Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2338: Divine Master Li Yun

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Chapter two thousand three hundred and thirty-eight Li Dan Master

"Of course, if you really want to learn alchemy skills, you can join the Yuan family temporarily."

After a little groaning, Cheng Feng added: "Making some elixir for me is counted as tuition!"

"When I get through the crisis, I will make time for my alchemy."

Cheng Feng's idea is simple, that is to squeeze the value of alchemists.

Use the alchemy skill as a bait to attract alchemy masters into the pit.

"Master Cheng, we are willing."

This gold signboard of Wupin Shendan is very useful.

Cheng Feng greeted casually, and actually many people responded.

"It seems that the alchemists are willing to pay a lot in order to improve the realm of Dan Dao."

Cheng Feng smiled slightly: "That being the case, then I will take these people for my own use and make elixir for me."

"When the crisis resolves in the future, let the King of Cereal Medicine go out and give guidance for one or two."

Gu Yaowang was once a master of six grades, and it was more than enough for him to instruct everyone to practice alchemy.

"You guys, please register here with Mr. Yuan, since you are willing."

Cheng Fengdao: "I will conduct evaluation based on your contributions."

"The person who contributes the most, I will give priority to guidance, and even receiving disciples is not impossible."

With Cheng Feng's remarks, the scene was violent.

Hundreds of alchemists cheered for Qi Qi, and then rushed to the direction of Yuan Chenggong to register.

Among them, two alchemists are relatively calm.

One of them was in his thirties, giving a feeling of maturity.

The other was about sixty years old, but a bit futile.

He is truly the only two god-level alchemists in this batch of alchemists.

"Master Cheng Feng."

The two came close to Cheng Feng and bowed salute to Cheng Feng.

"Is both here to learn alchemy skills?"

Cheng Feng waved his hand and asked lightly.

"Master Cheng, my Li Yun's alchemy skills card has been in the god-level one for thirty years."

The mature alchemist said: "If Master Cheng can take me to the next level, I would like to master alchemy for the master for 30 years in return for the guidance of the master."

"Oh? Thirty years for me?"

Cheng Feng was a little moved, looking to Li Yun: "Mr. Li Yun, alchemy hasn't been talked about for thirty years, do you think about it?"

"I think so, as long as the master is willing to accept me, I will work hard for the master for thirty years."


Cheng Feng nodded, then turned to look at the alchemist in his sixties.

"Master Cheng, I am Yu Chunhua, but I am the exclusive alchemist of the Southwest Yu Family."

The alchemy master of the sixties: "If the master can make my alchemy skills reach the second or third grade of God, I will be grateful to my family in southwest!

This person's sincerity is somewhat lacking, just some verbal compensation.

And the so-called southwestern home is not so powerful.

Thanks to the other side, Cheng Feng didn't look down on him at all.

"Well, I will think about it one or two."

After hearing this person's words, Cheng Feng crossed his heart.

Perfunctory, turned and left the hall.

When he left, he greeted Li Yun and asked him to report to Yuan Chenggong.

Not long after leaving the hospitality hall, Yuan Chenggong led Li Yun to follow.

"Master, Master Li Yundan has joined my Yuan family."

"Mr. Yuan, how much do you know about Li Yun?"

Cheng Feng asked Li Yun's situation.

"My son, Li Yun is quite legendary."

Yuan Chenggong said: "According to the information I have received, Li Yun has always loved alchemy since he was a child, but because of his talent, he has not achieved anything.

"Just when he was about to give up, he accidentally acquired the heritage of a Jiupin Baodan division."

"It seemed like a trick, and the alchemy skills soared."

"In a short period of time, I rushed into the realm of magic god."

"But then it fell into a period of silence, and until now it still spins on a masterpiece of panacea."

"Personality and character are considered the best choices, and there are no rumors of being a criminal."

"Now joining the Yuan family, the son can consider reuse."

"Oh, all right."

Cheng Feng nodded and had a little understanding of Li Yun.

"Li Yun, if I can let you quickly improve your alchemy skills, but you need to go to a closed place and not communicate with the outside world, would you be willing?"

This is Cheng Feng's plan to send Li Yun into the alchemy of Wan Jiantu.

But the big secret is hidden in Wan Jian's picture, which cannot be leaked at will.

Therefore, Cheng Feng should ask Li Yun clearly, so as not to regret each other and do irrational things.

"Go to a place closed to the outside world?"

Li Yun asked: "Is it closed to the outside world forever, or only for a period of time?"

"It's closed for about four or five years."

Cheng Feng groaned a little and gave Li Yun a deadline.

"If it was four or five years, then I would."

In order to improve the skills of alchemy, let alone bring it to a closed place for five years, even if it is fifty years, Li Yun is willing.

"Okay, I'll show you to a master Dan Dao now."

When speaking, Cheng Feng's divine thoughts erupted and brought Li Yun directly into the Wan Jian diagram.

In the figure of Wan Jian, the king of grain medicine was refining the alchemy, and saw Cheng Feng bringing Li Yun in, and his face was unexpected.

"My son, is this?"

"This is Li Yun, I'm a helper for you."

Cheng Feng said: "Next, you can ask him to help you practice alchemy."

"At the same time, in his spare time, he slightly pointed out some alchemy skills."

Cheng Feng briefly introduced the origin of Li Yun to the king of grain medicine.

Cereal King heard it and said it was totally OK.

As for Li Yun, he was in shock.

A pair of eyes stared at the heaven and earth oven, as if looking at a peerless beauty, his excited body was shaking.

"Oh my god, this seems to be refining high-end god."

"I can already smell that the breath of immortality is about to mature, it is really fascinating!"

Li Yun was a master of alchemy, and the refining of Qianlong Dan was immediately recognized.

"Li Yun, the one in front of you is named Yaoyao Wang, who was once a master of six grades."

Cheng Feng said: "The **** of my hands is actually from this person."

"For the next period of time, you will follow the King of Yaoyao to make my god."

"How to do it, Cereal King will tell you."

"What, the master of sixth grade?"

After listening to Cheng Feng's words, Li Yun really lost his head.

Because Liupin Shendan is too advanced for him.

It is equivalent to a warrior who ascended the heavens and met a saint.

The feeling of seeing idols made Li Yunjiu unable to calm down.

After a long while, the king of worship was full of worship and bowed to him.

"Son, someone can't do it alone."

Gu Yaowang nodded, and then said to Cheng Feng: "Without a high-end holy-class smelter, even Liupin Shendan cannot make Qianlong Dan!"

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