Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 222: Gorgeous debut

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Chapter 222 Gorgeous Appearance

Not long after the three of Wang Bowen arrived, two carriages arrived.

These two carriages are more expensive than Wang Bowen's carriages. The horses pulling the carriages are all dragon-blooded horses.

Seeing these two carriages, Wang Bowen and Li Dengfeng, they all greeted them.

Because of the coming people, one is the nine princes of the Wuwang Palace, and the other is the seven princes.

The prince of wuwang, wuwang, is rumored to be a giant ascending to heaven!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just as the princes of the crowd and the Prince of Wuwang shivered, a slight tremor came from the ground.

Everyone couldn't help but look up, and found a monster that was seven or eight meters high, resembling an elephant, was striding forward.

On the back of this monster, there is a fancy young man standing, full of spirits, seeming to be very proud of his way of playing.

"It's Yu Moyu, this guy is getting more and more wanton!" Seeing the fancy youth, Wang Bowen frowned.

"This second ancestor has a disease in his brain, and sooner or later he will be ruined by Yu."

Li Dengfeng also frowned, and also did not like Yu Moyu's style.

However, Yu Moyu didn't care about other people's opinions at all. After he dropped to the ground, he pointed out Bai Nen's finger and pointed at the crowd, and asked, "Has the little mess of Cheng Feng ever arrived? Get out and see me!"

However, his voice fell, but no one responded for a long time, making him extremely embarrassed and his face turned blue.

"Yu Shao, Cheng Feng hasn't arrived yet." Seeing that Yu Moyu's face was a bit embarrassing, the host Li Tianxuan Restaurant responded.

"I haven't arrived yet, but this little messy faction is not small. Really considers himself a character?" Yu Moyu was dissatisfied after hearing this.

He originally thought that he was the last one to arrive, and made a finale appearance, which attracted much attention.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng was even later than him.

"Boss Li, now that I've arrived, can the shooting be started?" Yu Moyu set aside Cheng Feng and resumed his calm attitude.

"Please also wait for a while, Shao Yu, and another important guest has not arrived." Boss Li said.

"Who? You won't tell me, it's Cheng Feng!"

"They're here."

Boss Li said, pointing at the sky, and saw three giant eagles descend from the sky.

These three giant eagles, with two black bodies, are all green at first, like a dynamic landscape painting, very elegant and elegant.

"Taking the giant eagle as a mount, I am afraid that this person is our first family of ironwood in Qianlong County!"

Seeing the three giant eagles descending from the sky, everyone agreed, and they all had this cognition.

"Well, everyone, look, there is a giant eagle coming out of the air."

"This giant eagle, the two wings turned out to be golden, as if cast of gold. Could it be a descendant of the King of the Ironwood family?"

"Being able to ride on the descendants of the Eagle King, this person must be distinguished among the Temu family. Is it the first day of the Temu family that Temu Denko has arrived!"

Those present were originally shocked by the arrival of the Tiemu family.

But then, I was attracted by the golden-winged eagle soaring in the sky, and my hearts speculated, who on the back of the golden-winged eagle?

Xu Yan, the first three giant eagles landed.

Five men jumped off the back of the giant eagle.

These five people, wearing silver robes at first, had a cold face and a strong and powerful breath. They were indeed the nine elders of the Tiemu family, Tiemu Zhengxiong.

"Brother Tiemu is in a busy schedule and can come here to support him, Li is deeply honored." When seeing Tiemu Zhengxiong, boss Li immediately greeted with a smile.

"Mr. Li is polite." Temu Masao also smiled.

Because this boss Li is not only the boss of Tianxuan Restaurant, but also a master of broken territory, not to be neglected.

"By the end, Tiemu, what important person in your Tiemu family is coming?"

"Why Brother Li asked this?" Temu Masao was puzzled.

"Look at the sky, there is a golden-winged eagle approaching."

Boss Li said: "The golden-winged giant eagle seems to be a sign of the descendants of your eagle king's eagle king family. Those who can ride on the eagle king's descendants must not be of ordinary status in your iron wood family.

Hearing from boss Li, Temu Masao looked strangely into the sky.

It was immediately discovered that a golden-winged giant eagle was indeed coming in the sky.

"I haven't heard of anyone else in the family coming."

Temu Masao frowned.

Then his eyes narrowed, his vision was greatly enhanced, and he looked into the sky again, and immediately found out that the situation was wrong.

The giant eagle in the sky does have the blood of the eagle king, but the person on the back of the giant eagle is not an important person of the Iron Wood family at all.

It's the top wanted man in the Ironwood family, Cheng Feng!

"Cheng! Peak!" Temu Masao gnashed his teeth and said word by word.

"What? What Cheng Feng?"

Boss Li didn't understand it at first. After he also practiced and improved his vision, he suddenly understood.

It turned out that the person on the back of the golden-winged giant eagle in the sky turned out to be Cheng Feng.

Of course, there was Iron Phoenix who was captured by Cheng Feng and became a prisoner.

"Actually ... it's Cheng Feng!" Boss Li was shocked, his face was incredible.

"What Cheng Feng? Boss Li, what the **** is going on!"

Others did not have the same actions as Boss Li. They could only see a gold-winged eagle flying in the sky, but they couldn't see who was on the back of the eagle.

However, half a minute later, when the golden-winged giant eagle arrived over Tianxuan Restaurant, everyone could see clearly.

I saw on the back of that majestic and mighty gold-winged eagle, not sitting on the important members of the Tiemu family, but the long overdue Cheng Feng, and his prisoner, Tiemu Phoenix!

"Grass, isn't this turning point too big?"

"On the back of the dwarf Ironwood family's descendants of the eagle king, there is sitting on the ironwood family's number one wanted criminal? Who can tell me what the **** is going on?"

When we saw Cheng Feng on the back of the golden-winged giant eagle, everyone was messed up and it was incredible.

"Brother Tiemu, are you clear about this?" Boss Li asked with some toothache.

"I ... I don't know what's going on!"

Temu Masao is now more confused than anyone else, his head buzzing.

If the powerful Xiu had forcibly suppressed his anger, I am afraid that he would rush straight up and slap Cheng Feng to death.

Because Cheng Feng only showed his face, it had already damaged the Ironwood family's face and made its reputation famous.

"Brother Tiemu, ten days ago, I encountered Cheng Feng. At that time, there was a heavily injured giant eagle beside him."

Boss Li recalled the past: "Will this golden-winged giant eagle be the one?"

A little wake up to the dreamer, when Li Li said this, Temu Masao immediately remembered that Temu Phoenix's mount, Xiao Hei, seemed to be a giant eagle with the blood of an eagle king.

However, the blood of the eagle king of Xiaohei did not awaken as a child. When he grows up, the chance of awakening is even slimmer.

However, I did not expect that Xiao Hei fell into Cheng Feng's hands for a few days, and the sleeping blood of the eagle king was awakened. This caused Temu Masao to simmer for a while, and his lungs were almost blown by gas!


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