Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 893: Fourth state of mind

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Chapter 893 The fourth state of mind

"Cheng Feng, your state of mind has reached the fourth middle stage."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Perhaps you can cultivate your fourth state of mind and even break through the fifth level by practicing the fourth chapter of the Heart Sutra presented by Xu Yan to you."

"Twelve Heart Sutras?"

When reminded by Nalan Changsheng, Cheng Feng remembered that when he was on the second floor of Tianlong Tomb.

Xu Yan, the owner of the jungle fantasy formation, once presented him with two books, one of which is the "Twelve Heart Sutras" for practicing the state of mind, and one is a detailed explanation of the formation method.

Cheng Feng rushed and took out the twelve sutras.

After a little reading, I found that the Twelve Sutras are indeed a rare martial art.

There are twelve chapters in this martial art, each of which corresponds to a state of mind.

If this martial art is practiced to the twelfth chapter, then his state of mind cultivation will also reach the twelfth.

"Cultivation of state of mind is the basis for practicing the call of the sword."

Cheng Feng groaned: "So this Twelve Heart Sutras, I must practice a lot and try to reach the end as soon as possible."

"As for now, I will first complete this fourth chapter of martial arts, and improve my state of mind to the fifth level."

"In this way, when I practice the summoning sword, I can feel relieved."

"Cheng Feng, the demon sword is decided, I suggest not to rush to practice."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Before you cultivated this sword skill, you were forced by the situation. You must use this sword skill to save your life."

"But for now, you are not in danger for the time being. Don't try to cultivate it as much as possible."

"In addition, you are not without martial arts practice."

Nalan Changsheng said: "such as the finger of destruction, the hand of God, and the sword of Emperor Cang."

Nalan Changsheng was very wary of summoning the sword, and had reminded Cheng Feng more than once that he should practice as little as possible.

If it's not life-threatening, it's best not to practice.

And Cheng Feng also felt it, and the evil sword was full of evil.

Therefore, he groaned a bit and said, "Uncle Naland, I will not touch the magic sword for the time being."

"However, I will first practice the Twelve Sutras and cultivate my state of mind."

Cheng Feng said: "So, when I meet the danger of life and need to call the magic sword to save my life, I can quickly train it without going into magic."

"Well, this arrangement is good."

Nalan Changsheng nodded: "You are currently practicing twelve Sutras of the Heart Sutra, and then practice the Emperor Cangdao. If you have time, you can also practice the broken fingers and the hand of God.

"OK." Cheng Feng agreed.

Then without further delay, turn the twelve sutras to the fourth.

After he carefully looked at the practice method of the 12th and 4th chapters of the Heart Sutra, he calmed down and began to cultivate.

There are twelve chapters in the Heart Sutra.

Each article has a theme.

If you want to practice that article, you must understand the corresponding theme of the article.

For example, the third and twelfth chapter of the Heart Sutra is called a false article. If you want to practice this one, you must understand what ‘false’ is.

Cheng Feng's current practice is the fourth one, called Life and Death.

If you want to practice this article, the practitioner must go through the trials of life and death, and realize the heart between life and death in order to fully understand.

Therefore, it is very difficult to practice this article.

Almost all martial arts practitioners practicing the Twelve Sutras, about 90% of them are stuck at this step.

But this is not a problem for Cheng Feng at all.

Because Cheng Feng had just experienced various tortures of life and death not long ago, it was called walking several times in front of the gate of hell.

On the understanding of life and death, Cheng Feng has a deep understanding.

Therefore, he practiced the fourth and twelfth chapter of the Heart Sutra without any obstacles.

In just over half an hour, his state of mind began to skyrocket.

From the fourth middle section of the original state of mind, it has risen to the fourth rear section ... Finally, it has reached the fourth top.

"Is it the fourth most important state of mind?"

After reaching the fourth top of mind, Cheng Feng stopped practicing.

Because the state of mind is different from Long Lixiu.

If you want to ascend quickly, you must be sharpened in your mind.

Otherwise, even if there is a practice method, the progress will be very slow.

The reason why Cheng Feng was able to change his mood from the fourth middle to the fourth top at one breath.

In addition to the Twelve Heart Sutras, it is mainly because of his strong accumulation of mind.

However, this accumulation has been completely exhausted in the promotion just now.

He wants to improve his state of mind from the fourth top to the fifth in one stroke, which is impossible in the short term.

"It's the fourth most important state of mind, which is pretty good."

Cheng Feng smiled with satisfaction: "Moreover, I have twelve sutras in my heart, and it ’s just a matter of time to raise my mood to the fifth level.

"At that time, once in danger, I can quickly decisively summon the sword to the second level and directly train to Dacheng."

"Thereby mastering the fourth and fifth sword-making skills of the Summoning Sword, even the masters of the Broken Realm must be terrified."

The summoning sword is divided into a total of six layers, and each layer is subdivided into three small realms: Xiaocheng, Dacheng, and Full.

Taken together, there are eighteen small realms.

These eighteen small realms correspond to the eighteen-style sword skills of the summoning sword.

Only when the corresponding small realm is reached can Cheng Feng exhibit his corresponding knife skills.

Cheng Feng currently only cultivates the Summoner Sword to the third small realm, so he can only perform the first three types of Summoner Sword.

But even so, it was Cheng Feng's strongest killing move.

"For the cultivation of the twelve sutras, go here first."

In the back room, Cheng Feng calmed his emotions a bit, and then whispered, "Next, I practice the sword passed to me by the Master, Emperor Cang."

Emperor Cang Sword Art is rumored to be a martial arts sword created by the ancient Emperor Cang in ancient times.

This martial art is extremely powerful and quite famous in ancient times.

Since being acquired only by the sword, he actually abandoned his martial arts directly and cultivated this martial art, which allowed him to increase his combat power without diminishing.

The only sword that can kill one person and one sword, beheaded and killed the fourth-best super power in the heaven, and the sword of the Emperor Cang played a huge role.

"This martial art has great requirements for the strength of the practitioner's dragon power."

In the secret room, Cheng Feng took out the Emperor Cangshu, and looked around one or two, and couldn't help but frown.

Because the beginning of this Emperor Cangshu spelled out a line of text: Those whose dragon power has not reached seven are forbidden to cultivate.

Obviously, if you want to practice Emperor Cang Sword, at least you must reach seven.

But for Cheng Feng, there is no pressure.

Because Cheng Feng's number of dragons is eight, which has exceeded the minimum conditions.

"Let's practice."

Taking a look at Emperor Cangdao, Cheng Feng nodded with satisfaction.

He felt that the blade style of Emperor Cangshu was very powerful.

If you talk about the power alone, it seems to be a little stronger than the previous ones.

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