Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 821: Golden body three turns

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Chapter 321 Three Turns of the Golden Body

Tianlong Jinshen is an exercise of martial arts.

The level of this martial art is not high, but once practiced, its power is not weak, and it can transform the physical body of the practitioner into the body of the dragon.

At the same time, it can greatly increase the body's capacity, the strength of the meridians, the stiffness of the bones, and so on.

If Cheng Feng practiced Tianlong's golden body to the second turn, he would be able to swallow the remaining Wannianlong Jingguo with confidence, without having to worry that he would burst the meridians or the body with the medicine of Wanlonglong Jingguo!

"This place is great."

Standing in the mountain stream, Cheng Feng lifted his eyes and glanced: "This mountain stream is very deep, and the rocks are buckled upside down, just to cover the **** killing order on my head."

"Second, at a distance of about a hundred miles from the mountain stream, it seems that there is an ancient demon of Xuan class Bapin."

"If an enemy comes, maybe we can use the power of the ancient demon to resist one or two temporarily."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune and swept carefully in the mountain stream.

After discovering that there was no danger, he flew directly to a huge rock in the middle of the mountain stream, and had to perform the breath-taking exercise to simulate the breath of a mysterious eight-level monster.

At the beginning of time, the entire mountain stream became quiet.

All the birds and maggots were frightened and trembling, and the turtles shrank in their nests and dared not show their heads.

From a distance, this mandrill is completely the nest of a mysterious eight-pin monster. If it were not observed from close distance, it would never be found, and passed by Cheng Feng.

After finishing these disguises, Cheng Feng was completely relieved.

"Next, I can finally practice Tianlong Golden Body in peace."

On the third floor of the Tianlong Tomb, Cheng Feng originally planned to train on the spot to make two turns in front of Tianlong Jin, and then swallow the whole Wannian Dragon Crystal Fruit, which will be repaired and pushed directly to the broken sixth state, even the broken Seven Realms, True Dragon Class.

However, the situation was too urgent at that time, Cheng Feng only practiced the first turn of the golden body, and had to stop practicing and fled outside the Tianlong Great Tomb.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng escaped in time. If it was later, it would be blocked by a large number of evil masters at the exit of the Tianlong Tomb.

Presumably at this moment, he is dead!

"Time doesn't wait for anyone, so I'll start practicing Tianlong Golden Body."

Cheng Feng can do things directly and directly.

I saw him stunned, took out the large ceramic jar filled with the ancient dragon dragon's marrow, and put it in front of himself.

Immediately afterwards, he took off his coat and the armor of God of War, operated the second turn of the Tianlong Golden Body, and began to practice the Tianlong Golden Body.

This day's golden body is divided into five turns.

On the first turn, people's skin is refined, cultivating the skin of the practitioner, turning it into dragon skin, covered with heavy dragon patterns.

Once practiced, the practitioner's skin is golden and shiny, like gold forging.

The second turn is to cultivate human flesh and blood channels and expand the physical capacity of the practitioner.

After training, the flesh of the practitioner will be able to store a large variety of potentials, and the skin on his body will change to become platinum.

The third turn is to train people's muscles.

After training, the 206 bones of the practitioner's body will become keel bones and become indestructible.

At this time, the skin of the practitioner will change again, and become a blue and gold color with higher hardness and stronger toughness.

Om ~~~

In the mountains, the second turn of Tianlong Jinshen was followed by Cheng Feng.

Immediately, the skin on his body squirmed, and the flesh under the skin screamed with hunger.

The key to practicing Tianlong's golden body is the ancient dragon's pith.

If there is no dragon marrow to nourish during cultivation, it is simply a joke to want to practice the dragon body.

In front of Cheng Feng, there is a large cylinder of dragon dragon marrow, which is enough to have hundreds of pounds.

I saw Cheng Feng evoking a dragon force, condensing into a dragon force palm, and lifting three or four pounds of dragon marrow from the ceramic large tank.

It was poured directly on his body.

Magneto Magneto!

As soon as the dragon marrow fell on Cheng Feng's body, it absorbed water like a sponge and instantly penetrated into it.

not enough!

It is not enough to practice the second turn of the Tianlong Golden Body, and three or four pounds of dragon pulp.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng said nothing, and simply lifted the entire ceramic large cylinder with Longli's palm.

When the tank was tilted slightly, a golden dragon's marrow followed the tank's mouth and fell straight towards Cheng Feng's back.

Bang bang ~~~

With a stream of dragon's marrow pouring on the body, suddenly, Cheng Feng's flesh and blood began to change color, there was a tendency to turn golden.

Even the flowing blood in that blood vessel was doped with a light golden color, giving a strange and noble feeling!

Not only that, the color of Cheng Feng's skin has changed greatly, from the previous golden yellow, slowly to the platinum color.

After this change was completely formed, Cheng Feng felt his body was defensive and had an upside-down growth.

Even the attacks of true dragon-level masters can be completely blocked!

"The second turn of Tianlong Jinshen? I seem to have made the second turn of Tianlong Jinshen."

Sensing this situation, Cheng Feng could not help holding his hands.

At this moment, he suddenly practiced the second turn of Tianlong Golden Body.

However, after completing the second turn, Cheng Feng did not stop there. Instead, he started to use the training tactics of the third turn of Tianlong Jinshen.

He intends to go all out and practice the third turn of Tianlong Jinshen!


Digu jungle, in the mountains.

Cheng Feng sat cross-legged, silently practicing the third turn of Tianlong's golden body.

Above his head, a large ceramic pot, a stream of golden yellow liquid, is continuously poured on him.

Then, he was quickly absorbed by his body, refined, and integrated into the whole body.

In particular, his bones became stronger and harder under the pouring of golden liquid.

Its color has changed from snow white to a touch of gold.

This process is as if Cheng Feng was using the dragon's marrow of ancient Tianlong as the fire and his body as a furnace, forging his own body of 206 bones.

Make that bone qualitatively change, fish jump into dragon, and evolve into dragon bone!

During the cultivation, time slowly passed.

After about an hour.

啵啵 啵啵 啵 ~~~

In Cheng Feng's body, the sound of firecrackers ignited suddenly.

After listening carefully, I found that this sound turned out to be the sound of Cheng Feng's bones when they were moving.

I saw Cheng Feng's bones at this time, all of them have undergone qualitative changes, and each bone has turned golden yellow, like gold forging, giving a feeling of indestructibility.

And there are dragon patterns on the bones.

That dragon pattern was interlocked, locking Cheng Feng's whole body together, forming a whole.

If you look closely, it is a big dragon lying down.

In this way, when Cheng Feng is attacked by the enemy, his bearing capacity will be greatly increased, and his bones cannot be easily broken.

Unless the enemy's attack power exceeds Cheng Feng too much, Cheng Feng will be killed in one move.

Otherwise, Cheng Feng will be able to stand up again and again until the enemy is consumed alive!

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