Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2641: Eight calamities create a realm

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Before the new emperor fire, it has evolved to the emperor level.

To go further, it must absorb the more powerful source of fire.

The encounter with Ping Ge this time just gave it a chance.

It was attached to Cheng Feng's body, and absorbed the sun's fire from the major battleships.

Not only helped Cheng Feng resolve the crisis, but also repaired it, greatly improving it!

"So it is."

After hearing this, Qian Lingyun and others suddenly realized: "In this way, we don't need to fear the major fleets of the Kingdom of God in the future."

"Because the main means of attack of those fleets are sun artillery!"

"Small fire can absorb the essence of the sun, and then meet the essence of the sun afterwards, it is to send us vegetables!"

During the conversation, everyone smiled.

At the same time, they handed over the star warships collected to Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng took a look and watched for a moment, leaving only the king-class battleship.

As for the remaining star battleships, the power source 'solar spar' was dug up.

Then Cheng Feng threw out the Demon Sword, absorbing all the essence of the star battleship.

Make the Devil Sword appear more powerful, the level is about to reach the supreme sacred level.

Now against the supreme sacred weapon, can also forcibly confront the bomber.

"Departure, we continue to rush to Yuanyang mainland."

After solving the trivia, Cheng Feng led Qian Linyun into the king-class battleship.

After searching for the thought of a warship commander, Cheng Feng already knows how to control a king-level battleship.

With the opening of the king class battleship, hum ~~~

The battleship turned into a beam of light and disappeared in an instant.

As for the eight dragons that were used to pull the battleship, they were thrown away by Cheng Feng to the dragon lice.

Because the movement of the king-class battleship, it is not the eight dragons responsible.

They are just a kind of decoration, used to set off the status of Pingo!

At the same time, I don't know how many miles away, a small plane.

"Damn, **** !!!"

Pingo battled out, and the anger in his eyes could burn everything: "The rebels destroyed all the fleets they were waiting for."

"It was just this time. It took more than half of my savings to buy it from the group of guys at the Innovation Society, but now it is ruined.

"This will greatly reduce the strength of this candidate. It will be at the end of the six major battles."

Tian Cangshen has six major battles and is an external editor of the military.

Followed by the regular army Tian Cang Army, the largest number, well-equipped.

As for the Tenjin Iron Guard and the Tenjin General, it is a sharp knife and trump card in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Only when it comes to the time of creation, will the generals of the gods and the iron guards of the gods dispatch.

"No, I have to take those nine down."

Ping Ge was unwilling to fight: "The nine people, but the culprit who got rid of the trap of the King of the Enlightened Monster."

"Take them down and bring them to the Lord of the Kingdom, and you will get a huge reward."

"By then, not only will we be able to make up for this loss, but there will be a lot of surplus."

"The most important thing is to get the appreciation of the landlord!"

In the Kingdom of Heaven, God has supreme authority.

This is not only a royal privilege, but also a manifestation of strength.

Because the incumbent Lord of Heaven Cang Kingdom has been detached.

It is precisely because of this person's existence that the Tiancang God's Kingdom and the might of the country are magnificent.

Ping Ge wants to get the appreciation of the God of Heaven and Kingdom of God, so as to make his cultivation even higher!

"It's time to contact Zhi Ge and Dang Ge."

Pingo whispered: "In addition, invite one or two friends who have made a big change."

"I'm going to take a look this time, how will the kid in black continue to jump?"


When Pinge battled his teeth.

In the vast sky, a giant battleship was speeding.

On the deck of the battleship, a large banner was displayed in the wind, and the word 'Ping Ge' was very eye-catching.

It was the king-class battleship captured by Cheng Feng.

Exhale ~~ **** ~~

Exhale ~~ **** ~~

At this moment, a deep and powerful voice continued to flow from the battleship.

The sound is like a dragon absorbing water, and it is chilling.

He went deep into the battleship and found that the sound of breathing in the city was actually caused by a young man in black to adjust his breath.

It is truly Cheng Feng.

"My son is refining the sacred crystals this time, promoting cultivation, I don't know if I can rush into the great creation?

Not far from Cheng Feng, Qian Linyun whispered while adjusting his breath.

"I'm afraid it's difficult."

Yang Wuwei said: "Although the son's talent is against the sky, the martial arts level leading to the great creation realm has been opened in advance."

"But it takes a lot of sacred crystals to make a big impact."

"This time the son just got a few hundred pieces of holy crystal from the Yuanxian plane.

"That's true."

Qian Linyun nodded: "If the war just now, you can win that Pingo battle."

"With the value of the other party, you can definitely search for a large amount of Holy Crystal."

"Push the boy's cultivation into a great fortune!"

Holy crystals, but the purest energy crystals between heaven and earth, are only eligible to be possessed by the existence of creation.

However, as a vassal of the Tiancang Kingdom of God, Pingge must have a lot on his body.

Unfortunately, the other side fled.

"I'm afraid of that flame!"

At this time, there were more than one Cheng Feng in the promotion.

And Wang Qingrou and the new emperor fire.

Wang Qingrou tempered his cultivation with the help of the sun's spitting fire from the sun spar, slowly raising his realm.

The new emperor fire is more rude, and the first is to refine the sun absorbed by the previous fire.

Then, dozens of sun spar dug from the star battleship were swallowed.

Like an active volcano on the edge of an eruption, the writhing force made Qian Linyun and other great creatures a little bit worried.

"This fire, but the rumored emperor fire!"

Yang Wuwei interjected: "The son secretly domesticated the fire, which is called the only emperor fire."

"This is a huge hidden danger for the son, and it must not be leaked out!"

"Well, indeed."

Qian Linyun thought deeply: "In the rumor, the only Emperor is a giant that can be compared to a senior realm."

"Many years ago, a strong man who had created a high-end great fortune was burned to death."

"If the trouble comes to the son, the consequences are unthinkable!"

The only Emperor Fire is the hegemon in the world of flames.

The first different fire in the different fire list does not come out, that is the master of the flame!

But it is very brutal, suppressing dissidents, especially to their own kind, is even more brutal to the extreme.

Emperor Huo was strangled immediately by the emergence of new people.

Fearing that the new generation will grow up, drive it off the throne!

Cheng Feng adopted the new emperor fire, which is to be the enemy of the only emperor fire. Once the news leaks, it will definitely attract the only emperor fire to kill!

When Qian Linyun talked with Yang Wuwei, his eyes swept away Yu Xuanzi. Especially on Fang Yimei's body, the focus stayed for a long time to warn him!

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