Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2527: Another right arm

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Restricted by Cheng Feng, the new emperor fired like frosted eggplant.

Hell melanoma did not respond much to the extremely cold ice flame.

They have survived for many years and their minds have matured.

As long as you can improve your level, you won't frown even if you stay in a small space for hundreds of years and thousands of years.

"Okay, practice well."

Cheng Feng reassured: "Whoever completes the cultivation first, I will take it out first."

After speaking, Cheng Feng patted the shoulder of the newborn Emperor Fire, and took the emerald gourd and the sword demon to fly out of the blood prison.

"Cheng Feng, you actually surrendered three different fires?"

Out of the **** mystery, the sword demon's mood could not be calm for a long time, looking at Cheng Feng said: "And one of the different fires gave me an extremely dangerous feeling."

"I'm afraid I'm fully fired, and I may not be its opponent!"

"And this time absorbed so much purple sky fire, after its refining absorption ..."

At this point, the sword demon could not help but swallowed.

"Sword demon, the situation of these three different fires is a bit special, and the news cannot be leaked."

Cheng Feng didn't answer, but said with a serious voice: "I absolutely trust you before I saw you."

"Hope you can help me keep this secret from leaking it!"

"Rest assured."

The sword demon said, "My sword demon's mouth is very strict."

"Um." Cheng Feng nodded.

Then raised his hand and looked at the Emerald Gourd.

I saw the emerald gourd at this moment, the spirit relaxed.

Turning his head and looking around, I feel very novel.

"Little guy, how are you doing?" Cheng Feng asked.

"very good."

The Emerald Gourd said: "I have swallowed too much purple sky fire before, and now I spit it out, my stomach is still not full."

"Your stomach is really strong."

Cheng Feng shook his head: "I swallowed the purple sky fire, but felt that my stomach was bloated, and there was no other response."

Purple sky fire is not simple. The fire energy is super strong and the temperature is scary.

The true Saint of Thirty Streaks is not afraid to provoke it.

But no harm was done to the emerald gourd, showing the domineering of the emerald gourd.

"Yes, what about the dragon lice that you swallowed before?"

When Cheng Feng captured the emerald gourd, the emerald gourd once swallowed Cheng Feng's dragon lice army.

At that time, Cheng Feng found that the dragon lice were not a big deal, even in the green essence of life, and began to metamorphose.

So he didn't bother and didn't ask about the situation until now.

"Do you mean those little bugs?"

The Emerald Gourd frowned: "The little bugs are very greedy and keep swallowing my blood."

"I'll throw them out now!"

Saying, the jade gourd has a mouth.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Each golden dragon lice spewed out of the jade gourd's mouth.

All the fangs have sharp mouths, and the God-level red line on the back is clearly visible.

The fierce breath emanates from the body, making people feel hairy!

"Lost, so many dragon lice?"

When the sword demon saw this, his eyes couldn't help but stare: "And each dragon lice has reached above the emperor level."

"There are even hundreds of extreme dragon lice ..."

The Sword Demon couldn't understand Cheng Feng anymore.

Because the other side was almost always shocking.

It seems that there are endless means, even more perverted than perverted!

"Xiao Jin!"

The old warehouse was suddenly filled with dense dragon lice.

Among this army of dragon lice, one dragon lice is particularly conspicuous.

It is a circle larger than other dragon lice. It is golden in color, with eight pairs of blade-like wings on its back, and the fine teeth in the mouth flash coldly.

A wicked vicious breath spread out, and all the dragon lice bowed their heads and surrendered.

Even the emerald gourd couldn't help but shudder.

However, when he heard Cheng Feng's call, he furiously converged.

Like a pet, Ma Liu ran to Cheng Feng.

It is Tianlong Lice Xiaojin.

"It's good, it's almost reaching the second level."

Cheng Feng looked at Xiao Jin and praised: "Once you are promoted, you can kill the semi-sacred one, right?"

"Master, I was about to be promoted."

Xiao Jin stared at the Jade Gourd fiercely: "But it was forcibly interrupted by this uncle, it is really hateful!"

"Huh, you **** my vitality, and you're embarrassed to shout at me."

The emerald gourd is not a good stubble, countering: "If it were not for Cheng Feng's face, I would have used some means to kill you!"

"Zhang Kuang, try to kill me?"

The little blond voice made a low voice, and the anger was rising.

With Xiao Jin's movements, all dragon lice are uniform and exudes fierce vigor.

"Okay, okay, let's be more secure."

Seeing Cheng Feng, he quickly evoked a divine power, covering the fierce gas from the dragon lice.

Immediately scolded: "I want to do one thing now, and before that I needed to be absolutely quiet, so as not to leak."

"If you do something like this, it will break my big deal!"

On hearing that, the Emerald Gourd nodded with the dragon lice.

Then, by coincidence, they all reconciled their anger.

"That's right."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled on his face: "You are all my friends, so kindness is good."

"Especially Xiaojin, you have made great progress this time. Thanks to the green gourd, you should thank them."

"Hum, thank you!"

Cheng Feng spoke, and Xiao Jin thanked him reluctantly.

"Huh, it's not rare."

The emerald gourd is a child's temper, and said unpleasantly, "I hope you will rely on your own ability to cultivate in the future, don't think about me."

"Who wants to rely on you?"

Xiaojin was furious: "My family of dragon lice swallowed the world and need to rely on you? Funny!"

"Hehe ~~~"

Emerald Gourd sneered: "So best!"

"You ..." Xiao Jin burst into anger.

At this moment, the entire Dragon Lice Legion was restless again.

"Stop it."

Cheng Feng has a big head: "It seems that the two of you are better off. It's a ready-made trouble to get together."

"Let ’s go, Xiaojin, go back to the ancestral land of dragon louse and refine the essence of life in your body."

"When there is a war, come out and help me!"

"It's all up to the owner."

Xiao Jin is absolutely loyal to Cheng Feng.

There was no resistance to Cheng Feng's orders.

Cheng Feng smiled comfortably, took out the empty pot, and put the dragon lice army into the pot.

Then he looked at the Emerald Gourd: "Little guy, how much life essence is left in your body?"

"There are a lot more."

After the dragon lice legion was taken away, the fire of the Emerald Gourd abated: "What? You still have either?"

"I don't need it for now."

Cheng Feng waved his hand: "You can give some to my friend, let him break through and repair." The sword demon has now condensed 28 sacred patterns, and with his accumulation, 30 sacred patterns are condensed. It's okay.

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