Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2513: Purple Orchid Skyfire

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"Into the purple sky fire to pick artificial fruits?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and shook his head: "No need to bother, I can just take this purple orchid fire away!"

"Huh? Take the purple orchid fire?"

The reason why Yu Xuanzi mentioned the purple sky fire was just to give Cheng Feng some problems.

When Cheng Feng can't solve it, he jumps out to help himself, and can gain Cheng Feng's favor.

Never thought that Cheng Feng would take away the purple sky fire.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, Zilan Skyfire is terrifying."

"Unless it is a fire-controlling expert, most people are afraid it will be difficult to take it away!"


Cheng Feng waved his hand: "I don't have to do it myself, this little guy will be enough!"

When speaking, Cheng Feng greeted the emerald gourd and asked it to solve the purple sky fire.

"An artificial fruit?"

Yu Xuanzi's eyes stared: "Xiao Feng Chengyou, are you kidding me?"

"How can it be an artificial fruit ..."

Yu Xuanzi has lived in the Yuanyuan Forbidden Zone for thousands of years, and he knows the power of the purple sky fire.

A man-made fruit, it is impossible to surrender the purple sky fire.

However, before Yu Xuanzi finished speaking, his voice froze.

Because after being ordered by Cheng Feng, the emerald gourd came to the front of the blue sea of ​​fire.

Chubby's mouth opened wide and he took a swift puff into the blue sea of ​​fire.


Large blue flames rushed to the jade gourd's mouth.

In a blink of an eye, the purple sky fire in the tens of miles was absorbed by the emerald gourd!

"What? What about this artificial fruit ..."

Seeing this scene, Yu Xuanzi directly compared.

Looking at the open space in front of me, he could not speak for a long time.

"Predecessor Yu, this gourd is different from other destiny gourds."

Cheng Feng beckoned to the Emerald Gourd and held it in his hand: "He is wise and can swallow up everything in the world."

"Although the purple sky fire is strong, it can't hurt him at all!"

"Cheng Feng, I panic!"

In fact, the emerald gourd swallowed such a large purple sky fire is not intact.

The belly was rounded, and his mouth was swollen to the sides, and he could not speak clearly.

"Little guy, hold on."

Cheng Feng heard the sound in his ear: "I'll help you when I meet, and remove the excess purple orchid fire!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng supported the emerald gourd toward the main body of the destiny vine.

唰 唰 唰 ~~~

The main body of Destiny Vine also has some wisdom.

As the purple sky fire protecting him was taken away by the emerald gourd, he suddenly waved the vines unnaturally.

While covering himself, he condensed into a giant python-like whip and drew it to Cheng Feng and the two!


However, it didn't wait for the huge whip to hit Cheng Feng.

A sword light rose into the sky, flashing on the giant whip.

The next moment, the huge whip exploded and turned into a section of even-sized vines.

Falling on the ground, still struggling.

"A warrior proficient in Kendo."

Yu Xuanzi glanced at the sword demon, and there was a flash of light in the depths of his eyes: "This warrior has a good talent, and he is about to condense the full will of Kendo!"

"But he was willing to follow the side of the boy named Cheng Feng. From this, it is concluded that this boy named Cheng Feng definitely has a deep background."

"Maybe it was the son of a black hand behind the heavenly holy prison, and it must not be offended."

Thinking about this, Yu Xuanzi was going to part with the thoughts of artificial fruits, and then disappeared.

"Predecessor Yu, I am going to pick all the artificial fruits from this Destiny Vine."

After solving the purple sky fire, the destiny vine was no longer threatened.

The artificial fruits are presented directly in front of Cheng Feng.

But Cheng Feng didn't rush to pick it, but turned to look at Yu Xuanzi, said lightly: "I think, senior Yu should have no opinion?"

Cheng Feng's words were a bit bold.

Actually, he didn't give Yu Xuanzi any artificial fruit, so he looked down on Yu Xuanzi.

Out of ten, Yu Xuanzi will turn his face.

"Ha ha, of course no opinion."

However, the unexpected scene happened, Yu Xuanzi readily accepted.

As if Cheng Feng should be like this, this is what deserves him.

But in fact, Yu Xuanzi was annoyed.

If it wasn't for the identity of Cheng Feng, who could control true magic, he would definitely slap Cheng Feng to death.

Take away all artificial fruits and return to the peak of life!

"Well, thank you, Senior Yu."

Cheng Feng nodded: "After I go back, I will communicate the deeds of Yu Yu and my elders one or two."

After speaking, Cheng Feng stepped towards the subject of Destiny Vine.

When he walked in, Cheng Feng discovered that there were five artificial fruits on the main body of Destiny Vine.

But only two are about to mature, and the other three are still small and growing.

"Isn't it mature yet?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned slightly: "It's a bit violent to pick fruits before they mature."

"But leaving it here and waiting for the fruit to mature is a bit unrealistic."

"Cheng Feng, or else you remove this Destiny Vine."

While Cheng Feng was tangled, the voice of the sword demon sounded: "The Blood Prison Realm also has the ability to absorb the essence of life, and the soil in it is absolutely suitable for planting Destiny Vine."

"You transplant Destiny Vine into the Blood Prison and you can grow artificial fruits anytime, anywhere."

"Wait until it matures, and then slowly take off and enjoy it."

"Also, after these five artificial fruits have grown, Destiny Vine can continue to produce artificial fruits."

"It's endless, inexhaustible!"

"Haha, this is a good idea."

Cheng Feng's eyes lit up and he was praised again and again.

Waiting to open the eyes of the **** of good fortune, took a closer look at the main body of the destiny vine.

It was found that it was not marked by people, transplanted into the blood prison, and would not be tracked.

So he evoked the divine power in his body and showed the hand of God.

Condensed a huge divine palm, grabbed the main body of the destiny vine.


Uproot the Destiny Vine directly.

Subsequently, the blood red jade plate was taken out, and the main body of Destiny Vine was thrown into the blood prison secret place.

After doing this, Cheng Feng turned to look at Yu Xuanzi, and could not help but frown.

In Cheng Feng, he thought that he had uprooted the destiny vine and artificial fruit, leaving Yu Xuanzi no soup.

The other party may be angry and even kill himself.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng saw Yu Xuanzi's dismay.

What is he afraid of? Could it be yourself?

In fact, Yu Xuanzi was indeed afraid of Cheng Feng.

Because just now, when Cheng Feng showed his hand, he showed a little bit of repair.

Yu Xuanzi's eyes were like a torch, and it was directly seen that Cheng Feng had condensed three flowers of martial arts, reaching the state of three flowers gathering in the rumor.

This directly set off a stormy sea in Yu Xuanzi's heart!

"Sanhua Juding! This son actually reached the state of Sanhua Juding?" Yu Xuanzi screamed in his heart: "Genius, this son is definitely a peerless genius that has never been encountered for millions of years!"

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