Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2458: Lancang Temple

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"The visitor stops."

While Cheng Feng was talking to the sword demon, a cold voice came.

Immediately afterwards, a man wearing a black robe and covering the whole person under the robe appeared on Cheng Feng's way.

This person is not weak, standing there, like a Dayue Hengchen.

In particular, a knife held in his hand flashed a heart-warming light!

"A true saint with thirteen patterns?"

However, the sword demon glanced at the other side, and this person's cultivation was seen through: "It's not bad, the essence of this person's life is more than everyone else together."

Quietly, the sword demon's hand grabbed the hilt.

I saw a little movement, a sword light burst out.

Stabbing ~~~

The sword demon submerged into that person's body, killing it instantly!


Seeing this, Cheng Feng couldn't help swearing.

You know, that man is also a master with thirteen patterns.

You can dominate a continent casually, but at this time, you can't even react to it, so the sword devil is killed.

It made people shudder and felt like they were dreaming.

At the same time also showed the sword demon, almost abnormal strength!

"Cheng Feng, you collect the essence of this person's life, I will solve the next person!"

Sword Demon has long been commonplace.

He greeted Cheng Feng and walked ahead.

"This guy, I take it."

Cheng Feng looked at the back of the sword demon, shook his head, and took out the jade plate.

The essence of life of the master of the black robe is all included in the jade plate.

After doing this, Cheng Feng followed.

Unexpectedly, when he caught up with the sword demon, another corpse ran out.

Xiu Wei didn't need the 13-character True Holy Chakra just now, but was silently killed by the sword demon.

"Cheng Feng, I'll take a step first."

Seeing Cheng Feng's arrival, the sword demon greeted and left again.

Cheng Feng shrugged and used the jade plate to **** away the essence of this person's life.

However, when the sword demon touched the next interceptor, he failed to see the other party in time.

"A monk?"

After Cheng Feng arrived, he saw the sword demon confronting a monk.

"Cheng Feng, not one, but eighteen."

The sword devil's voice sounded: "I guess we are accounted for."

"These people should come from Lancang Temple, one of the top ten ancient temples in Nanyu. When they saw me killing, they regarded me as a murderer.

"Oh? These people are not interceptors?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and said suddenly: "I see. The interceptors knew that their interception would not work, but they always came to die."

"The purpose is to attract the attention of the monks of Lancang Temple."

"Intent to use the power of Lancang Temple to kill us!"


The sword devil nodded: "But we found something a bit late. We killed many people and absorbed the essence of their lives."

"This scene was all seen by the monks of Lancang Temple, who treated us as murderers!"

"The eighteen monks in front of us are the war monks sent by Lancang Temple to deal with us!"

"Cheng Feng, you decide."

"I'm going to kill these eighteen people, or not?"

Facing Cheng Feng is a dilemma.

Because these 18 people represent Lancang Temple.

If it is killed, it is equivalent to declaring war with Lancang Temple, and the consequences are disastrous.

If they don't kill, the other party finds them to be murderers, and afterwards they will kill them at Sang Baolan Cang Temple.

"The man behind the scenes is insidious enough."

Cheng Feng gritted his teeth: "Let me choose no matter what, I will end up with Lancang Temple!"

"But it also shows that this person behind the scenes is not a companion of the demon statue ancient sky."

"It's the King Yuyin, or the man behind King Yuyin!"

Although guessing who the calculator is, it doesn't help much for Cheng Feng at present.

"Hoo ~~~"

Cheng Feng exhaled a breath, with a decision in his heart: "Sword Demon, you take control of these 18 people, don't hurt their lives."

"Lan Cang Temple is not dead. There is still room for us to turn around with each other."

"If you die, you will never die!"

"What happens after you stop these people?"

The sword demon asked: "The Lancang Temple is more than 10,000 miles away, and a monk may come at any time."

"I have no means. I will defeat them one by one in the future!"

"After restraining these people, we leave here."

Cheng Feng said: "We can't go to Lancang Temple, bypass Lancang Temple and go to the next ancient temple!"

"as you wish!"

Sword Demon nodded, 唰 唰 唰 ~~~

Immediately, the bright Jianguang shot out.

The eighteen war monks, although well-known monks in Lancang Temple, are all well-cultivated.

But under this Dao Jianguang's attack, he immediately scrambled.

I couldn't prevent a defensive battle.

Each throat was pierced by sword gas, the battle line collapsed, and they sat on the ground paralyzed.

"Go, speed away."

Seeing the sword demon holding the eighteen monks, Cheng Feng greeted him and took the lead in flying away from Lancang Temple.

The sword demon is fast and catches up in an instant.

They ran all the way, and within a short time they flew two or three thousand miles away.

But at this moment, Bang ~~~

A drum of war came from the sky.

The voice was full of killing meaning, making people feel cold.

Especially troublesome was the sound of the drums of war.

On top of the sword demon's head, a huge squint appeared suddenly.

This character is like a round of sun, shooting down a Buddha light, covering the sword demon.

Following this, a huge virtual image of the sword demon appeared just below the sky 卍 character.

And it also comes with a line of text.

"This man killed me eighteen war monks at Lancang Temple, assisted me to arrest the person, and gave the Buddha a golden body pill."

"Catch the person who sent this person to my temple, and my temple abbot opened it for himself!"

With the appearance of this scene, warriors, monks, solo travelers, bounty hunters on tens of thousands of miles ... boiling.

Looking carefully at the image of the sword demon in the sky, bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes.

"Grass, what the **** is Lancang Temple doing?"

As for Cheng Feng, his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot.

Turning his head to the sword demon, he asked, "Dugu, could you have killed those 18 people?"


The face of the sword demon is also not very good-looking.


Cheng Feng asked: "If not, why did Lancang Temple issue a warrant?"

But the sword demon didn't answer, and he focused his attention on the pictures in the sky.

"Hoo ~~~"

Cheng Feng exhaled and calmed down: "If you didn't kill the eighteen monks, I may know why."

"Oh? Why?"


Cheng Feng said: "After we left, the eighteen monks were assassinated by someone, and then we poured dirty water on us."

"All of this must be done by King Yuyin and others!"

Cheng Feng's guess is quite accurate.

The eighteen war monks in Lancang Temple were indeed killed by the people behind King Yuyin.

The purpose is to intensify the conflict between Cheng Feng and Lancang Temple. With the power of Lancang Temple, kill Cheng Feng and the two!

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