Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2384: Sudden change in situation

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"My son!"

"Cheng Feng!"

Seeing the scene where Cheng Feng was blasted by Tian Jie, Tuoba Junfeng and Wang Qingruo turned pale.

Rising into the air, they flew towards the direction where Cheng Feng was.

However, before they approached, a figure appeared.

Caught the three of them, they flew away from Cheng Feng.

"Who are you, let me go!"

The three of Tuoba Junfeng were shocked and struggled hard.

"Don't move, the host asked me to take you away."

The figure spoke, with a stiff voice, unlike humans.

"Are you ... Holy Doo?"

The three men of Tuoba Junfeng calmed down and looked at it a little, and found that it was the Supreme Master Douhou who caught them.

"Someone intercepted. You cross the sky."

After flying for more than a thousand miles, His Holiness the Fighter stopped.

Because in front of him, three people appeared.

The cold light flickered in the eyes of the three, which is the three holy princes of the family.

"Three Saints of the Jun Family?"

Seeing the interceptor, Tuoba Jun frowned.

"Let's be safe."

Historian Douhou, holding a spear, walked towards the Three Saints of the Jun Family, at the same time, he said, "I will solve these three people!"

Hearing that, Tuoba Junfeng nodded worry-free.

Only after passing the calamity can we truly grasp the power of the two-strength true sage.

Only a little ability to rescue Cheng Feng from the crisis.

As for Wang Qingrou, his eyes were a little blurred.

It seemed that some kind of call was sensed, and she left alone.

Tuoba Junfeng followed Lili Wuyou and concentrated on the robbery, but he didn't notice it.

"Huh? God's robbery has fluctuated again."

During the robberies, Tuoba Junfeng suddenly trembled: "Some of the power of Tianjie has once again skyrocketed."

"I feel like I have reached at least the level of five patterns."

"This must be the means of the son, he is not a problem!"

The heavenly sacred calamity is spiritual and does not allow outsiders to interfere with the robbers.

Cheng Feng bombarded Tianjie before, which was equivalent to disturbing the Tao of Heaven, and was immediately punished by the sky.

If Cheng Feng is bombed and killed by the sky punishment, that part of the stronger sky disaster will return to normal.

Now that Tianjie has not disappeared, it means that Cheng Feng is still alive.

as expected.

Thousands of miles away, a young man in black was flying out of a deep pit bombed by the sky.

Although her shirt was a bit broken and her hair was a little messy, she was not fatally wounded.

Instead, his eyes were sharper, emitting a bloodthirsty bloodthirsty!

"Are you dead?"

In the sky, Wang Mingtai originally thought that Cheng Feng had been punched by his own fist, in addition to the heavy bombing and slag.

I never thought it was unscathed.

"Since I haven't died yet, I'll help you and make you boneless!"

After the words stopped, Wang Mingtai stepped towards Cheng Feng, preparing for a fatal blow.

Bang ~~~

However, Cheng Feng raised his fists and blasted towards Tianjie.

Tiandao became more and more angry, and Jieyun swept like a giant wave, and the power of the sky was soaring.

In a blink of an eye, the five patterns were reached, and there was a tendency to spread to the six patterns.

"Wo rely on, Cheng Feng is so fierce, so exciting heaven."

"Continuing this way will definitely make the power of that calamity out of control."

"By then, even if Wang Mingtai can be hurt, he will be bombed by Tianjie himself!"

Countless people were shocked to see the scene of Cheng Feng's bombardment of Tianjie.

The demon king Li Yun, Jin Pao Fei Bian and others wanted to help.

At this moment all retreated, quietly and then withdrawn.

In fact, not only Li Yun and others, but also others.

For fear of being struck by the pond fish, be killed by Tian Feng's anger!

"Junk stuff, it's all about to die!"

Wang Mingtai's eyelids jumped wildly, and he felt a strong threat: "However, when you meet me, Wang Mingtai, you can't jump even higher if you jump higher.

Wang Mingtai moved a real killing heart, no longer keeping his hands on teasing.

A sacred pattern in his body began to awaken, like a round of big sun, making him very powerful!

A mighty sacred prestige opened up, so that the violent scourge was somewhat closed.

The next moment, we must bomb Cheng Feng.


At this moment, a Buddhist chant came from the sky: "Master Cheng Feng is a noble guest of my Tianli Temple, and I hope that the donor Wang will be able to look up at my face of Tianli Temple."

The sound dropped, and a huge bergamot propped up from the direction where Cheng Feng was.

The force of Wang Mingtai's terror was stiffly in the air.

"Master Yukong? Are you going to intervene in my Tiankai continent?"

Blocked by big hands of Buddha, Wang Mingtai's face was gloomy.


The Buddha sounded: "Old man doesn't want Master Cheng Feng to have an accident in my Tianli mainland, that is a shame to my Tianli Temple."

"If Wang Shizhu insists so, then the old man can only discuss with Wang Shizhu."

Master Yukong has condensed the second body of Buddha for many years, and he is much stronger than Wang Mingtai.

The two men fought a battle, and Wang Mingtai must have been defeated in the end.

What's more, this is the Tianli continent and the site of Tianli Temple.

Even if Wang Mingtai wins by chance, the result will not be much better!

"Master Yu Yu, you are fine!"

Wang Mingtai's voice was cold: "Looking at Tianli Temple this time, I can temporarily put the process peak."

"But if you leave Tianli mainland and you continue to stop me, I will sue the defenders of Tianli mainland. I want you to look good!"

In the northwestern area of ​​Tiancang Holy Prison, there is a guardian on each continent.

There was a rule among the defenders, and the powers of other continents must not intervene in the affairs of other continents.

Wang Mingtai couldn't rule Tianli Temple, so he tried to follow this rule.

As to whether it has any effect, only God knows.

"While the donor is at ease, the old lady absolutely obeys the rules laid down by the defenders."

Master Yukong said: "As long as Master Cheng Feng safely left the Tianli continent, the old man returned to Tianli Temple."

"Hum, I hope you don't forget."

Wang Mingtai snorted coldly, put away the shiny warming up, and prepared to leave.

"King donor, slow."

However, Master Yukong said, "Please also ask Wang Shizhu to accompany me for a cup of tea, half a day is enough!"

"Drink tea with you?"

Hearing that, Wang Mingtai was furious: "You want to be empty, do you want to hold me? Give Cheng Feng time to escape?"

"King, please!"

Master Yukong did not answer directly. With a wave of his hand, a gazebo appeared.

There is a red clay teapot in the pavilion, which is boiling tea.

The bursts of tea scent came out, making people a little intoxicated.

But Wang Mingtai didn't want to drink at all.

However, Master Yukong smiled and greeted him. He didn't want to drink.

Otherwise, a war is inevitable.

"You want to empty the old bald donkey, you're ruthless!"

Measured again and again, Wang Mingtai still chose to yield.

Walking into the gazebo dark-faced, fire was almost exploding in his eyes.

Not far away, Cheng Feng originally wanted to come up with the strongest hole card Qiankun bag and fight with Wang Mingtai.

Unexpectedly, the emergence of an empty Zen master forced Wang Mingtai to drink tea with him.

"Master Yukong, thank you very much." Cheng Feng retracted the Qiankun bag and gave a fist to Master Yukong.

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