Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2588: Fierce battle

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"Otherwise, shall we stay in this arrogant area?"

Yang Wuwei began: "The sea here is vast, and there are very few human activities except a large number of monsters."

"Settling here for the time being is quiet and easy."

"Well, you can."

Cheng Feng nodded.

Then a group of people sank to the bottom of the sea and excavated a small space on a submarine peak.

Six people entered the small space and waited for the situation to develop.

Boom boom ~~~

As soon as Cheng Feng entered the small space, the seawater in the arrogant sea area stirred up.

It seems that a giant **** is holding the Optimus Pillar and stirring the sea.

Let the arrogant sea set off a huge wave, the monsters in the sea panicked and fled wildly.

As soon as he escaped, he was beaten to death and smashed by the turbulent seawater!

The sea water was stained with light red by the blood of the monster.

Not only sea beasts, but reefs, mountain peaks, etc. in the sea were also broken by distance.

It even changed the geomorphology of the ocean floor. Some trenches were uplifted, some peaks were collapsed, and volcanoes erupted in some places....

However, for Cheng Feng and others, this poses no threat at all.

They evoked divine power and strengthened the hidden peaks.

Like ten thousand years of Cangsong, let the waves sweep, it is still motionless.

But Cheng Feng's complexion was gradually gloomy.

"Cheng Feng, what's wrong?"

Seeing this, the sword demon asked.

"The battle between the great creatures is too **** for ordinary people."

Cheng Feng said in a low voice: "The battlefield is far from here. I don't know how many miles it has, but the creatures in the arrogant sea have been painted."

"On that land, is n’t Tiankai mainland, Tianyu mainland, Tianya mainland ... or even the Northwest Territories even worse?"

"At this moment, I am afraid that there are tens of billions, hundreds of billions of humans have been killed?"

Fighting between the great realms can sink the continent and smash the planet!

Every battle is a disaster for ordinary people.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the battle between the great realms follows a hidden rule.

Avoid crowded places and fight in remote star fields.

Even if the fight was torn apart, no one paid attention.

However, Tiancang God Kingdom directly sent two great fortune-making giants to enter Tiancang Holy Prison to capture the real magic.

The souls in the heavenly holy prison are not regarded as human beings at all, and it doesn't matter how much they die.

Even, the more dead, the better.

Also, it will be difficult to start harvesting again after thousands of years!

"Cheng Feng, this is normal."

The sword demon seems to be commonplace, and said lightly: "The higher the cultivation, the greater the impact on ordinary people."

"Sometimes, one of our inadvertent actions can cause many people to suffer."

"What's more, the existence of the two great creatures also deliberately fought here."

"I had previously dealt with chapter three of Zhenmao Yan, forbidding him to slaughter humans."

Cheng Feng said in a deep voice: "He waited for the existence of the two great fortunes to enter the heavenly prison, and then started a fierce battle with him. It was a massacre in disguise."

"I must warn him one or two and not let the many innocent people die."

"Mr. Cheng Feng, this is not appropriate."

However, Qian Linyun started to block: "At this time, Zhen Mo Yan and two great fortunes, and the warlord of Heaven Cang."

"You warn the other person at this time, it will definitely distract him."

"In case of defeat, all of us will never have a chance."

"What's more, the real magic went out of the territory, and the front will probably stretch longer and cause even greater disaster."

"Perhaps in Tiancang Holy Prison, this battle has ended. It may be a good choice."

"Huh, I just feel sad for the people who live in the heavenly holy prison."

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng exhaled: "They did nothing, but the disaster came from heaven!"

Talking, Cheng Feng's mood gradually calmed down.

Because Qian Linyun's words are not unreasonable, Zhen Mo Yan went out of the region, and the disaster may be even greater.

Even the entire human world!

"I hope that the real magic can kill the three prison chiefs as soon as possible."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Only in this way can the disaster end as soon as possible."

In Cheng Feng's prayers, the writhing in the arrogant waters became even more violent.

As the tsunami erupted, the volcano erupted, and the large sea area had become a dead place.

Except for individual sea monsters, all other caterpillar trees have died.

It's not just the treacherous seas, the situation on the land is even worse.

Especially the closer to the battle center, the more terrifying the scene.

Many places were smashed and huge caves appeared.

Even the indestructible barriers to space have cracks.

"Yanmo, let's die!"

In the horrible battle, a loud bang rang.

Immediately, Bang ~~~

A purple thunder suddenly appeared, like the endless seawater, and bombarded the place where the northwest and south meet.

The area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles was completely submerged.

There are masters of martial arts who show pupil technique, but they can only see a piece of blue.

As for the specific situation of the battle, it is not clear at all.

"What the **** is going on?"

"Is there a peerless demon head born, did the Tianchuang Warden invite a giant to suppress it?"

"Kill the devil quickly, we can't afford it!"

There was a mournful sound in the wild, and there was no one in the entire northwestern region.

However, this surviving human being is also insecure, and may be killed by the aftermath of battle at any time.

So they prayed, hoping that the three prison chiefs could suppress the true magic as soon as possible.

However, where they couldn't see, the true magic stood among the purple thunder, not only was it not killed by the thunder.

Instead, open your mouth wide and wow ~~~

He swallowed Zier Tianlei, which was enough to blow up Xiaohua Realm alive, and his body was blue by the thunder.

But the breath of Zhenmaoyan went up.

Actually absorbed the power of Zier Tianlei, forcibly refining and absorbing, used to strengthen themselves!

"Not good. This Yanmao is the first master of the Yanmao family many years ago. It is cultivated to the ground, and Zi'er Tianlei has no effect on it."

Outside the Thunder Ocean, there are three finished glyphs that surround true magic.

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a purple robe and holding a purple thunder hammer said with a gloomy face: "Two people, we must be hesitant. We must immediately start the Tiancang killing team and kill this devil early."

"Once he continues to grow, in a few days, the three of us will be defeated and even swallowed alive!"

This middle-aged man in a purple robe is a well-known giant in the realm of heaven.

He has realized the Law of Thunder, which is called the Thor God.

Once the Purple Thunder Sky Hammer is enabled, the giants in the same realm will change in shock and concede three points. But at this moment, his complexion changed, and he had a strong fear of true magic!

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