Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2402: Poisonless palm

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"A alien force?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned, and he secretly said, "Is that the invisible force that rushed into the Red Sea area before?"

When Cheng Feng arrived in the Red Sea area, a force came from the horizon.

Although Cheng Feng rushed into the Red Sea area in time, a little strength still fell on Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng hadn't taken it seriously at the time, and now it seems that the power is a means of tracking.

As long as the power is contaminated, even if Cheng Feng escapes to the ends of the earth, he can be found by the defenders!

"Grass, these keepers are really haunting."

Cheng Feng's face went dark, and he asked, "Uncle Nalan, what can you do to cut off this tracking force."

Cheng Feng was disliked by being hunted down.

Solving this trouble as soon as possible is the best choice.

"Cheng Feng, this tracking power should be a profound tracking technique."

Nalan Changsheng said: "It is not difficult to crack, but it takes some time."

"I suggest that you leave the treacherous waters before eliminating this hidden danger."

"Lest it be blocked by defenders in the arrogant waters, it will be extremely troublesome!"

"OK." Cheng Feng nodded.

The sea of ​​no delusion is the home of the defenders, not only familiar with the environment, but also the Tiancha whale and the black crab family.

Cheng Feng confronted the defenders in the waters without arrogance and must suffer.

With the decision, Cheng Feng flew all the way.

But the sense of crisis on his body was stronger than ever.

It shows that the tracker is getting closer and closer to Cheng Feng.

Moreover, Cheng Feng's troubles don't stop there.

Thousands of miles away, an old acquaintance appeared.

It was an old monk with ragged clothes and an angry face.

Seeing the moment of Cheng Feng, fire was almost coming out of his eyes!

"Cheng Feng, I finally chased you."

"This time, see where else you can escape!"

The words stopped, and a dark-haired, purple-colored Buddha hand fell from the sky and blasted down towards Cheng Feng.

"Grass, this old bald donkey actually caught up."

Cheng Feng at this time was really full of black lines, and an urge to scold his mother was generated in his heart.

Because he now has hungry wolves before, and chase after.

Once fighting with the old monk, it is bound to be overtaken by the defenders.

"Old bald donkey, get out of me!"

Cheng Feng sighed angrily, urging all the divine power in his body.

Shi Zhan's artillery punches were stacked and killed, and one punch was blasted to the big hand of Buddha.

Bang ~~~

After two fights, the armyless monk should have suffered some injuries and suffered a lot of damage.

But even so, with the fists striking each other, Cheng Feng was kicked out dozens of miles at once.

The soles of the feet rubbed against the air, and smoke came out.

Qi and blood were violently tossing, and Cheng Feng's competitive strength was obviously falling.

Not only that, the poison of the armyless monk also contained poison.

Suddenly, Zhang Jin exploded into the body of Cheng Feng along with Zhang Jin.

Cheng Feng's fists turned purple, and instantly swelling.

Moreover, the toxin spread along Cheng Feng's body, and Cheng Feng poisoned.

"Small thing, the old man's poisonless palm of poison, just wait for the body to rot and turn into a pile of pus and blood!"

After one palm, Wu Junxian said with a smile: "But before that, give me the trunk of the empty sangfo mother tree and the demon monster coffin!"

"Otherwise, I'll save you and let you taste the poisonous poison over and over again!"

The Wujun evil monk was very confident in his Wuxiang palm, and after hitting Cheng Feng's palm, he stopped doing it.

Standing leisurely in the sky, ready to admire the death process of Cheng Feng.

"No phase poison palm?"

"You old bald donkey, as a monk, actually practice such a vicious evil power?"

At this time, Cheng Feng, the situation is really bad.

Not only did his arms swell for several times, but his face was also a little dark and purple, giving people a feeling of death.

"Hahaha ~~~"

Wujun evil monk laughed: "Monk? Who said that the family can't practice evil?"

"In Nanyu, a large number of Buddhist disciples who practice evil skills have caught a lot."

"We don't follow the rules and regulations like those hypocritical guys!"

Buddhism is a very powerful force, with mixed fish and dragons, good and bad.

An armyless monk is an evil monk.

He has a big ambition, and wants to obtain Cheng Feng's Buddhist scabbard, and build a Buddhist shrine in the southern area of ​​Tiancang Holy Prison.

Now, his wish seems to be fulfilled.

"What a disgusting fellow, who speaks sin so loudly!"

After hearing the words of the armyless monk, Cheng Feng's heart began to rise: "You are not worth living in this world."

"Hey ~~~"

The armyless monk sneered: "On the contrary, we will live well."

"And you will die tragically!"

"Now, immediately give me the branches of the Kusang Buddha Mother Tree and the coffin of the demon and demon."

"I'll give you a minute to think about it. If it's overtime, I'll let you taste the old man's method!"

"Hum, you want to be beautiful!"

However, Cheng Feng was completely fearless.

When he saw a cold snoring, the toxin in his body actually started to subside.

The black and purple on the face disappeared, and the swelling on the arm disappeared. He looked full of energy. Where is the slightest sign of poisoning?

"What? You resolved my poisonless palm?"

Seeing this scene, the evil monk of Wujun had a horrible expression: "You obviously have poisonous body, how can you come back to life?"

The armyless monk could hardly believe his eyes.

Because Wuxiang Poison Palm is different from ordinary poison, it is a martial art poison.

After the poisoning, special measures are needed to resolve it.

Even if Cheng Feng is a master of Wupin, it is difficult to find a way to detoxify in a short time.

However, Cheng Feng did it abruptly, shocking the eyes of the armyless monk.

In fact, it was a coincidence that Cheng Feng was able to detoxify.

He was previously promoted by the guardian and locked in the tracing technique.

That power is very special, entangled in Cheng Feng's body, like a beacon to guide the defender Jun Tuo pursuit.

Unexpectedly, this force began to confront each other after the power of Wuxiang Palm entered Cheng Feng's body!

In the end, the power of Wuxiang Palm was defeated in one fell swoop and forced out of Cheng Feng's body.

Originally a harmful force, but helped Cheng Feng a lot!

"Little beast, I don't believe it!"

Seeing Cheng Feng, who is living and living, Wujun evil monk was angry: "I don't believe you can crack my poisonless palm, I don't believe!"

With no words, the armyless monk banged again.

"Old bald donkey, have I given you a face?"

Faced with the attack of the armyless monk, Cheng Feng was fearless.

Not only did not retreat, but instead greeted them.

With bare hands and dozens of hard-to-reach poisonous palms, he turned himself into a poisoned man.

However, in a blink of an eye, the acute poison in Cheng Feng's body disappeared. It was all resolved by that special force.

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