Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1018: Shocking Jianming

Chapter 1018

The Daoist Slaughter had already thought about it, Han Yu couldn't learn it for the time being, he had to personally help seal the souls of a few people, but now it is not his turn to go. The shock in Daoist Slaughter's heart at this time was not much weaker than Han Yu's just now.

"This is just a freak!" Taoist Slaughter sighed secretly, and began to probe Han Yu's body curiously.

The Slaughter of Immortal Dao talent attached to Han Yu's body, and simply probed Han Yu's body, and found that Han Yu's body was extremely powerful, far superior to ordinary people. But this is not enough to make the Taoist Slaughter impersonate. After all, he already knows that Han Yu is a Qi Tian Master, and a Qi Tian Master does not wear a Qi Tian armor. This is enough to show how abnormal his physical body is.

After investigating it again, Taoist Slaughter did not gain any further.

He didn't even want to explore Han Yu's dantian. After all, everyone's dantian is the same, there is nothing good to see, and the dantian is the most difficult place for a person to explore, and he doesn't bother to waste that effort.

What he didn't know was that Han Yu's biggest secret was in his dantian.

"Qinle, come here!" Han Yu beckoned to Qinle.

"Why?" Qin Le glanced at Han Yu, still a little angry, but after thinking about it, he came over.

"These people are all killed by soul attacks. It is very likely that there will be a soul attack in more than three hours. For safety, I have to seal your soul. After the soul attack is over, I will unlock the soul seal and we will move on." Han Yu said.

Han Yu couldn't talk too much about the Qiming of the Sword of Judgment a day with Qin Yue, otherwise she would get to the bottom, and Han Yu would not be able to explain, so she could only say that.

"Soul attack?" Qin Lexiu frowned, and said with some suspicion: "You want to seal my soul, don't you have any unruly thoughts?"

Once a person's soul is sealed, it will become a walking dead and will be controlled arbitrarily by people.

"If you don't want it, you will be as miserable as they are when you are attacked!" Han Yu pointed at the six people on the ground in fright.

Qin Yue was a little frightened, and suddenly he hesitated.

"Boy, you don't actually have to worry about her, she's okay." Taoist Slaughter said suddenly.

Han Yu ignored the Slaughter Immortal Taoist, how big is Qin Yue's cultivation and how strong is his soul? Will it be all right? This old guy definitely wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to cheat Qin Music and save one more person to grab the treasure with him.

Qin Le hesitated again and again, and finally made up his mind, and said: "Okay, I will let you seal my soul, but ugly things can be said before, if you dare to plot against me, I will shoot your ass."

Han Yu thought it was a little funny. Although Qin Le is not young, he is like a child who has not grown up. If Han Yu really wants to plot against her, will she still have a chance to resist after sealing her soul?

Qin Le took off the Tianlei Bow, sat cross-legged, then put the Tianlei Bow aside, and said: "Okay, let's do it."

Han Yu and Qin Le sat cross-legged face to face, making seals with both hands, and soon he made seventy-two seals. The seventy-two seals connected the city with a chain. From the center of Qinle's eyebrows, he entered the Niwan Palace and locked her soul.

As you can see, Qin Music is a bit painful. After all, Han Yu's Wansuo Seal of Soul Seal is an external force. But soon, the pain disappeared, and Qin Le sat blankly, his face stiff, and a pair of delicate eyes became hollow.

The soul is sealed, like a walking dead.

"Daoist Slaughter, do you want me to help you?" Han Yu asked.

"No, you should take care of yourself, don't worry about me." Slaughter Immortal Taoist. He was very vigilant, if his soul was handed over to Han Yu to seal it, it would probably suffer Han Yu's great loss.

Han Yu was a little disappointed. He wanted to take the opportunity to take down the Daoist Slaughter.

"By the way, you haven't taught me how to release Wansuo's soul seal." Han Yu asked suddenly.

When he asked this, he was a little sweaty. He didn't even know how to release the seal, so he sealed Qin Yue.

Daoist Slaughter readily passed on the method to resolve the seal to Han Yu. After Han Yu remembered it in his heart, he used the Soul Seal of Ten Thousand Locks to seal his soul. Because it was sealing his own soul, Han Yu didn't use all his strength to make the seal flawed. Otherwise, even if you know how to release the soul, and the soul is completely sealed, there is no way to release it, you can only wait for the seal to release itself, not knowing it will wait until the year of the monkey.

After the soul was sealed, Han Yu also became stunned. He wasn't afraid that the Taoist Slaughter would take the opportunity to kill him. With the strength of the Taoist Slaughter, he wouldn't have to be so troublesome.

Daoist Slaughter waited for Han Yu to seal his soul before he started to seal his soul, very cautious.

The corridor suddenly became quiet, Han Yu and Qin Yue sat face to face like puppets.

In this way, more than ten minutes passed quietly, and suddenly a voice came.


The sound was crisp, like a peerless sword suddenly coming out of its body, with a supreme majesty. Hearing this sound was like hearing the edict of the gods and Buddha, and everything must worship.

The sound is not loud, but it seems to be able to reach every corner of the world. Of course, it actually spreads to every corner of the Tiangong, and people outside the Tiangong can't hear it.

Although the Taoists of Han Yu, Qin Le, and Tuxian sealed their souls, they could hear this voice. This is the sound of the sword of the sword of judgment.

Only at the moment when the sword sounded, Han Yu's soul felt countless sword lights pouring from the center of his eyebrows, killing the souls in the Niwan Palace from all directions, all hitting the soul seal.

"Boom boom..."

Han Yu seemed to hear the explosion of those peerless sword lights.

Suddenly, Han Yu's soul throbbed, as if his body was twitching. This is the sound of the sword of the sword of judgment, the trauma to the soul caused by the impact of the seal.

It is impossible to imagine that if it were not protected by a seal, Han Yu's soul would be destroyed in an instant.

The sound of the sword of the sword of judgment kills people invisible.

This is the real terrifying killer, and it is the supreme killer move with a light cry.

Fortunately, the sound of the sword sound did not last long, but it dissipated after the sound, and there was no other sound. Han Yu's soul broke the seal from the inside according to the method of cracking the soul seal of Ten Thousand Locks, and couldn't help gasping for a while, his face turned pale unexpectedly.

The sound of the sword just now shocked Han Yu's soul.

"What a terrifying sound of the sword!" Han Yu glanced at Qin Le, Qin Le didn't seem to be affected much. This should be due to Han Yu's sealing of her soul, Wan Suo's seal of soul became her soul The strongest protective cover.

"Boy, have you seen the horror of the sound of the sword of judgment?" Taoist Slaughter was a little inviting. He sealed the seal after Han Yu and unlocked the seal before Han Yu, which was an unusual defense against Han Yu.

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