Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2203: See Blood Demon

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Chapter two thousand two hundred and three see the blood demon

"My girl is going to see my teacher now!"

Lu Xiaoqing said discouragedly: "Yes, quickly hand over my defensive baby Xu Ming shield from the Yuanzong."

"Otherwise, I'll bring the teacher myself to get it."

"Well, it's just a broken shield. It seems to be rare."

Cheng Feng chuckled coldly: "Then, keep it safe in the future."

"If I get picked up again, I won't take it back."

Then, Cheng Feng threw the Xingming Shield to Lu Xiaoqing.

Although the Xingming Shield is a defensive treasure, it can block the attack from the ninth master of Dengtian.

But for Cheng Feng now, it is nothing.

It's no big deal to return it to Ming Yuanzong.

If Ming Yuanzong still held him back, he wanted to avenge Yang Qianba and others.

That Cheng Feng didn't mind giving Ming Yuanzong some bangs, let them know and know what it means to be outside the sky, there are people outside!

"You little thief, are you so generous?"

Lu Xiaoqing was surprised to catch the false name shield that Cheng Feng had lost.

"What's the matter? Is it ass?"

Cheng Feng's eyes glared, "If you want to go, hurry up, and then dare to say bad things about me, you will hit your ass!"

"You stinky thief, Liu Mang!"

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, Lu Xiaoqing's face was crimson.

She knew deeply how horrible Cheng Feng was.

The thing that spanks a girl can be done.

She had been repaired by Cheng Feng before, so she scolded Cheng Feng a few words, and fled with the Xingming shield.

Looking at Lu Xiaoqing who was gone, a smile appeared on Cheng Feng's face.

"This girl, just leave."

"Although I have some strength, there are too many people who want to deal with me."

"This little girl is following me, it's dangerous."

"Going to Ming Yuanzong, plus the defense baby gifted by Wang Xijing, should be safer."

It turned out that Cheng Feng had just deliberately stimulated Lu Xiaoqing and asked her to leave.

After all, Cheng Feng was offended by a lot of people who were able to follow him.

Once the enemy approaches, Lu Xiaoqing will only be affected.

"Next, it's time to talk to that Blood Demon Master."

After Lu Xiaoqing left, Cheng Feng secretly murmured: "The old thing has been against me before, just grab it and ask about the movement of the blood god.

The blood **** tutorial peak is no stranger, but those are some projections of blood **** religion.

As for the true strength, he can only guess.

In particular, Feng Feng knew nothing about the power of the Blood Gods infiltrating Tiancang Holy Prison.

Learn one or two through Master Gorefiend, and you will be well prepared after confrontation in the future.

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng's gaze turned to look at the West Mountain Area of ​​Yuanling Mountain Area.

When Wang Xijing divided the clearing area of ​​the big fierce things before, he assigned the Xishan area to the Lianxuetang.

The fierce thing in Xishan area is second only to Dongshan area.

The Lianxuetang is the ancestor of the martial arts of the dark nature, which is not good at dealing with the fierce things.

At this time, as much as 80% of the fierce things in the Xishan area.

After seeing Cheng Feng, his brows were slightly raised.

"The horrible thing is flooding, so I will help you clean up the horrible thing first."

"Then I'll settle accounts with you!"

Stop, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng casts a shadow of a thousand miles, and flew directly into the fierce thing in the Western Mountains.

The billowing masculine air erupted, just like a ploughing sweep.

Quickly swept away the fierce things in the Xishan area.

"Look at the host, someone in the depths of Xishan!"

"That man is so strong, walking through the place where the fierce things are gathered is like no one."

"A huge amount of fierce things were cut through and flattened, just like a god-man!"

In the Xishan area, many warriors in the Blood Refining Church are cleaning up the fierce things.

Suddenly he saw Cheng Feng, all stunned and stunned.

Even the Gorefiend is moved.

"That must be a top master with the means to restrain the wicked."

"After you meet, be sure to get in touch and have a good relationship."

The Blood Demon Master did not see Cheng Feng's appearance clearly, and thought it was a master invited by Wang Xijing.

My heart also secretly decided to prepare to nod Cheng Feng.

Possessing masculinity, Cheng Feng's ability to deal with the fierce things is like a bamboo shoot.

It didn't take too long, and the big fierce thing in the whole Xishan area was punched up and down by him and destroyed.

The rest of the scattered and fierce things are no longer weatherable.

So Cheng Feng stopped and walked towards the Gore Demon.

"Cang Lian Cang was born, and now he is the leader of the blood-finding church."

Seeing Cheng Feng coming, the Demon Master greeted with a smile: "Thank my friends for their help and flatten out the fiercest of Xishan ..."

However, before he finished speaking, the smile on Gorefiend's face became rigid.

Because he actually saw a familiar figure striding forward.

After rubbing his eyes, he saw the other side clearly, and his scalp exploded.

"What? Turns out to be ... Cheng Feng?"

The Gorefiend's body was stiff, and a chill flew from the soles of his feet to the top of his head: "How is it possible, how is this possible?"

"How can Cheng Feng, a small beast, have such a means?"

"It is rampant in the fierce thing. If you are in a no-man's land, it is a ninth-highest rank of the higher ranks, which is a big step away, contrary to normal truth!

Not long ago, the leader of the blood gods came through special means.

Tell him that Cheng Feng is only the seventh-heavy little character who can reach the sky, and he can easily be crushed to death with one hand.

He had also tested it before himself. Although Cheng Feng was a bit better than the description of the leader of the blood gods, he was also completely in his control.

But I have n’t seen him in just a few days.

"Lian Cangsheng, is this your real name?"

Cheng Feng strolled, as if he had not seen the horror on Gorefiend's face: "Not long ago, you and I met, and you seem to want to 'chat' with me."

"I'm free now, so let's talk about it!"

"Cheng Feng, what do you want to talk to?"

For a long time, the talents of the Blood Devil suppressed the stormy sea in his heart.

Facing Cheng Feng, pretending to be calm.

"I want to ask, what orders have you the Lord of the Blood Gods given you."

Cheng Feng didn't talk nonsense, straight to the topic: "Also, the blood gods are in the heavenly holy prison. In addition to your power, there are those powers."

"What's the strength, what are the masters!"

"Do you want to explore the details of the Church?"

Seeing Cheng Feng's fearless look, the blood monster's heart became more and more disturbed.

Although Cheng Feng is a man, he looks like a thousand soldiers.

With a little carelessness, they may be bombarded into slag.

"Oh, if you have to understand it that way, that's it."

Cheng Feng now has absolute strength, so he is too lazy to follow the blood monster.

"Huh, I really thought that if I had some means of restraining the fierce thing, would I be able to fight against this seat?"

The Gorefiend's face was gloomy, and he said coldly, "Since you are so mad, this seat will let you **** method!"

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