Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2530: Tear the restricted area

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

It was learned that the true magic flames were coming, and the sword demon looked astonished.

Then dare not neglect and adjust the state to the peak.

Cheng Feng is no exception and adjusts his status.

At the same time, he wrote to Qian Linyun's clone, the middle-aged monk.

Let it keep an eye on the situation in the Nether Forbidden Zone.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, Mr. Jian."

About half an hour later, the middle-aged monk broke into the warehouse and said with some emotions: "There is something wrong in the Nether Forbidden Zone!"

"Eight thousand defenders guarding the restricted area were slaughtered by a demon head with four arms!"

"The four leaders of the perfect semi-sacred realm have not been able to block such a minute!"

"Huh? The keeper of the Nether Forbidden Zone was slaughtered?"

On hearing that, the sword devil thoughtfully said: "It seems that the real magic inflammation has come, and the cultivation has recovered to a scary level!"

Nether forbidden zone, but one of the five strongest forbidden zones in the heavenly holy prison.

As many as eight thousand guarding legions, all are masters with more than ten holy patterns.

But in the hands of Zhen Mo Yan, he was slaughtered as easily as a chicken.

Even though Cheng Feng saw the terrifying power of true magic through that ray of divine thought, he was still uneasy at this moment.

"What a true demon, it's just terrifying."

The sword demon took a sigh of relief: "But fortunately, this demon is still under your control!"

"Mr. Cheng Feng, can you control that demon?"

A middle-aged monk's eyes revealed a strange color: "It's so good. With the power of that devil, tearing the nether forbidden zone is as easy as drinking water."

"Once the defense in the Ghost Forbidden Zone is destroyed, I can get out of trouble at any time."

"And help Cheng Feng friends, get Wan Bingshu!"

"Go to the Ghost Restricted Area first."

Cheng Feng didn't answer, and said lightly: "True magic is a flood monster, and no one dares to control it lightly."

"I just had an appointment with him first, I just hope it doesn't destroy its promise!"

After the strike, Cheng Feng flew out of the obsolete warehouse.

Under the guidance of a middle-aged monk, he flew to the Nether Forbidden Zone.

During the period, the emerald gourd wandering was recalled to avoid accidents.

The warehouse where Cheng Feng is located is very close to the Ghost Restricted Area.

After a few minutes of flying, the Ghost Forbidden Zone was already in sight.

I saw the nether forbidden area, built in a heaven.

It's deep and unpredictable, it seems to be connected to Nether Earth House!

But at this moment, the heavens were in a mess around.

All kinds of mountains, hills, buildings ... were destroyed by a force of terror.

The dust swelled and covered the sun.

Among the billowing dust, there is a dead body inclusion.

Amazingly the guardian who once guarded the Ghost Restricted Area!

"It's so strong!"

Seeing this, Sword Devil's face condensed: "The defenders seem to have been killed by a single blow."

"The dry body still maintains the look of his life, and his eyes are blank!"

"indeed so."

The middle-aged monk also looked dignified: "I'm afraid this demon head already has the same fighting power as my peak moments."

The middle-aged monk's body, Qian Linyun, was once a strong man at the pinnacle of petty fortune.

Zhenmaoyan's combat power can be comparable to this person, I am afraid that the huge Heavenly Prison, and no one can stop the other.

Unless the prison director Tiancang personally goes out, he may not succeed.

Because Xiu reached the pinnacle of petty fortune, it is difficult to defeat it, and it is even more difficult to kill it.

Zhenyanyan looked forward to countless years, and finally was liberated from the coffin of the star core, naturally he will not allow others to seal him again.

If he can't beat the captain of Tiancang, he can tear the seal of Tiancang holy prison and leave.

The vast world outside the real world is the real stage for true magic to travel!

Bang ~~~

At the time of Cheng Feng's conversation.

There was a loud noise in the Nether Forbidden Zone.

The next moment, the sky-like sound spread.

A crack appeared in the sky, and the sound of Hengchen in the sky broke off!

"Broken! Broken!"

Hearing the sound, the middle-aged monk exulted for a while: "The strongest defensive formation in the nether restricted area was broken by real magic!"

Obviously, the loud noise just now was the sound of true magic smashing the defense of the Nether forbidden zone.

"Is the defensive array broken?"

Upon hearing that, Cheng Feng's face showed a smile: "Very good, this real magic is worthy of my expectations!"

As he said, the middle-aged monk's face changed greatly.

"Not good. After the real magic broke through the defense, he went straight to my cell."

"I'm afraid he's following me and wants to absorb the essence of my life!"


Cheng Feng's face sank: "This bastard, I've ordered it before, forbid him to move anything in the Nether Forbidden Zone, how dare he violate it?"

"True magic, stop quickly!"

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng flew to the Nether Forbidden Zone and yelled loudly: "All things in the Nether Forbidden Zone belong to me!"

"If you still look at the Demon ancestors, immediately quit for me!"

The voice had not yet stopped, Cheng Feng and his party had entered the Nether Ghost Zone.

Even though Xuan saw the presence of a three-meter-tall man with four arms, he was looking at a skinny middle-aged man with indifferent eyes.

"True magic, I may not be your opponent now."

The skinny middle-aged man is not simple. He looks fragile, but his body is surging and surging.

It's more than ten times more powerful than Cheng Feng's three combined.

He stared at the true magic, Shen said: "But you want to kill me and eat it as food, but think of it!"

"Hey ~~~"

Zhenmaoyan made a bloodthirsty voice: "A small, formidable chemical warrior with a dry power, dare to shout with this seat?"

"When this seat swallows you, you may be able to have this seat, which is comparable to the power of a great chemical warrior!"

"True magic, this person belongs to me, you must not mess around."

At this moment, Cheng Feng took a deep breath and stepped forward to drink.

"This person belongs to you?"

Zhen Mo Yan's cold and ruthless eyes were cast on Cheng Feng's body: "Human, you're the bottom line of patience in three challenges."

"This time, even this seat came from tens of millions of miles away to run around for you."

"After you swear to this ancestor, can't you do anything to you?"

"Of course you dare!"

Zhen Moyan's intense killing rushed to make Cheng Feng's body suddenly cold.

But Cheng Feng wasn't scared, but became surprisingly calm: "The leader of the grand demon tribe can naturally violate the oath of the demon ancestor."

"But I am afraid it will cost a lot?"

"Will you pay a heavy price for this little thing?"

"Hum!" Zhenmo hummed coldly.

Raised his hand, a huge force suddenly appeared.

Pressed on top of Cheng Feng's head, making Cheng Feng a negative giant Yue.

Even after being trained to be the first of the undead body, the physical body was reborn once and became extremely strong and strong. At this moment, there was also a popping sound of Kakaka's bones, which seemed to be directly crushed by that huge force!

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