Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 618: Move mountains

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

Qianduan River is located 1,200 miles away from Jinyu City.

The source of this river is the Mingze Lake, which is called Qianduan River because of its winding and intermittent rivers.

"Is that the Qianduan River? Why does it seem like the river has broken its bank?"

About two hours later, Cheng Feng and the four arrived in the Qianduan River Basin.

However, looking at it, the long channel of Qianduan River has huge gaps.

There were tens of meters in the gap, and hundreds of meters in length. The mighty river rushed out of the gap, flooding hundreds of miles of land.

At this moment, a large number of ordinary people are using unicycles, horse-drawn carriages, ox carts ... and even carrying shoulders to carry a piece of stone or a bag of sand in order to block the river of the breakwater.

However, the strength of ordinary people is too small. By carrying them by their shoulders, I am afraid that tens of thousands of people will not be able to block the river at one and a half.

"This should be the aftermath of the mighty King of God and their fight with the Mingze monster."

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng had already guessed the cause of the Qianduan River's dike.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess.

The source of the Qianduan River is the Mingze Lake. Before that, there were such great wars on the Mingze Lake, which rolled up huge waves.

That wave carried a large amount of lake water, rushing down the Qianduan River, and the water level rose sharply. Naturally, the weak area of ​​the Qianduan River was washed out, and many places were flooded.

"Such a huge river gap cannot be repaired by ordinary people alone."

Tai Long asked: "Bai Ze, isn't this your destiny?"

"Oh, of course."

Bai Ze smiled bitterly: "But the entire Yuhua God dynasty's territory is too large, the manpower of the Tianming Division is limited, and the blood gods invade, our people can't manage it."

"Therefore, we can only pick the disaster-stricken areas for rescue first."

"Listen to you, this place is so bird-like, isn't it the hardest hit area?"

"Hmm ..." Bai Ze didn't answer, just sighed.

But the three of Cheng Feng have heard the weakness and helplessness in the sigh.

"Since the warriors of Destiny Division cannot help here, let us help!"

Looking at the huge gaps, Cheng Feng suggested: "Anyway, when we come to this thousand broken rivers, we also have to make a big move to attract the attention of Yumeizi, a core disciple of the Blood Gods."

"It's better to help people block the estuaries of these breakwaters, which can help and complete the task, which is a two-pronged effort."

"Cheng Feng, help the people to block the breach of the river. I have no objection to this."

Tailong's brows frowned: "But what else can happen if the river is blocked?"

"Haha ~~"

Cheng Feng chuckled: "How difficult is it to make a big noise?"

In a low laugh, Cheng Feng raised his eyes and looked around. When he saw a low mountain not far from Qianduan River, he immediately turned around and flew over.

In this mountain, the peaks are not too high, and they are relatively small.

When Cheng Feng flew to this mountain, he took a closer look and pinpointed a mountain more than 100 meters high. He took out the Devil Sword and poured it into the dragon force, which triggered a sharp tens of meters of razor gas, and then suddenly penetrated Inside the foot of the mountain.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

Afterwards, Cheng Feng grabbed the Devil Sword and quickly made a circle along the mountain peak. This 100-meter peak was cut off by Cheng Feng along the foot of the mountain.

"Fuck, Cheng Feng, you're planning to move the mountain and add a block to the river!"

Seeing this scene, Tyron suddenly came over, and immediately beamed his eyes: "Good idea, really an interesting idea!"

"Because we are so troubled, the whole Qianduan River will definitely boil."

"It's so exciting!"

In fact, not only was Tailong's excited howl, but even Bai Ze and the sword were dust-free.

All were amazed by this genius idea of ​​Cheng Feng.

"Taylor, pick up the mountain!"

Standing in front of the mountain peak from which the roots were cut off, Cheng Feng urged all the dragon power to condense into a giant palm with a force of tens of meters, and then patted it on that mountain peak.

Cheng Feng is now the top of the broken first realm. Long Li is extremely thick. He shot it with one palm, and shot the 100-meter peak suddenly and flew up, and flew towards Tailong.

At this time, Tailong was floating in the void, seeing a 100-meter peak flying towards himself, and stretched out two thick hands, with the fierce force, he actually carried the 100-meter peak.

"Cheng Feng, this mountain is too light, you should carry it yourself!"

Tailong, who was holding the 100-meter mountain peak, even thought that the mountain peak was too light, and it was thrown back to Cheng Feng.

"Tylon, you asshole!"

When the 100-meter peak came down, Cheng Feng's face changed, and he quickly urged two dragons to pick it up.


The 100-meter peak was too heavy, and directly pressed Cheng Feng's dragon power into a bang.

If Cheng Feng had spurred the beast martial spirit in time and turned himself into a three-meter giant, his strength would have skyrocketed several times.

I'm afraid it will be pressed into the soil by the 100-meter mountain peak.

"Uh, excitement for a moment, mistake!"

It was only after Tai Long threw the mountain peak that he remembered that Cheng Feng didn't have the strength of his pervert.

Of course, after Cheng Feng evoked the beast martial spirit, he could be as long as Tailong in the normal state.

喳喳 ~~ 喳喳 ~~

The little white bird sleeping on Cheng Feng's shoulders flew to the side very smartly when the mountain peak came down.

At this moment, he also flew to Tyrone and scolded Tyrone.

"Cheng Feng, are you okay?" Tailong asked.

Wow! ~~~

The hundred-meter peak that was pressed on Cheng Feng's body was rolling around, and then slowly flying up.

Immediately afterwards, at the smooth bottom of the mountain peak, Cheng Feng with a height of three meters appeared.

"Haha, Cheng Feng, you're fine." Seeing this, Tai Long laughed.

"I'm fine now, but just now ... I wasn't nearly killed!"

"Haha ~~"

Tai Long laughed, and then said, "Since you are okay, then you will carry this mountain to Qianduan River first."

"I'll look for a big one, and I'll be there later!"

While speaking, Tyrone flew over to a huge mountain that was 300 meters long.

He really wanted to uproot this mountain and carry it to Qianduan River.

"This guy ..." Cheng Feng shook his head.

Immediately picked up the 100-meter peak and flew to the estuary of the Qianduan River's dyke.

As for Jian Wuchen and Bai Ze, due to their limited strength, they joined forces to barely grab a 100-meter mountain and flew towards Qianduan River.

However, even so, when the two swordless men grabbed the mountain peak and flew over the Qianduan River.

The people who were blocking the breach of Qianduanhe were also shocked and stunned!


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