Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2475: War Monk First

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

Cheng Feng's words stopped and he put away the jade plate in his hand.

With that, the two **** big hands grabbing Linkong slowly dissipated.

As for the **** mountains under Cheng Feng's feet, they also disappeared.

In an instant, the world became silent.

But the crumbling mountains and the broken woods around it showed how terrible the fighting was just now!

"Cheng Feng, did you release that volley?"

The sword demon flew thousands of miles away, his face paled.

Obviously he was injured by a blow from Linkong, but the injury was not serious.

"Linkong, as the second war monk of the Lancang Temple war monk church, has great strength. Killing him requires a lot of energy in the blood prison secret."

Cheng Feng said: "Furthermore, Lancang Temple will be completely angered!"

"If you release Linkong, Lancang Temple will be angry too."

Sword Devil said: "But just let it go. Can you use the energy of Blood Prison?"

"Well, how much energy did it take to resolve Rinku and others?"

"a lot of."

Cheng Feng drew a corner of his mouth and said, "Although I only made a few moves just now, I have already put in the essence of life we ​​have collected recently."

"Also, I lost some money!"

"Grass! Consumption so fast?"

The sword demon's cheeks also twitched: "It looks like we're going to relax in the future."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I will never be able to fill the energy of Blood Prison!"

Cheng Feng nodded, thinking deeply.

Then he beckoned and brought together the bodies of Lin Yao monks and Lin Jun monks.

As for Lin Feng's body, it was directly blasted into fly ash and merged into heaven and earth.

But Cheng Feng didn't care, and took the bleeding ruby ​​plate slightly.

Wow ~~~

Strands of red thread spread to the Quartet.

In a blink of an eye, the whole battlefield was enveloped, and all the essence of the dead souls were absorbed into the jade plate.

Even the Linfeng monk whose body was torn up was no exception.

Not long after, the battlefield of 10,000 miles became bleak and decadent, and a desolate breath came into being.

That's how the essence of life is absorbed.

"Hoo ~~~"

Cheng Feng exhaled: "Finally I made up for it."

"Cheng Feng, what are you going to do with the bodies of these two monks?"

After Lin Yao and Lin Jun's life essence was drained, their bodies became skinny.

"Just stay here."

Cheng Feng said: "People at Lancang Temple should send people to collect the corpses!"

Cheng Feng took the weapons of Lin Jun and Lin Yao, but did not move other things.

Because Buddhist monks usually put things in Xumi mustard.

Sumi mustard is difficult to open, and Cheng Feng doesn't have that much time to do it.

He was ready to take advantage of the opportunity of Lancang Temple to be repelled, and quickly leave the southern region.

Because it won't be long, Lancang Temple's stronger pursuit will begin.

He will even join several other ancient temples to issue a wanted version of Cheng Feng.

By that time, Cheng Feng could really have no way to heaven and no way to the ground!

"Blood beast, come back!"

Time is short, Cheng Feng yells.

Soon, the blood **** beast chasing the wolf returned.

I saw the blood beast at this time was covered with injuries, his stomach was torn open, and his internal organs were about to fall out.

But the blood **** beast was very excited, holding a wolf corpse that had not been swallowed in his mouth, inviting Cheng Feng for credit.

Obviously, in the fight against the wolf, the blood **** beast achieved the final victory.

"Okay, good job!"

A glance at the blood **** beast saw that the other side was gestating with a mighty force.

Cheng Feng knew that it was a sign that the Blood God Beast was about to advance.

Maybe when it swallows up the wolf's remaining corpse, and refines and absorbs it for a period of time, a level will rise.

From the first stage of the pseudo-sky grade to the middle stage, there is no problem at all.

By then, the combat power will be comparable to the true Saints of the Twelve and Three Patterns.

"Go back and rest."

Cheng Feng nodded with a smile: "I hope you will become stronger next time I see you again!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng put the blood **** beast into the royal beast bag.

Then glanced at the sword demon, without delay, resumed the journey!

Long after Cheng Feng left, an eyeball suddenly emerged from the clouds.

It looked at Cheng Feng leaving, with a look of dread in his eyes.

"It's a good Cheng Feng. He even clicked to kill Lancang Temple!"

"It's no wonder that even many big guys from outside the country are very concerned about you."

"At the expense of a high reward, I want your head!"

"However, you will fall into my hands no matter how strong you are."

"When I get you into the hands of the extraterrestrial prison, I will be out of this cage and fly into the sky!"

Obviously, the owner of this eyeball is the behind-the-scenes man who counts Cheng Feng.

He used a special method and kept hiding in the dark.

When Cheng Feng and Linkong's four defeated both, they were ready to jump out and sit for the benefit of the fisherman.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng's strength far exceeded his expectations.

Not only did he defeat the four in the air, he was not injured.

So he temporarily changed his plan and set up a Longtan tiger cave in front of Cheng Feng's way.

As long as Cheng Feng and the two step into the trap, they will not only get a high reward, but also get the treasure that Cheng Feng wins.

Can be described as killing two birds with one stone!


At the same time, the old monk sitting dead in an ancient temple opened his eyes.

"The old thing in Qianming Temple seems to be unable to sit still."

"That being the case, I'll go out for a walk too!"

"You must not let Cheng Feng die in the hands of that old thing!"

After speaking, the old monk's body faded slowly, then disappeared.


"All the disasters, the wind, the army, and Lin Yao have fallen?"

Lancang Temple, war monk hall.

A strong monk nearly three meters tall made an angry voice: "What did he eat in Linkong? Actually, all four masters and brothers have fallen?"

"Bringing back to Brother Fury, Brother Rinku was almost killed by poison."

A war monk bowed down, "Fortunately, Brother Linkong used the first golden bowl given by him, and only managed to survive it, now he is on his way back!"

"Is it clear? Who is that murderous bastard? Where is it now?"

A strong bloodthirsty murderous monk burst from the strong monk: "I'll go to him and bring his head back!"

"Return to Brother Fury, that man should be in Qiankuo Lin."

The war monk said, "Brother Linkong just rumored that he was driving back from Qiankuo Lin."

"Thousands of wide forest?"

With a clenched hands, Lin Fur made a clucking bone bang: "Very well, I'll go find that bastard!"

After speaking, Lin Nu will fly to Qiankuo Lin.

"Linger, where are you going?"

Just then, a deep voice came.

This voice is not loud, and there is no deterrent majesty.

But when Lin Nu heard it, she stopped involuntarily.

Because the master of the voice is one of the strongest beings in Lancang Temple. It is also the master of Lin Nu and others, the first of the monk hall of Lancang Temple!

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