Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2478: Dark storm

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

In a joke, Cheng Feng was going to use that animal control method to establish contact with the Emerald Gourd.

However, at this time.

Wow ~~~

Cheng Feng suddenly changed his appearance.

It seemed as if he had stepped into an unknown world, and it was no longer surrounded by woods.

It was the mountains that could not be seen at a glance.

"Sword Demon?"

The anomaly rose sharply, Cheng Feng did not fall into panic.

Hold fast to the Devil Sword and ask about the sword demon.

However, Cheng Feng did not get a slight response, it seems that the sword demon did not come to this world.

Or, the sword demon was torn far away.

But no matter what the situation, Cheng Feng can only deal with it by himself now, only by himself!

"Look where I am!"

After a few calls and no response, Cheng Feng Jianmo is no longer here.

So take a deep breath and calm the complicated thoughts.

Open the eyes of God of Fortune and look around.

I saw that the Quartet was full of bare rocks. Those rocks were strange, but all had the same characteristics.

The potholes around it are as if they were cut by some sharp blade, leaving dense cuts!

"Is this a practice for some kendo or kudo master?"

Cheng Feng guessed: "It is only with such existence that it is possible to cut the mountains of this place into this!"

In meditation, Cheng Feng kicked the rock with his foot and found that the rock was much harder than he thought.

It's not much worse than a high-end holy weapon.

Perceiving this scene, Cheng Feng's heart sank.

Feeling afraid of being in a very dangerous place.

"Cheng Feng, I have seen the terrain here before."

At this moment, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "I remember a long time ago, when I was practicing the undead body of the Nine Calamities, the black wind disaster in the three disasters and the six disasters came, and it can shred the world.

"The cuts on the mountains and rocks here are probably caused by the strong wind cutting by the dark wind!"

"What? Dark storm?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng was not surprised and rejoiced: "Uncle Nalan, do you mean, this is a disaster-stricken area?"

"If that's the case, wouldn't I just be able to experience the calamity and practice the undead body?"

"Cheng Feng, it's not that simple."

Nalan Changsheng shook his head and said, "Although it is a disaster area, it appeared too suddenly."

"The way you came here is even more weird."

"It was almost dragged up by some force, I'm afraid it was calculated."

"It's too risky to endure disaster in this situation."

"I was counted!"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "This person who calculates me is very good. I don't even have any sense of it, so I was successful.

"Who will be the calculator? A monk at Lancang Temple? A companion to the ancient Yuntian of Mozun?"

"Still behind the king of Yuyin?"

During the breathing, several suspects turned in Cheng Feng's mind, but could not be sure.

Moreover, the person who calculated it did not give Cheng Feng a certain time.

Bang ~~~

Just listened for a muffled thunder.

Heavy clouds in the sky began to roll.

After a while, the whole sky became dark and black.

In this case, a round of big sun rose slowly.

This round of big sun scattered black light. Although the sky was dark, Cheng Feng could clearly see it and scattered from the big sun.

It makes people feel hot, as if burned by a fire, with a strange feeling that cannot be explained!

"Is this the dark day in the rumor?"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's body tightened.

"Yes, this is the dark day."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Cheng Feng, it seems that the person who counts you is the dark wind disaster that wants to cause the three disasters to kill you!"

"Kill me with the dark wind?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow, revealing the look of anticipation: "It seems that God is helping me to cultivate the undead body of Nine Calamities, so that's fine."

"With the help of a calculator today, try the power of the Nine Undead!"

The undead body of Jiu Jie is a very advanced level martial art.

This martial art has a total of nine levels, and each level of cultivation must undergo a baptism of disaster.

After success, there will be a robbery, allowing the practitioner to reborn once.

After nine births, the practitioners sanctified the flesh.

With the power of the flesh alone, you can explode the existence of fortune!

Cheng Feng's current purpose of practicing the Nine Calamities is just to develop the physical potential, and he will practice to the level where the three flowers gather together.

"Cheng Feng, watch out, the dark wind is coming!"

In Cheng Feng's ear, Nalan's voice sounded.

He looked up and saw a strong wind in the sky.

Under the light of the **** day, it grew up quickly.

The blink of an eye turned into a super hurricane and swooped down from the sky.

铿铿 铿 ~~~

The wind fell on the mountains like a knife, and a series of metal impact sounded.

Large tracts of dirt were cut open, sparkling with sparkles.

"Grass, is this a dark storm?"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's cheeks couldn't help twitching: "I feel the true sacredness of Ba Jiu Wen, it must be cut into powder every minute!"

"No wonder there are no living things in this place, I'm afraid they were all destroyed by the wind!"

Cheng Feng's words are true.

All living things here died out long ago.

Even with new arrivals, they won't survive long.

It was an abbot stolen from the suspended temple of one of the top ten ancient temples in the Southern Region.

With this thing, the abbot of Ganming Temple did not know how many people were killed.

This time to arrange it on the path that Cheng Feng must pass, is to cause Cheng Feng to die!

Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~

When Cheng Feng was surprised, a strong wind came over.

Her cheeks were aching before she arrived.

Cheng Feng did not dare to neglect, and hurried to Rulai Jinshenjue + Jiuxing Divine Body, and at the same time evoked divine power to condense a divine power shield, covering him.


As soon as Cheng Feng defended, the strong wind fell on the shield.

It is like the blade chopping, which slightly deforms the shield.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng's divine power is strong and strong enough to just hold the first wave of fresh wind.

But this is just the beginning.

Because the fresh wind blows constantly, it is equivalent to constantly attacking Cheng Feng.

Moreover, only a strong wind was blowing at this time.

Once the strong wind blows in all directions, the pressure on Cheng Feng will reach a scary level.

Bang ~~~

Suddenly, a lightning flashed across the dark sky.

The next moment, a thunder fell from the sky.

Boom on the ground, blast the ground out of a large pit.

The scorching smell spread, making people shudder!

"Grass, and lightning strike?"

Cheng Feng's face turned black.

I did not expect that not only the wind disaster, but also the Thunder mixed, it was sour to the extreme rhythm.

"Cheng Feng, it's too early."

However, Nalan Changsheng said: "The dark sun disaster was just brewing when the thunder struck."

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