Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2563: Tiandu Peak

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"As long as you obey the order of this saint, this battle will be undefeated!"

Cang Sheng's voice was full of strong self-confidence: "Because of the Saint, the gate of the realm of creation has been touched and can be pushed out at any time."

"The arrival of the enemy may be a force that helped me break into the realm of creation!"

"Oh? Lord Cangsheng is about to break into the realm?"

It was said that the panic of the crowd could not be calmed down: "If it is true, then we have a good chance of winning."

"Not bad."

Someone echoed: "The reason why the enemy was able to so quickly defeated the soldiers, and maybe there was a giant who helped to create it."

"As long as Lord Cangsheng enters the realm of creation, he can resolve the other person's most powerful aid."

"By then we will make an attack, it is difficult for the enemy to be undefeated!"

After the analysis of these people, the self-confidence of the coalition forces returned.

No longer prepared to flee, but to adjust the state.

Be prepared to give Cheng Feng their head-on blow with the strongest strength!


At the same time, Cheng Feng took the initiative to assist the sword demon and settled the last half-sacred saint.

Then the corpse was thrown into the secret place of blood prison, nourishing the tree of ten thousand soldiers and the fate of destiny.

"Let's go to Tiandu Peak."

After solving the trouble, Cheng Feng said: "After solving the remnants of Tiandufeng, he looked for a place to wait for the true magic to tear the Tiancang Holy Prison."

"Our time is running out!"

The battle between Zhenmaoyan and the warlord of Tiancang has reached a critical moment.

As the battle progressed, true magic became stronger and stronger and began to prevail.

In accordance with this trend, the prison governor of Tiancang will undoubtedly lose.

So the warden of Tiancang Dian did not dare to conceal the news of Zhen Mo Yan's birth, and while he was fighting with Zhen Mo Yan, he reported the news to the top of the God Kingdom.

Invite Tiancang God Kingdom to create a realm to come and suppress true magic.

It is even hoped that General Tenjin will come in person.

With the mighty strength of General Tenjin, the true magic is suppressed again.

It is a pity that General Tenjin has something important to do and cannot come.

However, the general of the **** of heaven also issued an invitation, so that the two friends who won the good fortune, came to the heavenly holy prison to assist the heavenly warden warden to suppress the true magic.

Many sent out clones to spy on the existence near Tiancang Holy Prison.

With the arrival of the two great fortunes, they receded into the distance.

A big war is about to begin.

In this regard, Cheng Feng did not notice it.

At this time, the horse was whipped, and soon, Tiandufeng was already looking.

"There are masters dormant in this day's peak!"

Looking down at the Tiandu Peak, I saw a dragon and tiger on the top of the mountain. The faint sacred power spread out, much stronger than the perfect semi-sacred.

Even Yu Xuanzi seemed slightly worse.

"Which might be the powerhouse."

Cheng Feng frowned: "Isn't that an existence of a petite creature?"

The small fortune realm, which exists on the top of the pyramid in the heavenly holy prison.

In particular, Yu Xuanzi and others, although they are also petty creatures, have been detained in the restricted area for countless years, their roots of life have dried up, and they have been cultivated for nothing.

If you are against the petty realm at the peak, you may lose more than lose.

This caused Cheng Feng's heart to have a bad hunch!

"Cheng Feng, the master is not a petty realm."

Qian Linyun's eyes were like a torch, and he observed for a moment at the top of Tiandu Peak: "However, it is infinitely close to the small fortune, and you can enter at any time."

"These characters, if they are outside the heavenly holy prison, are absolutely heavenly wizards!"

Tiancang holy prison is a cage, the laws of heaven and earth are incomplete, and the vitality is thin.

However, the other party was able to cultivate, to practice to the semi-holy limit of perfection.

Suffice to say, how high is the opponent's martial talent!

"The existence of infinite access to the petty realm?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng thought deeply: "Is this the person, but the rumored Cang Sheng?"

According to Bing Sheng, the leader of the coalition army stationed at Tiandufeng was Cang Sheng, who was inexhaustibly close to the small fortune.

The Emperor Tianqi once promised that as long as the other party killed Cheng Feng, he would try to give him an opportunity to enter the petty realm.

It now appears that even without that opportunity, Cang Sheng has the ability to rush into the small fortune.

"Two seniors, do you have the means to curb that Cangsheng's advancement into the small fortune?"

Cheng Feng took a deep breath and asked, "Once the opponent is successfully promoted, it will be a huge trouble."

"Let's not let this happen!"


However, Qian Linyun did not panic: "Even if the other party breaks into the petty realm, it will not turn into a big wave."

"Old decay has spent many years in the mini-environment, and there are many ways to make the mini-environment die!"

"Of course, to avoid trouble, you can also kill this person in advance!"

"Hoo, then I'm relieved."

Cheng Feng laughed: "I have a faint feeling that there will be a big change in the heavenly holy prison soon."

"So, Qian Qian was also asked to kill the Cangsheng."

"As for the others, it's up to us three!"

"Tiancang holy prison, what will happen?"

Qian Linyun's eyebrows were raised: "Must, Zhenmaoyan is going to defeat the governor of Tiancang, tearing up the heavenly prison?"

"This is very likely."

Cheng Feng nodded: "So, we really don't have much time."


Qian Linyun nodded: "This man named Cang Sheng will be solved by my husband."

"It's a pity to have martial arts talent."

After speaking, Qian Linyun's body suddenly blurred, and eventually merged into the void.

Soon afterwards, fierce fighting sounded at the top of Tiandu Peak.

Vigorous vertical and horizontal movement, the ears were deaf.

"Senior Qian has already started, let's do it."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng commanded: "When the matter is resolved, it's better to prepare early and leave the heavenly prison!"

The sword demon and Yu Xuanzi were very enthusiastic about leaving Tiancang Holy Prison.

After hearing the order, they immediately acted.

To the peak of the day, killing outrageously.

Cheng Feng is no exception. He also joined the battle team with a hand-held magic sword.

Cheng Feng has a group of people, although there are only four, but the strength is too strong.

Said to be fighting, but almost a one-sided massacre.

Within a few minutes, the eight coalition forces in Tiandufeng Holy Prison had been killed.

The crying father yelled at his mother and began a large-scale escape.

Unfortunately, their strength is too weak, and their escape speed is not fast enough.

All three were overtaken by Cheng Feng and killed.

After half an hour, the huge Tiandu Peak had been razed to the ground by the aftermath of the battle.

The coalition forces stationed at Tiandufeng were completely destroyed.

At this moment, only a few people under him are still trying to support. Among them, that Cang Sheng who cultivated for infinitely close to the small fortune realm, even killed madness.

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