Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 932: Leg shape

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Chapter 932 Embryonic Leg Form

"Cheng Feng, what are you doing? Why is your face so bad?"

After converging the strength of the War God armor, Tai Long saw Cheng Feng's face pale and his mental state was very bad.

Could not help frowning and asked about the situation.

"I'm fine."

Cheng Feng coughed and responded with a smile: "I guess the fighting just was too fierce. When I adjust it later, I can return to normal."

Cheng Feng's blushing was obviously caused by the speculation just now.

After all, anyone who knows that he is being stared at by a super-horrifying old antique will feel hairy.

No process peak but did not intend to talk about it.

Because this matter involves too much, far beyond the scope of Tailong and others.

Telling these good friends to Tailong will only add tremendous psychological pressure to them!

Other than that, it has no effect.

"Well, the fighting just now was really grueling."

Tyrone didn't think about it, and said excitedly, "But this battle is well worth it. Having won the gold leggings gives you another life-saving card."

"Yeah!" Cheng Feng nodded with a smile.

But the smile is somewhat abnormal!

If it is known that the armor of war God actually hides such a huge hidden danger, Cheng Fengning would rather lose his belly to Long Yichen.

Just now, it's too late to say anything!

At the time of Cheng Fengsi and Long Yichen.

In the shroud of divine power condensed by the sky chief, Long Yichen immersed in the state of epiphany suddenly raised his right leg.

Om ~~~

As Long Yichen lifted his right leg, a matchless momentum rose into the sky.

This trend is overbearing and domineering, like the bombardment of Dayue, and sweeping like a huge wave, giving a taste that is hard to resist.

It seems that under one leg of Long Yichen, he can't stop it anyway, he will die!

"This is ..." The three of Cheng Feng were shocked.

This momentum is really too strong, it should not appear on the real dragon-level warriors.

"This is the 'potential'!"

The voice of Amaterasu's life sounded: "To be precise, it should be a prototype of a leg leg!"

"Legs? Legs' potential?"

Cheng Feng was really surprised this time: "Is this impossible? Isn't‘ potential ’very difficult to grasp? Why did Long Yichen directly grasp the‘ leg-shaped embryo ’?

Potential is an extremely abstract thing.

People often say that momentum is overwhelming and overwhelming ... but that's all adjectives, describing something invisible.

However, when martial arts practice martial arts to a certain level, this intangible thing can be directly practiced and faked to become true and truly displayed.

However, it is quite difficult to achieve this step.

Take the sword, for example.

The warrior wants to practice the sword power, generally must first develop the sword intention.

And you have to train your sword to the highest level first, and then produce qualitative changes to generate the sword potential!

Cheng Feng is also quite talented in the knife path, and at this moment he has just practiced the knife to the seventh level and 20%.

There is still a long way to go before practicing the sword.

But Long Yichen, after a mere epiphany, even practiced a prototype of a leg shape?

This is how many consecutive jumps, it's amazing!

"The leg posture is a small type of 'strength', which is no better than a sword posture, a sword posture, a boxing posture ..."

The chief of Tianzhao commanded: "Of course, this is also related to Long Yichen's talent."

"This son's talent in leg skills is extremely high. Before, he had restrained himself because he was too dependent on the pair of golden leggings."

"Then he lost the golden leggings, which was a break and standing, plus an epiphany, and he developed a clump of leg shape, which is justified!"

"Fuck, this guy is so lucky!"

After listening to the analysis of Tian Zhao's life, Tyrone was jealous.

As for Cheng Feng, my heart is a little more complicated ...

Inside the power shield, oh!

Long Yichen's closed eyes opened stunned, and there were two brilliant flashes inside.

Obviously, Long Yichen ended his epiphany.

Seeing this, Amaterasu ordered to remove the divine shield.

Then Long Yichen stepped out and came to the Cheng Feng four.

"Cheng Feng, I really want to thank you this time."

Long Yichen faced Cheng Feng and clenched his fists in both hands: "This time you and I fought. Although I lost the golden leggings, it also let me get rid of the shackles of my heart and step out of the shadow of the golden leggings."

"Compared to this, I lost the gold armor but was blessed by misfortune!"

"Brother Long, you are indeed 'blessed by disaster'." Cheng Feng smiled.

Cheng Feng was relieved at this time, no longer tangled in the calculation of God of War.

He will not blame himself, and put the responsibility on Long Yichen.

Besides, aside from the calculation of God of War, the armor of God of War is indeed a super life-saving hole card.

Cheng Feng relied on the armor of war, not knowing how many times he had passed.

Even if it is finally calculated by the God of War, it is much better than being killed by the enemy early without getting the War God armor, right?

"Cheng Feng, although we haven't gotten along very much, but I can feel it out, you are a person worthy of deep friendship."

Long Yichen said: "I hope that we can become friends in the future."

"Me too." Cheng Feng nodded.

Long Yichen is unrestrained and unrestrained. He can afford to put it down, and he can make a deep friendship.

"If you have time, you must come to my northern Xinjiang dragon house."

Long Yichen said: "As for now, I need to return to the family immediately to sort out the inspiration I just learned."

"So, Cheng Feng, Tian Zhao senior ... I'll take a step first."

While talking, Long Yichen took out a golden portal.

After it was opened, a precious space spar was put in, and the Golden Gate was immediately golden.

"Did you stop there!"

The words ended, Long Yichen plunged into the golden portal without dragging his feet.

At the same time, however, a soul ring was thrown from the golden portal.

Cheng Feng took the soul ring, opened it, and found that there were a million dragon crystals inside.

It was a million dragon crystals that he had previously given back to Long Yichen. However, Long Yichen had returned before leaving.

"This guy, Long Yichen, is kind of funny, it's very temperament to me!"

Seeing this, Tai Long raised a brow and looked at Long Yichen.

After all, a million dragon crystals is not a small number, and you can buy several high-level road soldiers.

But Long Yichen said nothing and returned directly.

"This person is indeed very personal."

Holding Million Dragon Crystal, Cheng Feng also raised his eyebrows: "Maybe, we can really become friends in the future."

After speaking, Cheng Feng opened the soul ring and took out half of the million dragon crystals contained in the soul ring.

One million dragon crystals, half of them are exactly 500,000.

When so many dragon crystals lined up in the void, the rich dragon-shaped vitality suddenly dissipated, so that the whole sky appeared a combination of dragon and tiger.

"I have seen so many dragon crystals for the first time."

Seeing this scene, Tyrone could not help but be a little shocked.

"I seem to be the first time." Bai Ze is no exception.

"Tyron, Bai Ze, stop snoring."

At the mouth of Tailong's death, Cheng Feng's voice sounded: "Hurry up and take out your own soul ring and divide these 500,000 dragon crystals!"

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