Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2156: Reactions from all parties

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Chapter 2156 The Reactions of All Parties

Cheng Feng originally thought that the killing of the Wolf King would yield nothing.

Unexpectedly, a big surprise came at the last minute.

It made him smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Canglang King has dominated the Qianhan Desert for hundreds of years. It is normal to have so many properties by burning and looting all year round."

Cheng Feng groaned: "Moreover, in order to practice the fire magic skills, the wolf king has also wasted a lot of property."

"Otherwise, the accumulation of this puppet might be more!"

Groaning, Cheng Feng closed Fang Tianhua's halberd.

Since this object is a treasure trove, Cheng Feng can no longer be thrown away by the Devil Sword, making the Devil Sword somewhat lost.

"Slayer, don't be disappointed."

Cheng Feng laughed: "In Fangtian's painting of halberds, there are many rare metals and various weapons."

"I'll take out some later to get you enough."

"As for now, we need to go to Dilong Palace first."

"The wolf king has so many treasures. The earth dragon king, which is also one of the two kings, is definitely not bad."

"If you can find it, just evacuate it."

After speaking, Cheng Feng flew towards the direction of Dilong Palace.

At the same time, the entire Qianhan Desert was fried.

Because the movement of the earth dragon king and the wolf king is so great, many warriors in the Qianhan Desert are watching.

Especially in the end, the wolf king counterattacked and killed the earth dragon king, but the earth dragon king was killed by Cheng Feng.

When the incident spread, the Qianhan Desert was directly plunged into panic.

Everyone knows that the sky in the Qianhan Desert is about to change.

There will be a new king, and this is the young man Cheng Feng in black!

It's not just the Qianhan Desert, but the vast continent of heaven is changing at this moment.

To the north of the continent, Ming Yuanzong headquarters.

When the Master of the Yuanyuanzong went out of the customs, when he heard the shocking changes in the Qianhan Desert, his brows couldn't help wrinkling.

"A new ascent to the ninth strong?"

"This is really talented. It seems that I am Yuanzong, and I need to contact this person for one or two."

"Suppressing the fierce things in the future may be able to borrow a force!"


South of the continent, Dan Qimen.

"A young man in black overturned the palace of the wolf and the earth dragon palace?"

An old man with long beards flutters, and the wind is immortal.

But at this moment, his face condensed: "The court of the wolf and the palace of the Earth Dragon have ruled the Qianhan Desert for hundreds of years, like an iron bucket."

"However, this son can overturn it, it cannot be underestimated!"

"Maybe I should give a gift to the 'New King' of the Qianhan Desert and make a couple of advances."


The nature is east of the continent, Lianxuetang.

"A young man in black and proficient in sword-making has flattened the Royal Court of the Wolf and the Earth Dragon Palace?"

In the depths of a deep blood pool, a cold voice suddenly heard: "This person is very similar to the sinner 'Cheng Feng' who was arrested by the Lord Lord."

"And this son appeared out of thin air, mysterious origins, I am afraid that it was just after entering Tiancang Holy Prison."

"Maybe it's Cheng Feng!"

At this point, the cold voice yelled, "Where is the blood girl?"

"The disciples are here."

With the voice, a stature-filled woman in blood-red clothes appeared, kneeling on one knee in front of the blood pool.

"Blood girl, you are the most outstanding disciple in this seat. At a young age, you have reached the eighth point of ascension and won the true story of this seat."

The cold voice said: "This time I will give you a task to go to the Qianhan Desert to find out the origin of a peerless master 'Black Boy' who has recently emerged."

"Remember, you must see his weapons, looks, clothing, and swordsmanship."

"Once you figure this out, return to the obituary immediately."

"The disciple takes the lead." The blood girl was simply.

Bowing to the blood pool, he turned away and disappeared.

"Blood girl, you are cultivated in this seat, ready to send out the seedlings of the heavenly holy prison, and enter the holy religion to fight for the position of the saint."

Looking at the departing blood girl, a cold voice whispered, "I hope you will not disappoint me!"


Yuanling Mountain Domain.

The old man in Gaiyi was teaming up with Zhang Yuqiong, sealing the fierce things all over the land.

Suddenly heard the news of the Qianhan Desert, his face could not help changing.

"A kid in black has subverted the wolf court and the earth dragon palace?"

"That kid, isn't that the guy who escaped from the old man?"

"If that's the case, Xiaoqing is in danger."

Thinking of this, the old man in Yiyi couldn't help but stop the action of sealing the fierce thing.

"Veteran, what's wrong?"

Zhang Yuqiong saw this and asked.

The old man in Yiyi told Zhang Yuqiong what he heard.

"What, you actually sent Xiaoqing to stare at the boy in black?"

Zhang Yuqiang was shocked: "Don't you know Xiao Qing's identity? She came to Me Yuanzong, but she just played."

"If there is a three-pronged and two-pronged, thunder anger from the protector, the whole gate will fall apart!"

The identity of Xiaoqing, a ponytail girl, is not simple.

No wonder there were so many defensive cards and he escaped from Cheng Feng's hands several times.

"Oh, of course I know this."

The veteran sighed, "But Xiao Qing is so active, I can't bring her here?"

"I was just thinking about letting her secretly follow the young man in black and exercise a little or two."

"Whoever thought, that kid in black would be so cruel ..."

When the veteran sighed, humming ~~~

A burst of void movements occurred.

The next moment, a tall girl with a pigtail braid emerged from the void.

Amazingly Xiaoqing.

"Xiao Qing, you haven't been hurt by the boy in black."

Seeing Xiaoqing, the veterans and Zhang Yuqiong all breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Xiaoqing is not ordinary, she has a deep relationship with the defenders of the Tianchi mainland.

The defender is the real master of the entire continent.

Although the Emperor Yuanzong is one of the three largest Gaozong gates on the continent, if it annoys the guardians, it will be destroyed in minutes.

"Teacher, how could I be hurt by that bastard?"

Seeing the veteran, Xiaoqing was also slightly relieved.

Although she escaped from Cheng Feng's ‘devil claws’ with a bit of quirks, she was always nervous and was afraid to be caught back.

Until I found the veteran, I was really relieved.

"Why, Xiaoqing, did you meet that kid in black? Didn't he hit you?"

Seeing Xiao Qing's look, the elder frowned.

"How is that possible? How can I be taken advantage of by the black thief?"

Xiao Qing said so, but her expression was a bit unnatural.

She remembered that after being stunned by Cheng Feng, she searched out all the defensive treasures on her body.

Even a treasure hidden under the breast was not spared.

And under the chest ...

Thinking of this, Xiaoqing had some gritting teeth.

Can't wait to catch Cheng Feng and beat him fiercely!

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