Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2313: Dan Cheng

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Chapter two thousand and thirteen Dan Cheng

The martial arts practice can be purified, which shows that the practice accumulated by the Tibetan **** Jin Dan is still a bit 'virtual'.

Cheng Feng must be polished a lot to squeeze out all the moisture in it.

Only in this way will there be no hidden dangers after rushing into the good fortune.

Along the way in Budo, go further!

In addition to these, Cheng Feng also illuminated the light of the stars in his body to 1,600.

Moreover, this is not the limit.

As long as enough time is given to Cheng Feng, the light of the stars can definitely be illuminated to more than two thousand.

With a single cut, the world will change color!

"Huh? There's something in Wanjian's picture."

In the bedroom, Cheng Feng is preparing to continue practicing.

Suddenly felt the figure of Wan Jian, a slight change occurred.

Don't dare to neglect, go directly to the Wan Jian picture, even if you see the grain medicine king standing on the lid of the red copper Dan furnace, it seems to be suppressing the lid of the Dan furnace.

嘭 ~~ 嘭 ~~

In the Dan furnace, it seems that a living thing is hitting the Dan furnace cover.

With each impact, the entire Dan furnace trembled, almost knocking the Dan furnace lid into flight.

Even if the King of Cereals is suppressing it, it feels more fierce.

I'm afraid that when I come back a dozen times, I will open the grain medicine king and hit the lid of the Dan furnace.

"Guyaowang, what's the situation?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng asked.

"My son, come and help me."

When seeing Cheng Feng, Wang Yaoxi shouted: "I have trained Qianlong Dan, but Qianlong Dan is so fierce that I cannot surrender."

"Once the furnace is turned on, it will be far away!"

It turned out that at the moment in the red copper Dan furnace, the existence of the lid of the Dan furnace was actually Qianlong Dan.

The Qianlong Dan, as the fifth-grade god, is even stronger than the ninth-largest warrior on the sky.

The medicine king of Xiuyao achieved the ninth ascent to the sky with the help of a Tibetan **** Jin Dan, but he was not Qianlong Dan's opponent at all.

It can only be suppressed with the help of a copper bronze furnace.

"It turned out to be Qianlongdan?"

Cheng Feng's eyes brightened.

Then stepped out and came to the copper bronze furnace.

"Cereal Medicine King, you let it go."

Cheng Feng waved the grain medicine king back, and then he lifted the lid of the copper bronze furnace.

Immediately, roar ~~~

A crimson little dragon flew out of the furnace.

If you go through the clouds, you have to go far.

"Since you met me Cheng Feng, you still leave me!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng chuckled.

Show the hands of God, wow ~~~

The winds of the heavens and the earth turned into a huge divine hand.

No matter how the crimson dragon takes off, it only jumps in the hands of great power.

As the divine hands closed, they were caught back by Cheng Feng.

Just then, oh!

In the copper bronze furnace, two red crimson dragons flew out.

The two crimson little dragons seemed more cunning.

Let the first crimson trail explore the road before running.

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng had already noticed.

Before the two red dragons flew too far, the divine power reappeared.

Wow ~~~

The two crimson dragons were also caught.

"Fuck, it's so easy."

Seeing Cheng Feng catching ants in general and holding three crimson dragons in his hands, the King of Cereal Medicine was a little stunned.

Deeply know how terrible Cheng Feng's strength is.

As for Cheng Feng, he didn't have the time to ignore the surprise of Gu Yaowang.

Looking down at his hands, he saw three dragon-eye-sized, dragon-like elixir of red dragon, lying between his hands.

The scent of fragrance spread, Cheng Feng sniffed a little, it was transparent and refreshing!

"Is this Qianlong Dan? It's really good."

Looking at the three elixirs in his hand, Cheng Feng smiled: "I feel that each elixir is slightly better than the ten Tibetan gods."

"My son, Qianlong Dan is far from comparable to the Tibetan **** Jin Dan."

Cereal King smiled: "Because of Qianlong Dan, but it allows the warrior to condense a whole holy pattern."

"Once it's successful, it's true saint."

"And the Tibetan **** Jindan can only conceal a half-way sacred pattern at most, and can only reach the realm of pseudo-sage!"

"There is a difference between cloud and mud!"

"Guyaowang, I remember you said before that Qianlongdan can only make one or two per furnace."

Cheng Feng asked curiously: "How come this time, but three of them were directly made?"

"My son, this is all thanks to that Tian Dan and Long Sheng's blood!"

Mentioning this, Gu Yaowang was excited with a look: "If you change to ordinary materials, you can make one Qianlong Dan per furnace, which is enough to cheer and celebrate."

"Also, this is the result of my first alchemy."

"Proficient in the future, I am afraid that the rate of Cheng Dan will be higher."

"It is not impossible to make four or five Qianlongdans in one furnace."

"Okay, then you continue to refine."

The smile on Cheng Feng's face was stronger, and he commanded: "Strive to make the most of Qianlong Dan in the shortest possible time."

"My son, I want to try to make Liupinshendanyulongbaidan."

Gu Yaowang hesitated and said: "Once this Dan is trained, it will be able to create a medium-level semi-sage, even a high-order half-sage.

"One person is enough to stand up to ten first half-sages."

"Refining ichthyosaurus?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "How confident are you? What is the shortest time to make this Dan?"

"Back to the son, the fish and dragon are changing into dandelions. You can also use the dragon blood to increase the rate of dandan and shorten the refining time."

Cereal King said: "At most one month, I can definitely make one for you!"

"A month? It's too long."

Cheng Feng shook his head: "Kuyao, I know you want to make Liupin Shendan, but now is not the time."

"You continue to refine Qianlongdan!"

"My son ..." Cedar King reluctantly.

"Okay, that's it."

Cheng Feng interrupted: "However, don't be disappointed. I'll give you a guarantee."

"When you have made the half a catty of rare materials I gave you all into Qianlong Dan, I will allow you to start refining Yulong Baidan."

"Is this true?" Ce Yao Wang was overjoyed.

"of course."

"My son, the furnace Qianlong Dan just consumed about one or two days of Dan essence."

Cereal King said: "The remaining Tiandan essence may be able to make four furnace Qianlongdan."

"By reckoning, in eight or nine days, I will be done!"

"Well, after eight or nine days, I will allow you to refining fish and dragons."

In order to prevent the king of grain medicine from working passively, Cheng Feng gave him a promise.


Gu Yaowang laughed: "Please also ask my son to help me collect a few adjuvants. I will use them after eight or nine days."

With that said, the king of cereals handed a list of elixir to Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng took a glance and nodded: "I will help you collect these supplements as soon as possible."

"The next day, concentrate on alchemy!"

"Work with me and I can't lose you."

A few words to appease the king of grain medicine, Cheng Feng took three Qianlongdan and supplementary medicine list in his hand.

Huh! Leaving Wan Jiantu.

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