Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2350: A big gift

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"The tiger skin of Shen Danshi is very useful!"

Seeing the picture of Jin Pao Fei Bian killing Wang Xiong with Zuotoushan, Cheng Feng frowned.

Because he just shouted casually.

I did not expect such a good effect, countless people willing to serve him.

Just to get a right of first purchase of Liupin Shendan.

From this we can imagine how horrible the true Liupin Shendan Master is.

Even if you do n’t have the power of a chicken, you can kill hundreds of thousands of miles apart.

"Perhaps, my identity as a" magic master "can be preserved for a long time."

Cheng Feng thoughtfully: "I just use the strength of everyone to resolve the crisis on me!"

Cheng Feng has already sensed the infiltration of the extraterrestrial natural power.

I'm afraid it won't be long before there will be a torrential storm aimed at him.

Before that, he must have accumulated enough strength.

But in a short time, I am afraid it will be very difficult.

Now with the tiger skin of Shendanshi, pulling the tiger's skin and pulling the banner, it can just gather in a large number of true sanctuaries.

No one will kill whoever!

In groaning, Cheng Feng looked up to see the situation.

I saw that the golden robe Fei Bian and Zuotoushan were really amazing in strength, like two humanoid beasts, beating apart.

Because they both wanted to kill Wang Xiong, they did not join forces to besiege Wang Xiong.

It is to deal with Wang Xiong while guarding each other, which greatly reduces the efficiency.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow frowned slightly.

"Two seniors, you can join hands to kill Wang Xiong."

"As long as Wang Xiong's body is brought to me, when I have refined Liupin Shendan, I will give it to two people first!"

After hearing the words of Cheng Feng, the gold robe Fei Bian and Zotoushan were all eyes bright.

No longer guard each other, but join forces to attack Wang Xiong.

This made Wang Xiong's face dark, and felt a strong breath of death.

Knowing that he was afraid that he would not be able to survive this time, he looked at Cheng Feng with the most resentful look.

"Damn little mess, everything you gave your husband today will be paid back to you ten times by my ancestors."

"Wait, that day won't be long!"

After threatening Cheng Feng, Wang Xiong's eyes suddenly became extremely insane: "And your golden robe Fei Bian and Zuo Toushan, you will die!"

The words come to an end, 嘭 ~~ 嘭 ~~~

Wang Xiong actually detonated the three holy patterns in his body.

The Holy Pattern, but the origin of the Holy One, is the source of strength.

Detonated by Wang Xiong at this moment, the power was several times stronger than Cheng Feng's blast of lightning.

Jin Pao Fei Bian and Zuotoushan are both experienced and hot.

Before Wang Xiong detonated the Holy Pattern, he was vaguely aware of it and turned back to explode.

But even so, he was hit by the shock wave and flew out into the distance.

He flew for thousands of miles before stopping the retreat.

With a somber face, he flew towards the direction where the heavens and gods were.

"Holding the grass, that Wang Xiong is such a ruthless character, that he has detonated his holy pattern."

"Unfortunately, Jinpao Feidian and Zuo Tou Shan are too strong and should not hurt each other."

"However, Wang Xiong's body was blasted into powder, which made Fei Bian very depressed."

Everyone is right.

Cheng Feng has said before that Wang Xiong's body must be seen in order to obtain the right of first purchase of Liupin Shendan.

Now it's better, the body was blasted into fly ash, how can I get priority purchase right?

"Two seniors, you helped me kill Wang Xiong. I see it."

Cheng Feng saw the depression of Fei Bian and greeted him with a smile: "This relationship, I remember in the heart of Cheng Feng."

"Now I'm still a little short of refining Liupin Shendan."

"I will sell them to each of them as soon as I have achieved the sixth grade of panacea!"

"Hahaha ~~~"

On hearing that, the depression on the face of the golden robe Fei Bian went away, and he laughed and said, "Master Cheng Feng, how can you feel sorry!"

"Well, if you're sorry, you can give me your share."

As for Mount Zutou, it is more sincere: "I do not set too much Mount Zutou."

"Get out of here."

Fei Bian's eyes glared: "Master Cheng Feng must do what he says, how can I let him break his word?"

Listening to Fei Bian's conversation with Zuotoushan, Cheng Feng knew a little about the two.

"Two seniors, let's go into the heavens and gods first."

Chatting a few words, Cheng Feng said: "The movement just now is too big, you need to say hello to the Royal Family of Heaven."

"Well, that's true."

Fabian nodded, then bowed down, "Master Cheng, please."

That Toushan didn't talk much, so please ask Cheng Feng to go first.

Obviously regard Cheng Feng as a VIP, and dare not be indifferent.

In this regard, Cheng Feng did not refuse.

A few punches were made to Fei Bian, and they followed the defensive array of Tianli Shendu and flew into Tianli Temple.

"Master Cheng Feng is good."

"See Master Process Peak!"

As soon as Cheng Feng arrived at Tianli Temple, countless people rushed out to say hello to Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng smiled and nodded to everyone.

Because these people are his resources.

In case of need, just one greeting will respond to the kill.

Of course, these people will not help in vain.

It is essential to pay for God's panacea.

Surrounded by the crowd, Cheng Feng came to Master Yukong.

"Master Yukong, the junior is really sorry."

Cheng Feng hugged his fist and said, "Just when you came to your temple, you brought such a big trouble."

"Master Cheng Feng is serious."

Master Yukong crossed his hands and said, "No one has thought that Wang Xiong dare to attack you openly."

"You kill it, it is a legitimate defense."

"It's our job that hasn't been done well, and it scares you."

"The killing of Wang Xiong was so loud that it disturbed God without hundreds of people."

Cheng Feng groaned a bit and took out a Qianlong Dan: "This is a five-pin **** Dan Qianlong Dan. I also hope that the master can be transferred to the Emperor Tianli. It can be regarded as a chat.

"Master Cheng Feng's mind, Your Majesty will definitely receive it."

Master Yukong did nothing artificial, took Qianlongdan sent by Cheng Feng, and then said, "Exactly, my teacher just picked up something."

"The old man borrowed flowers to present the Buddha and gave it to Master Cheng."

When speaking, Master Yu Yu's hand makes a move.

Wow ~~~

In the sky, the aura of Hengchen shrinks around the heavens and gods.

Rolled up a piece of golden paper and fell to Cheng Feng.

Is actually going to give that piece of golden paper to Cheng Feng.

"Woan, Yu Kong ’s great handwriting, he actually gave Cheng Feng a six-grain holy paper."

"No, it should be regarded as the Five-Paper Sacred Paper."

Obviously, the piece of golden paper is exactly the six-grain holy paper that Wang Xiong used to bombard the halo.

As a result, after breaking the halo, he was trapped by the power of the halo.

After being received by Master Yukong, he was presented to Cheng Feng instead. If Wang Xiong knew this, he would probably be killed alive!

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