Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 270: Human spirit

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"Xiao Feng, Xiao Jiang, hurry up and defend"

Seeing the scene where Cheng Feng slashed the warrior in one fell swoop, while Tiemu Fang was shocked, he loudly reminded the other two Tiemu family warriors. ..

However, his reminder has just ended, and Cheng Feng's figure has disappeared again.

唰 唰 ~~ I saw only one shadow, and circled around the other two Tiemu family warriors.

Then I saw that the two ironwood family warriors, like the previous warrior, had a blood line on their necks. Then, two clicks, two stunned heads fell to the ground.

Until they died, they did n’t respond. How did they die?

"Little beast, I want your life"

Watching all three of his partners be chopped down by Cheng Feng, the iron and wood squares disappeared for a moment with the chic and indifferent just now.

One of his eyes became red with blood, and he picked up a golden spear, and then slashed towards Cheng Feng.

But Cheng Feng did not compete with him.

At this time, Cheng Feng was besieged by many people, and the best strategy was to break them one by one.

After killing a group of people, come back to deal with the hard bones such as Tiemu Fang, is the right way.

So, oh ~~~

Cheng Feng's placket was rattled, and his people had escaped the golden halberd from Tiemu Fang, and slammed to Mo Lie's five people.

Namo parted, and also saw the picture of Cheng Feng just killing three Ironwood family warriors in an instant. At this moment, when he saw Cheng Feng kill five of him, he suddenly waved a long sword and sprayed a long dark green sword. . See the fastest chapter ..

This is obviously the signature martial art of Mo Yulou, the sword of Mo Yu

Cheng Feng had seen this martial art before when he was in Dazhou, Jizhou.

But the power is far from being comparable to Mo Farewell.

Because of this Mo parting, he was trained to reach the peak of Tianwu Realm, and his vitality had been quenched and quenched, and the stabbing Mo Yu Jianqi was extremely sharp.

When Mo parted, he speared hundreds of Moyu sword qi and defended the remaining four Moyulou disciples.

He himself stabbed at Cheng Feng

"Fuck, this guy Cheng Feng is so fierce."

Until this moment, Tailong Fang woke up from shock. When he saw Mo Libei stabbed a hundred Moyu swords and helped the other four Moyulou disciples to defend, he picked up a five-meter giant knife and bombarded him: "Cheng Feng, I'll help you break Mo Mo's Sword of Mo Yu"

"Tyron, I haven't tried it with you for a long time, and today is just a match against you." But at this moment, Li Dengfeng suddenly came out and blocked Tailong.

"Li Dengfeng, you and Cheng Feng are both Dota Peak disciples. You don't have to help each other. You have to go down."

Seeing Li Dengfeng, Tyrone's eyes glared at once: "Are you still human?"

"I didn't start with Cheng Feng. I just stopped you." Li Tengfeng smiled at Tai Long's drink and didn't take it seriously.

"You are such a mean man," Tyron yelled angrily. See the fastest chapter ..

"Tylon, it's enough for you to stop Lee Tengfeng for me. Others, I'll be enough."

At this moment, Cheng Feng's voice came in a shudder.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Cheng Feng put on the Huo-Steel Warrior armor, and after filling his vitality, he banged two punches and stepped back from the killed Tiemu Fang and Mo Lie.

Immediately, they fired a thunder cannon punch full of fire towards the four Moyulou warriors.

嘭 ~~ 嘭 嘭

With the fist wrapped in dazzling red and orange thunder and lightning, Hunzhong protected the hundred Moyu swords of the four Moyulou disciples.

The first punches shook half of Mo Yu's sword.

The second punch broke the remaining sword of Mo Yu.

When the third fist exploded and opened, the four people were shocked and turned over, and scattered.

At this time, Cheng Feng flew at eighteen times the speed, and whipped around the three Mo Yulou disciples who were shocked by the fist.

Immediately after that, the heads and bodies of the three men were directly separated and opened.

"Do not"

Seeing this **** scene, Mo parting felt a sting, which made his heart tremble slightly.

However, there is no way to stop Cheng Feng's killing.

Not far away, Cheng Feng did not stop after killing three Moyulou disciples in succession, but turned and flew towards the last Moyulou disciple.

"Yu Ming, hurried to my back."

Mo Parting was very heartbroken, so he was very eager to keep the only fellow teacher and brother left.

He urged Yu Ming aloud while hiding behind him, 咻咻 咻咻 咻

Hundreds of Moyu swords spewed out of a snow-white long sword in his hand, forming an x-shaped giant swordman in the sky, and then blasted towards Cheng Feng, Squashed down.

"Is this the real means of the Mo Yu Sword"

Seeing the x-shaped Jianmang that fell from the sky, Cheng Feng had to stop.

Because if he continues to charge forward, it is bound to fall into the attack range of this Jianmang. By then, even if he is a reinforced iron bone, he will be killed by Jianmang on the spot.

However, Cheng Feng wanted to stop, but some people did not allow it.

Just when Cheng Feng had just stopped his figure, on the side of him, a roaring giant tiger suddenly swooped in, forcing him to charge forward.

"This is the union of Wuhun"

Cheng Feng was stunned when he saw the giant tiger rushing.

Obviously, this colorful tiger is not the real tiger, but the martial spirit of Tiemufang.

After Xiu reached the Heavenly Martial Realm, the warrior's use of martial arts soul will be developed to the extreme, which can reach the realm of human and soul unity.

At that time, the warrior could be transformed into the look of a martial spirit, attacking and killing the enemy, and the combat power would soar.

And this iron-wood square has a tiger and martial spirit. At this moment, the power of martial spirit is united, and the human and soul are united. His attack is like a tiger's possession at once. Every move is fierce and powerful.

Cheng Feng faced the iron-wood square at this time, simply fighting for combat power, for fear that it was a bit stretched.

Suffice it to say, they will be severely damaged by the tiger claws transformed by the golden halberd, forcing Cheng Feng to flee forward, and then killed by Mo Xie's x-shaped swordmand.

For a moment, Cheng Feng was in danger

"Three explosions of Thunder Cannon Boxing, give me a bomb"

The danger was approaching, but Cheng Feng didn't panic. When he saw a flash of fierceness in his eyes, he actually mobilized a hundred rivers of vitality in his body, and at the same time excited the purple thunder body, hitting one of the fiercest thunder cannon fist ever.

Banging ~~~

The boxing power mixed with golden yellow thunderbolt brewed on the top of Cheng Feng's fist.

When it reached its limit, it was bombarded with a punch.

Suddenly, like a golden yellow thunderbolt, it blasted from the ground to the sky, and actually made a loud noise, and it turned out that the tiger's claws of the iron-wood square gold halberd turned back abruptly.

This is the first punch.

When the remaining boxing strength continued to rise, the X-shaped sword-mang that fell from the sky in the blast.

嘭 The second punch made the whole sword bulge outward, completely changing its shape.

嘭 The third punch was followed by a bang.

At the time of the establishment, the x-shaped sword-mantle, which looked like a large net, opened a two-meter-square hole in the center.

咻 ~~~

In an instant, Cheng Feng rushed out of the broken hole.

Dangerous and dangerous, escaped this mortal situation


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