Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2382: The sky crisis

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"Hehe ~~~"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng sneered: "You still want to make a comeback? Think too much, go obediently!"

At the time of speaking, Cheng Feng had given an order.

The Lord Douyu said nothing, throwing dozens of punches towards the ancient scroll.

Each punch is extremely arrogant and can easily strike a Sanwen Zhensheng.

However, the ancient scroll was always strong, and the bombardment of His Holiness the Venerable was completely blocked.

And also turned into a white dragon, just want to go away!

"Dead to me!"

Just then, a black knife appeared.

Stabbing ~~~

Flashed on Bai Long.

The white dragon broke his body and fell from the sky.

Turned into a broken picture, the spirituality within it is lost.

A broken divine thought hid in it, and his face was full of horror.

"This is the treasure from the King Yin!"

"Damn Cheng Feng, did you kill me with the treasure of the King of Kings?"

"Xian Wang will never let you go, he will make you unable to survive, not death!"

"King of Kings?"

Cheng Feng's brow said: "The only person who knows that the black knife is the thing of the wise king is the Spirit Gate."

"You say the saint of All Souls Gate," Yu Cang is half holy "?"

In one sentence, Cheng Feng guessed that the person wearing the bucket hat was the Yucang half-sacred of Wanlingmen.

"It's a saint."

Yu Cang Bansheng shouted, "Cheng Feng, in fact, we don't have to be the enemy, but we can also work together."

"As long as you are willing to be loyal to the King of Kings, you will be able to ...

"Not interested in!"

However, before Yu Cang Bansheng finished speaking, Cheng Feng interrupted directly.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and a black knife passed over Yu Cang's semi-holy divine thoughts.

噗嗤 ~~~

Kill Yu Cang Bansheng completely.

Then the black knife flew back, and actually merged into Cheng Feng's brows.

It is exactly the black knife Cheng Feng extorted from the King of Cereal Medicine.

This knife, Cheng Feng did not mind before.

But as the will of the Supreme Blade gradually took shape, it showed almost terrifying power.

With the will of the Supreme Blade, it has an indomitable edge.

With Cheng Feng's current ability, it is easy to tear the defense of Wuwen Zhensheng.

If you are not careful, the Five Saints can be dropped by Cheng Feng!

"Yu Cang is half holy? The wise king?"

"It is rumored that King Xian is a real king of the Kingdom of Heaven, who controls the 3,000 planes."

"Master Cheng killed the King of the King, I'm afraid it might be a disaster!"

Everyone is familiar with the reputation of the wise king.

When they learned that Cheng Feng had formed a grudge with King Yin, all of them looked jealous.

The look towards Cheng Feng was strange, as if looking at a dead man!

Many masters who were ready to help Cheng Feng suddenly started to retreat.

Fear of being hated by the King of Kings, calling for nothing wrong!

However, Cheng Feng didn't realize it. He raised his eyes and looked at the Three Saints of the Jun Family.

In particular, His Holiness Dowager was before Cheng Feng looked towards the three holy princes of the monarch.

Huh! Shining and killed the past.

"No, Cheng Feng killed him."

"Fast, hurry up and defend."

The three saints of the Jun family reacted very quickly. When His Holiness the Douyi came, the three hurriedly gathered together.

Om ~~ Om ~~

Three arrogant powers rushed up into the sky, and when they stayed together, they turned into a power that stood shoulder to shoulder.

When Historian Douyi blasted with a punch, Jun Changqing greeted him with a punch.


In a vigorous shot, the three of Jun Changqing took a few steps back.

Actually, he defeated the fierce blow of His Holiness.

"Stop it! The Three Saints of the King's House blocked the attack of His Holiness the Doo."

"It is rumored that the Three Saints of the Jun Family are proficient in a martial art of joint combat, which can consolidate the strength of the three people into one person."

"I thought it was a rumor, but it doesn't seem to be false now!"

Everyone was a little moved when they saw the attacking image of Lord Evergreen's hard block.

Even Cheng Feng's face was unexpected.

"Somewhat interesting."

"But you are destined to die today!"

Whispering, bang bang bang ~~~

His Holiness Douglas launched a violent bombardment on the three of Jun Changqing.

Jijijiquan was like the turbulent waves, which drowned Jun Changqing directly.

After a few minutes, the violent punches dissipated.

The three men, Jun Changqing, who joined forces to defend the enemy, were beaten with hair.

Although the three men's joint martial arts have not yet been broken, the situation is already at stake.

With the violent offensive of His Holiness, there can be at most one more wave that can knock them out.

Not to mention, Cheng Feng didn't mean to sit idly by.

At this time, I stepped forward and prepared to assist the Lord Douyi to kill the three saints of the prince.

"Cheng Feng, you're dead!"

However, just then, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

The next moment, hum ~~~

An unmatched force appeared, like a giant wave of waves, blasting towards Cheng Feng.

"Not good, a top master."

When there was no match, Cheng Feng felt the breath of death: "At the very least, Xiuwei has reached the level of six patterns. I am far from being an opponent."

Without any hesitation, Cheng Feng quickly rushed to conquer the power of the Three Saints of the Jun Family, forming a heavy divine shield, covering himself.

At the same time, the golden body tactics such as Lailai are running, the whole body is shining with golden luster, and the defense force has increased several times.

And running to catch the stars and take the steps of the moon, the whole person resembles a humanoid arrow, blasting backwards quickly.

Catching the stars and taking the moon step has been cultivated by Cheng Feng to the second floor.

Although it has not been refined to a large scale, the speed has also been improved several times.

However, even so, it was far faster than that unbeatable attack.

嘣 嘣 嘣 ~~~

As soon as Cheng Feng exited a few kilometers, the unmatched force arrived.

The divine shield on the body was crushed on the spot, and the huge force fell on the body, and the whole body would fall apart, making a loud horror sound.

Fortunately, at this moment, the five-print holy paper on Cheng Feng's body lit up.

The five sacred lines turned into five defense forces, and the unmatched force that crushed Cheng Feng barely stopped.

"My God, a big master shot at Cheng Feng."

"Looking at its might, it should be a mid-level semi-sacred with more than six holy patterns."

"This time Cheng Feng is in big trouble. Even if he bids a lot of life-saving cards at the Tianli Auction, I'm afraid he is still in danger!"

Everyone was shocked to see the scene where Juli crushed Cheng Feng.

As for the three saints of the junior family, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking towards Cheng Feng, he wanted to see the scene where Cheng Feng was crushed to death.

However, stabbing ~~~

The mighty power was suddenly pierced by a spear.

Even if there is a young man in black, burst out from it.

Amazingly Cheng Feng!

"Huh? Did you escape?"

Everyone was surprised, and after a closer look, they found that Cheng Feng was the five-grained holy paper burning.

One of the five holy patterns on it is disappearing.

It should be a sacred pattern of gun characters. Just now, a large gun pierced with unmatched power is the sacred pattern!

"Small beast, actually use the holy pattern made by this seat to deal with this seat?" The true saint who shot shot issued a thunderous voice: "If you do not frustrate your ashes today, it will be difficult to dispel the hatred of this holy heart!"

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