Feng penetrated into the core area of ​​Qianhan Desert and encountered a robber with a slightly lineup.

It was a bandit known as His Majesty the Great Wolf King of the Qianhan Desert, one of the top ten swordsmen.

In order to reach the sixth height of the ascension to the sky, this bandit has occupied more than a dozen oasis in the Qianhan Desert.

Tens of assassins who ascended to heaven were snatched and ran rampant.

Burn and plunder, do no evil.

When Cheng Feng met each other, the bandits were looting a group of merchants.

The group of merchants were mainland businessmen, and their business spanned the mainland. They hired ten ascenders to serve as bodyguards.

However, under the siege of the bandits, they were defeated.

Half of the ten ascendants were killed, and the remaining few lost their courage and fled.

But also chased by the bandits, one by one!

After killing the ascended martial arts soldiers, the group of bandits relentlessly wanted to kill the entire caravan.

Cheng Feng was practicing Divine Soul Killing at the time. Seeing behind this scene, he directly urged Divine Soul Killing to kill the third layer of thousands of miles.

After nearly two thousand miles, bang bang ~~~

Use the big spear of divine thoughts to instantly burst the divine thoughts of the bandits.

The next moment, the bodies of the bandits fell like dumplings and fell from the air.

The eyes of those desperate merchants were widened, thinking that they had seen an illusion.

It wasn't until after a while that everyone was awake.

Knowing that the bandits are dead and killed by some kind of terror!

"In the end, who is the master, and suddenly killed His Majesty the Wolf King, all the strong in the vein of Yusang Swordsman?"

"Such strength is probably the eighth most important thing, right?"

"It's just that he did it, but he offended the wolf king!" gfbmmjD6vtLSaDjNAMr7x + cAJfrxmldLwH / ZzyO8z5GisJlPbdeDIGJfyq9N6ALntkPrNLIFSkmW6H4 = H4

"If the King of the Wolf kills, the consequences are unthinkable!"

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