Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2754: Million stars

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Combat experience, which takes time to accumulate.

The elders have a lot of time, so the battle experience is super rich.

Moreover, he also practiced how many martial arts he did not know, and integrated it.

Fighting with Cheng Feng at this time, came in handy, and Cheng Feng couldn't fight.

This is the sedimentation of time. Cheng Feng is fully in his twenties.

Even if she started practicing in the womb's womb, she was 108,000 miles behind the elders.

However, Cheng Feng was not scared.

I saw that he first exhibited the Five Elements, condensing an indestructible defense.

Then he responded to the situation with the veterans.

Although due to lack of experience, Cheng Feng was in a state of passive beatings almost at all times.

But he didn't flinch, was beaten again and again, and rushed up again and again.

Sharpen yourself in battle, absorb the veteran's fighting experience, and enrich yourself and become stronger!

"This Cheng Feng is simply terrible!"

"Anyone who meets a veteran will be immediately blown and confident, and kneel and give in."

"But he didn't. Instead, he rushed up again and again to sharpen himself with the help of the veteran."

"No wonder he is able to achieve such achievements, I am far worse!"

Seeing this, everyone admired.

Even those giants who have entered the transcendence are sighing.

"Cheng Feng, I am going to use the means of transcendence."

Cheng Feng operates the Five Elements Rule, which can block the veteran's attack by more than 90%.

The rest of the attacks fell on Cheng Feng, who was able to withstand his powerful flesh.

Of course, if it continues for a long time, I am afraid that there will be problems.

However, the fighting time will be stretched for a long time, and it will not be over for ten and a half months.

So the veteran once again changed his combat strategy and was prepared to use detached means.

"Veteran, please!"

The means of transcendence is extraordinary.

It is Cheng Feng who decides the key to victory.

An improper response can hurt lives.

So the veteran reminded in advance that Cheng Feng should have a mental preparation.

Bang ~~~

The veteran stopped, and suddenly stopped attacking.

I saw him raise his hand and let the palm of his hand burst into light.

When the light on the palm reached the extreme, it slammed out.

Immediately, beyond the power of the law and order, they suddenly flew out of the hands of the elders and blasted towards Cheng Feng.

"Di Cang sword, cut!"

In the face of the veteran's palm, Cheng Feng did not dare to neglect in the slightest, and made the Emperor Cangdao Wanxing Tonghui slash.

However, although the unmatched sword light cut by Cheng Feng cut into the palm, he passed through the palm as if he had hit the air.

The next moment, Cheng Jin had approached Cheng Feng, and slapped hard.

"Not good. This is the strength of transcendence. My sword can't cut each other."

Cheng Feng instantly came to understand, and hurried to run the nine undead body to defend.

Om ~~~

Eightfold robbery intensifies.

Only then stopped the horrible blow from the veteran.

As for Cheng Feng's five-element rule of operation, the solid defense that has been condensed has not even played a small role.

Like a heavy water wave, Zhang Jin directly wore it in, and it only had a slight delay.

"Hoo ~~~"

"Fortunately, fortunately, Cheng Feng has also developed a means of transcendence."

"Otherwise, they would be killed by the veteran!"

At this moment, people all put their hearts on their throats.

It wasn't until Cheng Feng blocked the veteran's palm blast to relax.


The veteran was so knowledgeable that he recognized the power of the undead.

He saw something different: "This martial art, collecting the power of natural disasters and turning it into his own use is really a genius idea."

"Unfortunately, you haven't practiced it to the full!"

"The veteran is really looking like a torch!"

Cheng Feng nodded: "This martial arts name is Jiu Jie Undead, I just got to the eighth Jie!"

"Well, you pay attention, my next attack may be more fierce!"

The veteran greeted him, raised his palm, and patted him again.

This palm is mixed with many changes, more than double the power of that palm just now.

In the face of this palm, Cheng Feng urges all the holy power in the body, and at the same time operates the law of the knife, the law of control, and the law of space, with no will to the knife.

At last, it attracted the power of 660,000 stars, and cut out the horrific sword to meet.

However, the effect is not obvious.

The veteran's palm strength is detached, and Daoguang cuts it up, as if it was cut on the water wave, only playing a small role.

However, Cheng Feng's eyes brightened.


Cheng Feng secretly said: "It seems that my sword attack, as long as the power reaches a certain level, will also be detached and become a detached force."

Thinking about it, oh ~~~

Cheng Feng was hit by the elder's palm, and flew backwards, his mouth overflowing with blood.

But Cheng Feng's face was full of joy, evoking the soul and soul, and communicating the nine stars.

Originally, Cheng Feng had 660,000 stars of light on his body.

At this moment Cheng Feng communicated with the nine-day stars, and the light of the stars on him suddenly increased.

From the previous 660,000 to 670,000, 680,000 ...

"Look at it, Cheng Feng seems to be practicing martial arts in battle."

"That seems to be the astrological martial arts he has performed before."

"It's just that ordinary martial arts are useless to the elders. Even if he cultivates this martial arts to the strongest level, it is meaningless!"

"It seems that Cheng Feng has run out of water and wants to lose!"

At this moment, not only the half-step surrendered warriors thought Cheng Feng was defeated.

Even those transcendental beings think so.

Only Makino's eyes brightened, and it seemed to think something.

Boom boom ~~~

In the war world, Cheng Feng was continuously hit by the elders.

Even though Cheng Feng was running the undead body, he was interrupted by several bones, his internal organs were shifted, and his mouth continued to cough blood.

"Cheng Feng, do you only have these means?"

The veteran slowed the offensive and said lightly: "If so, there is no need for our battle to continue."

"Veteran, give me ten minutes, maybe there will be a surprise."

However, Cheng Feng did not give up.

He is still communicating the nine-day star, lighting up the light of this star.

At this moment, the light of the stars lit by him has reached 800,000.

Moreover, it continues to increase.

"Okay, then I'll give you ten minutes."

On hearing that, the veteran stopped the attack.

Cheng Feng met, bowed to the veteran, and concentrated on communicating the nine stars.

Time passed and ten minutes passed.

I saw Cheng Feng's body filled with dense light spots.

"Huh, finally there are more than 99,900."

Cheng Feng secretly murmured: "Fight for the momentum and push the number of stars to the million level!" Therefore, Cheng Feng evoked all his thoughts and extended to billions of stars.

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