Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2578: Soul Eater

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Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The four persons Cheng Feng faced the place where Wang Kun fell, and continued bombarding for more than ten minutes.

The Canglang Lake was almost sank before stopping the attack.

"This time, that pretense should be dead?"

The sword demon put away the fifth-order magic sword, and absorbed the vitality of the heaven and earth to supplement the cultivation.

The wave of attacks just consumed a lot of his strength.

Yu Xuanzi and the fiendish demons also absorbed the energy, and said at the same time: "It should be reasonable to die."

"After all, no matter how strong that guy is, he's just infinitely close to the petty realm."

"You know, even if a real petty creature exists and is bombarded by us like this, it will become a disability!"

Hearing Yu Xuanzi's words, the sword demon Changsong breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Cheng Feng did not relax his vigilance.

Because the other party is not an ordinary person, but has been assigned by the king of paper to come and smooth the tail of the Spirit Gate.

You may have a hole card in your hand, maybe you are not dead yet.

When Cheng Feng thought so, ah! !!

A scream of anger, fear, and shame came from the messy ruins.

Next moment, 嘭 ~~~

A man in a shawl and a ragged suit flew from the ruins.

Cheng Feng looked up and found that it was Wang Kun!

"Grass, this guy isn't dead yet?"

Seeing this, the sword demon's eyes glared, and the eyes almost stared out.

As for Yu Xuanzi and the brother, it was also a look of surprise.

Only Cheng Feng kept calm and made a cold voice after glancing at the other side.

"Since the goods are not dead yet, let's continue to attack."

"I'll see how long he can resist!"

"Get off, get off!"

Cheng Feng's voice fell into Wang Kun's ears, as good as a sunny thunderbolt.

Make Wang Kun's face pale, and make a hysterical roar.

At the same time, a blood-red crystal ball was thrown from his arms and thrown to Cheng Feng.

The next moment, he fled.

"My son, hide!"

Seeing that crystal ball, Yu Xuanzi's face changed greatly.

As he went to the crystal ball, he shouted to Cheng Feng: "This thing is a vicious thing that exists in the created world. It must not be allowed to get on it.

"Otherwise, not only the physical body will be corrupted, but even the divine mind entity will be corroded and turned into a plume of smoke!"

"It's so vicious?"

Heard that Cheng Feng's scalp was numb.

You know, to the extent that Xiu has reached them, physical destruction is not a big deal.

You can fly away from the minded entity, and look for a flesh for rebirth.

Or use the means of rebirth of blood to re-cultivate a flesh with a drop of natural blood and continue to survive.

However, this red crystal ball can directly corrode the divine mind entity into a plume of smoke.

In this way, people are completely wiped from the world, and they can no longer survive.

Therefore, Cheng Feng dare not neglect.

Directly left the fleeing Wang Kun, and used the star catcher to take the moon step and retreat.

And at the same time, slap a palm to the crystal ball.

Palm strength is gentle and soft, intending to push the crystal ball away from himself.

Unexpectedly, the crystal ball was just like bubbles.

With being hit by Cheng Feng's palm, hey ~~~

Broken up immediately.

It turned into red smoke and spread out in all directions.

"No, that Soul Devourer is broken."

Seeing this, Yu Xuanzi shouted, "Hurry up, leave this place as quickly as possible!"

As the words fell, Yu Xuanzi evoked an air of creation, turning it into a huge circle, covering the smoke and dust that turned into the soul-stealing bead.

Then, without any delay, flew away from the Orb of Soul Eater.

Both the sword demon and the world's fierce demon were vigilant, and while Yu Xuanzi shouted, he set out and fled.

As for Cheng Feng, it did not stop at all.

At this moment, it was already on the edge of Canglang Lake.

He raised his eyes and glanced behind him, and found that the smoke and dust turned into by the Soul Eater was terrifying.

The cover formed by Yu Xuanzi with the power of nature only blocked the smoke and dust for a few seconds.

Immediately, the cover of the force of creation melted into a hole, and continued to spread to the four sides.

Originally, Canglang Lake was bombarded by Wang Kun, and almost all life was extinct.

But with the spread of that red smoke, ah ah ah ~~~

One by one the invisible screams suddenly spread.

Those souls, who were not yet dissipated, were completely destroyed by the pink smoke!

"Grass, this thing is so scary?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face turned white.

Say the sword demon and others, and evacuate again.

After about a million miles away, Yu Xuanzi signaled Cheng Feng to stop.

"Son, the weight of the soul eater is not large, and it extends up to a million miles."

"We're safe now, so we don't have to run away."

"Is it safe?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng Changsong breathed out: "Predecessor Yu, what exactly is the soul-eating bead? How could it be so scary?"

"Son, Soul Devourer is one of the scourges that need to cross the land of creation."

Yu Xuanzi explained: "I heard that the crest of the petit creation realm exists, and we have to survive this kind of disaster."

"If you can pass it, you will be able to relax again for thousands of years and take a big step towards the great fortune."

"If you can't get over, you will be wiped out by the scourge, and will disappear forever from the world!"

"Soul Orb, is actually a kind of God of Hell?"

Cheng Feng's eyebrows were raised: "I heard that the petty realm has not existed for hundreds of years, so we have to go through a baptismal baptism?"

"Going through Tianjie is easy, but if you don't pass it, you die? Is this true?"

"it is true."

Yu Xuanzi said: "At the beginning of the mini-environment, the first disaster occurred in five hundred years."

"Followed by millennia, two thousand years, three thousand years ..."

"The more times you've spent the day, the longer you will survive and the stronger you will be."

"So the warriors in the petty make-up realm divide their strength levels by the number of crossings."

"Although there are some peerless wizards and the number of crossings is not high, their strength is very scary, but they are few."

"Most people still follow this rule."

"Dividing strength by the number of crossings?"

The degree is thoughtful: "Is it one robber, two robbers, three robbers?"

"um, yes."

Yu Xuanzi nodded: "I'm a second calamity, and my strength is in the middle and lower reaches."

"Second robbery creates a realm?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "No, senior Yu, you have been poured into the Heavenly Prison of Heaven, it seems that it has been thousands of years, and you have only made two disasters?"

According to Yu Xuanzi, the first scourge of the good fortune was five hundred years after being promoted.

The second major disaster is one thousand years, and the third is two thousand years.

Based on this calculation, Yu Xuanzi rarely said that he had survived four or five times.

"My son, there is no scourge in the heavenly holy prison."

Yu Xuanzi said: "Tiancang Holy Prison evades Tiandao, making Tiandao unable to sense our existence." "So, no matter how long the Tiancang Holy Prison has passed, it will not increase its cultivation!"

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