Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 834: Little white bird metamorphosis

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Chapter 834 Little White Bird Transformation

"The origin of one percent of fire?"

Hei Hei Yan said, before Cheng Feng said, the little white bird was unwilling, and said unpleasantly, "Are you sending me a meal?"

"Hell's melancholy, the fire source of one percent is too little."

Cheng Feng also frowned: "If you are so insincere, then we still don't have to waste any more time. Let's take a break."

"Human, one-fifth."

After a moment of silence, Hell and He Yan said, "I give you the source of fire for one-fifth of the fire. This is my limit."

"One-fifth, still too few." Cheng Feng shook his head.

"Human, don't overdo it." The anger in Hell's voice was raging.

"Hell's melanitis, I'm not at all excessive."

Cheng Feng laughed: "After the cornucopia is opened, how do you think you can be sure that you can stop the light of Nirvana?"

"Humans, I may not be able to stop the devouring of Nirvana's light, but I can choose to die together."

Hell Heiyan said fiercely: "If I get to the last step, I will blow myself up."

"At that time, let's no one else want to live!"

"Well, I take a step back."

Cheng Feng groaned for a moment, and then he said in a deep voice: "One-tenth, you take one-tenth of the source of fire to Xiao Budian, and at the same time serve me for ten years, I let Xiao Bu point out a vow of soul and soul, Use Nirvana light on you. "

"Human ... you are cruel!"

After listening to Cheng Feng's words, the **** hei Yan endured for a while before he gritted his teeth and said, "Let the descendants of Suzaku swear, I promise you."

"But beforehand, I can't be a human being as a nanny."

"For ten years of 'serving' for you, I only come out to help you when you are in danger."

"As for other times, we will not be accompanied!"

"Of course."

Seeing Hell's Heiyan agreed to his condition, Cheng Feng's face showed a bright smile.

Then he looked at the little white bird and whispered: "Little boy, you first collect the light of Nirvana, and then you just give a vow of soul, you can enjoy the source of the fire of **** black flame."

"Only one tenth of the source of fire ..."

The little white bird pursed his lips, but he still suspected that there were too few sources of fire for extortion.

"You little guy, you have a bigger appetite than me."

Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled: "Okay, the source of fire, which is one tenth of Hell's black flame, is not a small number. After you swallow it and refine it, at least you can let your level rise directly to Xuan level nine Product. "

"It is even possible to rush straight into the ground."

"And you don't have to pay the slightest price to get these, are you still not satisfied?"

"Listening to your analysis, I am more satisfied."

The little white bird showed a human expression and was happy: "And I can save the killing trick of Nirvana Light, and when I come out in danger, I can save my life!"

At this point, the little white bird received the light of Nirvana slightly.

But it was not completely stowed away, Nirvana's light still shrouded the cornucopia, so that the Hellfire would not take the opportunity to slip away.

Subsequently, the little white bird evoked the power of the soul and swore with the soul.

The soul vow is a very binding vow.

Once the soul vow is issued, the vow will be integrated into the heaven, and no one shall regret it.

Otherwise, you will be cast aside by God, and you will be punished by death!

For a moment, the little white bird completed the soul vow.

The oath instantly turned into words visible to the naked eye, slowly drifting towards the sky, blending into the heaven.

"Hell's Hei Yan, Xiao Dadian has already issued a soul vow."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng said to the **** in the cornucopia, "Now, it's your turn to honor your promise."

Hell's black inflammation is relatively simple. When it senses that the soul vow from the little white bird has taken effect, it hums.

Immediately, hum ~~~

A large black and black source of fire spewed out of the cornucopia.

Seeing the origin of this fire, the little white bird jumped into the origin of the gushing fire without saying a word.


Suddenly, the source of fire followed the pores of the little white bird and penetrated into its body.

The source of fire in Hell's Black Flame is too thick and pure.

Taking Cheng Feng's current repair as an example, he couldn't get too close, and was pushed out by the overwhelming heat wave for several kilometers.

"I originally thought that by taking Wannian Longjing fruit, I am soaring from the broken second realm to the broken sixth realm. I am already a master."

Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled: "Now it seems that I am far too far away from the real master!"

Since entering the core area of ​​Digu Jungle, Cheng Feng can be said to have been shocked and hit one after another.

This made him a little proud of Xiu because of Xiu's surge, and quickly disappeared, and the whole person became arrogant and impatient again.

"But this trip to the Digu jungle is worth it."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Although this trip made me wanted by all the evil cults in the world, I was locked by the blood word hunting order and it was difficult to escape for life."

"But the harvest is also extremely rich."

"Today, with the help of the little white bird, I have made countless bird demon saddles and horses, and the promise of Hell's Hei Yan, even if the Lord of the Blood Gods and the female guardian of the law have come to me, I have no fear.

"As for the Eight Jade Girls and the Four Vice-Presidents of the Jade Girl's Palace ... wait, as long as you dare to come, I will let them come back forever!"

While Cheng Feng whispered.

A few kilometers away, the little white bird began to change after devouring the massive source of fire.

First is body size.

The little white bird was originally the size of a slap, no different from a newly hatched chick.

But at this moment, the body of the little white bird began to get taller, bigger and stronger.

I only heard the popping sound of Kakaka's bones, and after a while, the little white bird grew from the size of a slap to ten meters away and became a behemoth.

Immediately after that, there was hair all over.

Previously, the little white bird had just awakened the blood of Suzaku, and the old hair on her body had fallen off, while the new feathers only grew a small part.

This made the little white bird ugly, and even the little white bird was ashamed to see people and could not hide in the sword and magic secret house.

But now, the new feathers that have not yet grown have skyrocketed at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

In just a minute or two, the little white bird was renewed, and its body was covered with a layer of fiery red feathers. Looking at it from afar, it was as if the whole body was burning with a heavy flame.

Like the previous dumb adorable, it is almost like a bird!

And it's not over yet.

After the little white bird's physique changed greatly, a crown feather with a length of seven or eight meters was grown above its head.

This crest feather, red as the fire, contains heart-wrenching energy.

If the energy in it is detonated, it will be enough to blast the master of Broken Realm into an instant fly ash!

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