Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2233: Open teleportation array

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Chapter 2223rd Open Teleportation

Although the medicine king's cultivation is very weak, after all, he is also a warrior who ascends the heavens.

The two broken arms were connected at the break and soon grew together.

Later, the red rope was loosened and he tied the grain medicine king again, and was thrown into the map of Wan Jian by Cheng Feng.

After closing the King of Cereal Medicine, Cheng Feng's heart was not calm.

I can't help but think of the words of the King of Cereal Medicine, and I feel a little excited.

"Uncle Nalan, you said that using my flesh and blood as a medicine primer, can you really make a heaven and earth treasure that breaks the barriers of martial arts?"

Fortune, it is one of the most outstanding realms in martial arts.

Every deity that has won the creation is called a saint, and the world has the same respect.

Although Cereal King can only refine the elixir that impacts the half-step creation, it is also semi-holy.

In the northwestern area of ​​Tiancang Holy Prison, there are very few.

If it can be produced in large quantities, it will make the scalp tingle a little bit if you think about it!

"Cheng Feng, then the king of grain medicine should not lie."

Nalan's longevity sounded: "You know, you are the purest fruit in the world, and it contains the origin of the sky."

"Every piece of your flesh is no less than an ordinary fruit of heaven and earth."

"As long as you understand the development, squeezing out the‘ the origin of the sky ’in the flesh and blood, and helping a ninth-strength extreme martial artist to enter the half-step creation environment, it is absolutely easy!

At this point, Nalan Changsheng's tone changed: "However, this matter is another big disadvantage."

"Once the news spreads, it will be extremely detrimental to you. Everyone knows that you are a natural treasure and will come to arrest you."

"Especially the warrior who climbed to the ninth limit of the sky, his death will kill you a piece of meat and put you into an extremely dangerous situation."

"Well, this is really a big problem."

Cheng Feng nodded, thinking deeply.

If outsiders know, Cheng Feng's flesh can help the ninth heavy martial art ascend to the sky in half step.

The whole world will go crazy, and start a **** pursuit and arrest of Cheng Feng.

Can be described as the world's enemy, there is no place to stand up!

"Uncle Nalan, since my flesh and blood can make heaven and earth Baodan, the fruits of that day and the earth are even better."

Suddenly, Cheng Feng had a clever move: "In my hand, there are three heavenly-level heaven and earth fruits. If they were divided into pieces, wouldn't it also become heaven and earth treasure?

"No, Cheng Feng."

Nalan Changsheng shook his head: "Tianmai level heaven and earth fruits are born heaven and earth Baodan."

"A road that can lead a ninth-strength extreme strongman to the great fortune, directly opens in one go."

"As long as there are no accidents, we will definitely be able to enter the realm of great fortune in the future, and there is no need to divide and refine."

"So it is."

Cheng Feng suddenly realized: "So, in my hand, there are three great creatures in the future!"

"As long as I'm willing, I can create a super existence of three great creatures."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng could not help but surging.

However, this matter must be cautious, and candidates must consider it again.

In addition, Cheng Feng has to keep one for his own use.

Although he is a heaven and earth fruit himself, when he hits the realm of creation, he also needs to take Tianmai level heaven and earth fruit to clear the gate.

Make sure you're foolproof for promotion!

"Hoo ~~~"

In the training room, Cheng Feng exhaled a breath: "You can't rush into the matter of refining the heaven and earth Baodan."

"Let's put it aside for a while, give me some mental preparation, and cool down that grain medicine king."

"Lest he think he is so important, and flutter up."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng shook his head.

Even though he was calm and calm, he began to concentrate on his cultivation.

Time passed and half a day passed.

After adjustment, Cheng Feng finally returned to the top and became fierce.

Both divine power and divine thought reached Mange.

"My practice is that I have just advanced from the seventh to the eighth."

In the training room, Cheng Feng groaned under his heart: "So don't rush to break through, and lay a solid foundation first."

"What I need to do now is to cultivate the stars and moon steps first."

"At the same time, you need to enrich your martial arts."

"When fighting, it was only monotonous to attack with Emperor Cang Sword."

"People are seen to be flawed, and they will be passive."

Cheng Feng's attack and kill martial arts are indeed too simple.

Come to the past, that is, the sword art of Emperor Cang and the technique of seven kills.

What's more, the martial arts martial arts walking has completely failed to keep up with the rhythm.

It is imperative to cultivate the stars and catch the moon.

"Catch the stars and take the moon step. There are three floors."

Cheng Feng recalled his cultivation formula for catching the stars and taking the steps of the moon: "First layer, catch the stars."

"After training, the speed can reach the point where the stars can be caught."

"Second floor, take the moon."

"After training, you can reach the moon in one step, faster than lightning."

"The third floor, chase the stars and get the moon."

"Once you get it, you can really have the speed to chase Xingyue."

"Whether it is chasing the enemy or running away, it is a weapon!"

Thinking back to the tactics, Cheng Feng slowly fell into cultivation ...

In a blink of an eye, several days passed.

Cheng Feng is completely immersed in cultivation and has no awareness at all.

It wasn't until a rumbling came from outside that Cheng Feng woke up from practice.

"Have you reached the sky armor continent?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "But okay, I seem to have stepped into the threshold of the first floor of Xing Nao Yue Bu, and I can just go outside for inspection."

Standing up, Cheng Feng left the training room and came outside the carriage.

It was discovered immediately that they had not reached the Tian Kai mainland.

Instead, he was near a very large teleportation array.

This teleportation array is unattended and belongs to the public.

You can teleport yourself wherever you want, as long as you dig out the spar of space.

"Brother Cheng, this open teleportation array is very good."

Seeing Cheng Feng come out, Li Zixiong laughed: "No one does anything, it's very private."

"Let's teleport from here to Tianjia mainland, right?"

"Well, that's fine."

Cheng Feng nodded.

After all, it took a long time to rush to the Tianjia mainland.

Cheng Feng can survive, but Wang Qingrou can't survive.

It's perfectly fine to use an open teleport array.

After obtaining Cheng Feng's consent, Li Zixiong drove the dragon carriage and headed for the super teleportation array.

After entering the transmission range, Li Zixiong put a few space spar in the groove of the transmission array.

Om ~~~

There was a flash of light.

The whole dragon carriage disappeared.

However, what Cheng Feng did not know was that all the pictures they transmitted were recorded by a gray stone in the corner of the teleportation array.

After they left, they transmitted this picture to an unknown place.

Obviously, this so-called open transmission array has also been secretly manipulated.

But it was more hidden, and no one found it.

If there is any news that some people want to know, it will definitely be learned soon.

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