Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2515: Rohan battle formation

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

One of the team leaders was tall and nearly three meters tall, carrying a giant axe on their backs.

The leader of the other team is a slender young man.

It was the captain Yu Fangtian, who was previously guarded by Heiyuan Town, and sent out to hunt down two of the Heiyuan townsmen of Cheng Feng.

They should have received the news that the Black Guardian Legion had died, and Starry came to help.

"Huh, two Heiyuan Keepers."

Yu Xuanzi's cultivation is profound, his eyes are like a torch, and he has already seen it clearly.

At this time, he snorted and asked, "My son, how do these two horses deal with?"

"Kill it!"

Cheng Feng said lightly: "Anyway, the entire Heiyuan Town Guard Corps has been destroyed, and they are just sent to reunite with their brothers."

"Okay, these people are handed over to the old!"

As soon as Yu Xuanzi's eyes lighted up, he rushed into the sky and rushed towards the two defender teams.

And on the way, 唰 ~~~

Suddenly Yu Xuanzi's body was split into two and turned into two Yu Xuanzi.

But the strength did not decrease but increased, rushing to the two defenders team.

Wow ~~~

The two defender teams were split apart.

Yu Xuanzi stabbed in along the line, passing by the defenders.

The essence of life in those defenders was sprayed out of the body like a fountain, and was submerged into Yu Xuanzi's body.

In a blink of an eye, the two guardian legions, nearly 600 true holy masters, died on the spot.

"This old guy is very strong!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "This time has absorbed the essence of the life of the two defenders, repaired a lot of recovery, will soon become stronger, really a big trouble!"

"Cheng Feng, you are ready to resolve this matter."

The sword devil's voice sounded: "I thought we better kill this old thing as soon as possible."

"Once his practice is restored, you and I will both become playthings in the hands of the other party, and let the other party handle it!"

"Be calm and restless."

Cheng Feng remained calm: "Even if he returns to the top, I have the means to kill him!"

"Before that, we only needed to squeeze the value of his use."

As he said, Yu Xuanzi returned.

His mental state is so good that even his body seems to have grown an inch or two.

"My son, these two defenders, I have solved it."

Yu Xuanzi salutes Cheng Feng with a fist, and at the same time says: "In addition, I learned from the mouth of a guardian that before they came here, they had sent a message to the warden of Heaven Cang and asked him . "

"At the same time, in the name of the prison director of Tiancang, he issued a call to the entire southern region of Tiancang holy prison."

"We want all the warriors in the southern region to come here to suppress us!"

"The governor of Heaven Cang?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "The governor of Tiancang, we should not take care of us for the time being."

"The first task of the other party is probably to suppress the true demon!"

"What we need to consider is the threat from the Southern Warriors!"

"My son, the prison chief Tiancang is not alone, he also leads a law enforcement team."

Yu Xuanzi said: "This law enforcement team is very strong. All members have reached the semi-sacred state of perfection. The team leader has won a good existence."

"Even if the prison chief Tiancang cannot come in person, sending law enforcement teams is quite troublesome."

"The other is the top ten ancient temples in the southern region. The monks of each ancient temple have cast a half-step Buddha body!"

"If you get the order from the governor of Tiancang, it will definitely go out and kill, and it will be a trouble!"

Although Yu Xuanzi was a strong man who made a small fortune, he was locked up in the Yuanyuan forbidden area for 8000 years. A lot of the essence of life was taken away, and he was in the lowest valley of life.

The realm is still there, but the strength can at best stand up to the perfect semi-holy.

If the monks and kings of the top ten ancient temples in the Southern Region came together, Yu Xuanzi would not be able to stop them.

Not to mention, Cheng Feng's threats are not limited to the temples in the Southern Region.

There are also many masters who came from the other four domains and wanted to slay Cheng Feng to receive the extravagant power awards.

At this moment, I have rushed into the Qiankuo Forest and are coming towards the location of the Yuanyuan restricted area!

"Predecessor Yu, after all, come."

Taking a deep breath, Cheng Feng calmed down the waves in his heart and said lightly: "We just need to be prepared to kill a **** road."

"As long as we work together, no one will stop us from leaving!"

"Okay, I listen to your son."

After listening to Cheng Feng's remarks, Yu Xuanzi could not help but get up: "I have Yu Xuanzi here, and I promise that no one will be able to get close to the son's body for half a step!"

When speaking, a wave of martial arts spirit appeared from all directions.

Like stars, it illuminated the entire forest.

When the Yuanyuan restricted area was discovered, it was like a raging wave and rushing towards the Yuanyuan restricted area.

"Grass, so many people?"

Cheng Feng was already psychologically prepared.

But seeing so many warriors killing them overwhelmingly, his cheeks couldn't help but twitch.

"Huh, most of them are chickens."

Yu Xuanzi proudly said: "It just happens that my cultivation has not yet recovered and requires a lot of life essence."

"These people come to you automatically, which is exactly what I want."

"My son, just leave me and you two, I will kill them upside down!"

After the words stopped, Yu Xuanzi sneered, rushing out of the iron fortress, and headed straight for the army of killed soldiers.

Yu Xuanzi really deserves to exist in the realm.

Step forward hundreds of miles, and in an instant, join the army of martial arts all the way.

The two sides collided together, and Yu Xuanzi stabbed directly into the army of warriors like a sharp knife.

The warriors' eyes widened, and the essence of life in the body spurted into corpses.

In the blink of an eye, the bones of thousands of warriors lay on the ground.

All skinny, terrible.

Many of them exist, but they are just as helpless as Yu Xuanzi.

"No, the devil is out of sleep!"

"This demon is so horrible that he killed thousands of us in an instant."

"Hurry up, please ask the monks of Lancang Temple to demons and demons!"

With the emergence of Yu Xuanzi, the army of warriors killed was stopped by sniping.

A large number of warriors close to Yu Xuanzi were frightened and backed away like a snake.

At the same time, he drank deeply and let the monks of Lancang Temple deal with Yu Xuanzi.

Lancang Temple is one of the top ten ancient temples in the Southern Region.

It is also an ancient temple closest to the Yuanyuan forbidden area. After the order from the Tiancang warden, they took the lead to respond.

All war monks in the War Monk Hall were sent out to support the Blackfield Town Guard Army under the leadership of the War Monk Hall.

At this time everyone shouted and had to show up.

"Monks, fight!"

In the face of the fierce Yu Xuanzi, Zhan Seng Tang screamed for the first time.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

All war monks gathered together in special positions. A Buddhist battlefield was formed, which turned into a 100-meter-high golden body Luohan, which stood in front of Yu Xuanzi.

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