Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 939: The strongest true dragon power in history

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Chapter 939: The Strongest True Dragon Power in History

After the blood of Zhenlong entered the abdomen, Cheng Feng guided slightly, and quickly reached the vicinity of his Longli acupoint.

Around Cheng Feng's Longli acupoints, there are eight air seas scattered.

These eight seas are the source of Cheng Feng's cultivation.

Next, he only needs to pour in that true dragon's blood, choose a Qihai to train in, and build a true dragon's body frame.

Then the dragon power in the sea of ​​air is poured back, and it can fill the true dragon frame and condense a true dragon power!

"let's start!"

Cheng Feng casually chose a sea of ​​qi and directly trained in that drop of true dragon's blood.

Om ~~~

With that drop of true dragon's blood training into the sea of ​​gas.

The drop of dragon-shaped blood, which was originally the size of a broad bean, suddenly skyrocketed.

In the blink of an eye, it rose to one meter, ten meters, one hundred meters ...

Eventually, it reached a huge kilometer, and then stopped slowly.

I saw this dragon-shaped blood, which had expanded tens of thousands of times, with antler horns, covered with a block of well-scaled scale armor, and five giant claws under the belly.

Although the shape is vague, as if it were a three-dimensional image drawn out of blood, it gives people an oppressive force beyond imagination.

"True dragon, this is true dragon!"

Seeing this true dragon's body from inside, Cheng Feng couldn't hide his excitement.

Then slammed the dragon's power in the body.


The sea of ​​air beneath that true dragon's frame immediately rolled up.

The first dragon with a length of 999 meters soared up and waited for the real dragon's body to approach.

Wow! The power of the entire dragon is directly integrated into the real dragon frame.

However, the integration of the entire strength of the dragon is a waste of money.

Actually, only the head of Zhenlong's body was slightly inflated and full, and the other parts were still very dry.

It looks like a withered dragon corpse, and urgently needs a lot of dragon power to fill it!

Seeing this, Cheng Feng said nothing and immediately encouraged the sea.

Bang bang ~~~

Let the sea of ​​Qi below the body of the true dragon directly curl up the sky.

Like pouring water into the sea, a stream poured into the frame of the true dragon's body.

However, such a horrible filling speed lasted for more than ten minutes, but the frame of the true dragon body only slightly improved.

The distance is completely filled, and the frame of the true dragon is transformed into a true dragon force, but it is still far away.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was ruthless, sinking the frame of the true dragon directly into the sea of ​​Qi.

In this way, a large amount of dragon power is injected into the real dragon frame, so that the body frame of the true dragon becomes full quickly.

But at the same time, the water level of the entire sea of ​​gas has dropped at an alarming rate.

According to Cheng Feng's estimation, within a few minutes, the entire sea of ​​air would dry up.

But at that time, the body of the true dragon might not be filled!

"Fuck, is the whole sea full of dissatisfaction?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyelids jumped: "Since this is the case, I'll take the second, the third, the fourth ... the sea of ​​gas to fill!"

Cheng Feng was really fierce this time.

He actually triggered the other seven gas seas in his body, and each of the seven gas seas rolled up a large stream of dragon power and injected them into the eighth gas sea.

Not only that, Cheng Feng also exhibited the Frozen Celestial Decay, absorbing the tumultuous dragon spirit in the practice room, and also filling the consumption of the eighth Qihai.

Under this condition, it has stopped the drop of the eighth gas and sea level!

The speed at which the dragon's body frame absorbs the dragon's power has temporarily reached a balance with the speed of replenishing the dragon's power.

During cultivation, time flies.

I don't know how long it has passed.

When Cheng Feng's other seven gas seas dropped to the lowest level.

In the eighth sea of ​​air, the dried up frame of the true dragon was finally full.

Make it look like a real dragon.

However, this true dragon is a bit thin, as if it is malnourished, giving a skinny feel!

"Hoo ~~~"

In the training room, Cheng Feng exhaled a long breath: "The first true dragon power finally condensed out."

"But at the same time it almost consumed all the dragon power inside me."

"I was still thinking about it, condensing the power of the eight dragons into the power of the true dragon."

Cheng Feng smiled slightly: "It seems that I think too much!"

Just condensing a true dragon's power consumed all his dragon power savings.

And condensing a whole eight, it is impossible at half past one!

"Cheng Feng, in fact this is normal."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "You don't see, how long is the dragon's body that you condensed."

After a reminder from Nalan Changsheng, Cheng Feng was awakened fearfully.

He glanced inside and found the power of the true dragon inside his body, the dragon's body suddenly reached a thousand meters.

"One thousand? The dragon's body is one thousand long?"

Cheng Feng said with surprise: "Uncle Nalan, I seem to have broken the limit!"

Under normal circumstances, the true dragon's body is about 100 meters.

But Cheng Feng's true dragon power, the dragon body is thousands of meters long.

Ten times more powerful than an ordinary true dragon-level warrior!

It is even one meter longer than the dragon body of a true dragon-class top warrior.

Because the true dragon-level top warrior, its true dragon power is 999 meters!

No wonder Cheng Feng condenses the power of a real dragon, but needs to consume so much dragon power.

The reason is here!

"Cheng Feng, using the blood of the true dragon to condense the power of the true dragon, breaking the limit is inevitable."

Nalan Changsheng said: "The key is whether you can break the historical limit and refresh the historical record!"

"history record?"

"In the history of the dome continent, there are many geniuses of true dragon-level warriors whose real power exceeds 999 meters."

Nalan Changsheng said: "But the man with the longest true dragon power seems to be only 9,999 meters."

"When your practice reaches the top of the true dragon class, the dragon body exceeds 9,999 meters, you can refresh the history and create miracles!"

"And you, have this talent."

"The power of the true dragon is 9,999 meters long?"

After hearing that, Cheng Feng was shocked: "Isn't such a true dragon-level warrior ten times stronger than a normal true dragon-level warrior?"

"If I surpass these true dragon-level warriors, it would be ..."

"Cheng Feng, don't think too much."

Nalan Changsheng said, "You are still absorbing the dragon and heaven's strength first, and completely solidify the power of the true dragon you just condensed, and then talk about the rest!"

The strength of Cheng Feng's body was thin, obviously not completely stable, and a lot of dragon power was needed tonic.

Only by letting the power of the entire dragon be completely plump, can he be considered half-legged to enter the dragon class.

"Good!" Cheng Feng nodded.

Then Shihan Tianchen decided to start madly absorbing the heaven and earth dragon spirit in the cultivation room.

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